AMD 6850 and 6870 released, October 18

My apologies. I thought you were refering to your posts about the 6800 series being priced to high to bring down the GTX 460 prices which sounded like:

"6870 is too high priced, now I can't get a 460 cheaper. Damn you AMD!" :D
what is looking to be happening now is exactly what I was trying earlier to convey should happen. the 6870/6850 being released at a good price/performance and forcing Nvidia to lower prices and basically a price war. finally we will have many good cards to choose from at under 250 bucks. :)
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what is looking to be happening now is exactly what I was trying earlier to convey should happen. the 6870/6850 being released at a good price/performance and forcing Nvidia to lower prices and basically a price war. finally we will have many good cards to choose from at under 250 bucks. :)

I love competition and pricewars! :D
well maybe I spoke to soon because those prices are not looking to good.:eek:

even at 20 bucks cheaper I sure don't see a price war happening based on that...

Makes sense to wait till release as then you can see performance and msrp. I'm sure you will be able to find cards for a lot less than those prices, even on launch day.

My predictions for the new cards was $189 and $219 and with a drop in the 1GB 460 to $199. I think I will be kind of close.

and those are for msrp
post #765 makes me a sad panda though :(

We will know tomorrow and also how they relate in performance to their price. :)

Since Nvidia is lowering prices and AMD is lowering prices, they are obviously watching each others pricing and adjust them accordingly. That smells like pricewar to me where consumer wins regardless! :D
post #765 makes me a sad panda though :(

Can you stop already? If you want to complain at least do the homework and compare the prices of other cards on those same sites.
I'll do a freebie for you. Cheapest GTX460 1GB $221.76, on that same site 6850 for $213.21

Here's another: Cheapest GTX470 $307.39, same site cheapest 6870 $264.77

You can carry on whining now.
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Can you stop already? If you want to complain at least do the homework and compare the prices of other cards on those same sites.
I'll do a freebie for you. Cheapest GTX460 1GB $221.76, on that same site 6850 for $213.21
please lose the attitude. some those prices were just not as low as I hoped to see and that is all.
You had hopes for pre-launch pricing?
well of course these can be completely different on Friday. doesn't everybody have their own idea of prices they would like to see even if it is before release? its no different then seeing leaked benchmarks that are not as good as you hoped to see.
well of course these can be completely different on Friday. doesn't everybody have their own idea of prices they would like to see even if it is before release? its no different then seeing leaked benchmarks that are not as good as you hoped to see.

well I have my ideas of prices I would like to see but I don't even consider the price window of one to two days before launch because those are likely the worst prices you will ever see on those products.
What I'm worried about is the prices of 5870 and 5850 are not moving down. It looks like they are simply going to EOL the cards and let the market decide on discounts if any.
What I'm worried about is the prices of 5870 and 5850 are not moving down. It looks like they are simply going to EOL the cards and let the market decide on discounts if any.
yeah that could be one big mess. even with lowered prices the 5850 might be a hard sell because many people will want the "new" ATI cards. the 5870 will still be faster but the 6870 name confusion alone might make it have to drop quite a bit. maybe they will EOL them though quickly with the 6900 cards coming out in a month. surely no retailers want the be stuck with lots of them at that point.
surely no retailers want the be stuck with lots of them at that point.
Search newegg for HD 4870 and HD 4850 and you'll see that retailers in fact do get stuck with old product stock.
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The Gigabyte 6850 looks pretty nice. Notice the custom PCB by the Gigabyte logo stamped on the board and the custom cooling solution.

Gigabyte 6870 is reference model PCB since it has the AMD logo stamped on the board as well as the reference model cooler
Ohhh some early benchmarks from someone with the card installed already.

His system specs:
Sapphire 6870
965 BE stock clock 3.4ghz
4gig ram
win 7 64bit
Crysis GPU Test 1920x1080 Very High Settings (no AA) – 35.4 fps

Compare to a Tom's hardware review using same settings:,2585-10.html
Radeon HD 5870
Intel Core i7-980X Extreme (Gulftown) 3.33 GHz, 6.4 GT/s, 12MB L3 Cache, power-saving settings enabled
6GB (3 x 2GB) DDR3-2000 8-8-8-24 @ 1,600 MHz Kingston HyperX T1 Series
Win 7 64bit
Crysis GPU Test 1920x1080 Very High Settings (no AA) – 36.85 fps

Looking very promising
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I'd like to see that chart with tessellation set to extreme, so I can compare it to this:

Here's a benchmark, but unfortunately it has other settings then your link. Tried to find something more similar, but the closest I came to was some OC'd 460's (Sonic Platinum and regular OC):


in the end pretty much everything I said was accurate. the cards are not going to be $270 and ATI is wanting the price performance sweet spot enough to adjust pricing in response to Nvidia now lowering prices.

Are we still on this? You said the 6870 would be 25-30% better than the 460 1gb, which would put it ahead of the 470. If you had said 5-10%, that would have made more sense in the context of your comments. You seemed disappointed that the 6870 wouldn't lower the prices of the 460 1gb/768, but, as I kept saying, that's the purpose of the 6850. Since, in early benchmarks, it beats both cards.

But enough of this......

Here's more actual benchmarks:
Heaven results using a PC with dual-core i5- 650 and 4Gb, 64-bit Win7:

Anisotropy / Anti-aliasing : X4
Resolution 1920X1200

ATI HD 5850 594
ATI HD 6850 578
ATI HD 6870 682

3DM Vantage on same PC:
6850 – X6006
6870 – X7464 (GTX470 gets 7200 or so with i7...)

Man, these cards are beasting.
NDA lifts Friday 22nd 9:01AM U.S. Central time, you can quote me on that.
Ohhh some early benchmarks from someone with the card installed already.

His system specs:
Sapphire 6870
965 BE stock clock 3.4ghz
4gig ram
win 7 64bit
Crysis GPU Test 1920x1080 Very High Settings (no AA) – 35.4 fps

Compare to a Tom's hardware review using same settings:,2585-10.html
Radeon HD 5870
Intel Core i7-980X Extreme (Gulftown) 3.33 GHz, 6.4 GT/s, 12MB L3 Cache, power-saving settings enabled
6GB (3 x 2GB) DDR3-2000 8-8-8-24 @ 1,600 MHz Kingston HyperX T1 Series
Win 7 64bit
Crysis GPU Test 1920x1080 Very High Settings (no AA) – 36.85 fps

Looking very promising

Damn, that does look good! You should post and ask the guys to bench some DX11 games that are heavy on tesselation.
Well those numbers just about sell me on a 6870 if any are available at launch. I think the 69xx series will outrun my [email protected] and and I only game at 1680x1050 unless I throw it up on the hdtv (since it's plasma I don't really do that...too many damn static HUDs). Should be able to overclock it and get a healthy lead over 5870, but I am curious to see how the prices fall on the 5870 or if they even will until the 6970 is out.
Hmmm. So the 6870 is running neck and neck with the 460 1GB. Wonder if the 460 was overclocked? In any case, pricing is going to be key.

Heaven has quite a bit of tessellation, the GTX 460 1gb would outperform a 5870 IIRC.
(since it's plasma I don't really do that...too many damn static HUDs
If it's anything within the last 3-4 years, you don't really have to worry about plasma burn-in anymore.
If it's anything within the last 3-4 years, you don't really have to worry about plasma burn-in anymore.

I regularly play PC and console games on a 2009 Panasonic plasma and experience no problems of note. If you leave an image on the screen, and then turn off the source signal but leave the screen on, then you can see a whitish imprint of the old image - image retention. But that quickly clears up once you play anything else on the screen.

Plasma image quality is just amazing, too.
I had the same experience PC gaming for a summer on a plasma. Some image retention that would go away within hours, but nothing permenant. Only issue I ever had was that on my 2009 Panasonic 50" I the computer would never use the entire screen, it would use all but 1/2" or so border, but the border is pixels that are used when on any other source of video. I don't want to derail this thread any more, but if any of you Plasma gamers have any ideas about this please PM me, I'd appreciate some thought.

I'll be using my new 6870 or 5870 to do video streaming to the other room through my 50' HDMI cable. Never had any problems with my 4870 doing it, so shouldn't have any problems with the 58xx/68xx either.
yeah I guess so. still a few people picked apart my earlier comments for no other reason than to be confrontational.

People picked apart your comments because you were complaining that the prices are higher than they "should" be and were making it AMD's responsibility to bring 460 prices down. I gaurantee you won't find a single post attacking you for predicting a $250 price tag, rather, you'll find people attacking you for complaining that it may be more than that.

So you may have been right, but no one really said you were wrong.
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You should read the threads a little more- those links have already been posted in this and the other thread.

Some early online listings with inflated pre-order pricing and without the recently announced $20 price drop:
6850 1GB:
XFX HD 6850 $228.93
ASUS HD 6850 $213.21 for comparison cheapest GTX460 at same site $221.76
XFX HD 6850 $230.94
ASUS HD 6850 $213.36
ASUS HD 6850 $218.44
From the Fud and confirmed by Nvidia:

In addition to the recent release of the 260.89 WHQL driver and in order to spoil AMD’s Radeon HD 6870 and 6850 launch, it has decided to officially drop the prices on its GTX 470 and GTX 460 boards.

Effective immediately Geforce GTX 460 1GB drops to $199 or €169 including VAT, while Geforce GTX 470 drops to US $259, €219 including VAT. The UK price for the GTX 460 is £149 and £189 for the GTX 470 and both can be found at those prices over at The European prices are even a bit lower than the announced ones, and GTX 460 1GB can be found for as low as €159,99 and the GTX 470 stands at €209,99 over at

Nvidia’s Lars Weinand, Senior Technical Marketing Manager, EMEA has confirmed these prices and he shared many links of the cards with these prices in almost all EU countries. Be sure to check your local etailer as they should adjust the prices to get close to new ones.

Mr Weinand also stated that “The price adjustments we made are not temporary, and are reflective of an upcoming change in our product lineup.” Nvidia gets better price / performance ratio and puts more pressure on Radeon HD 6870 and 6850, cards that should launch tomorrow.

End users will definitely get happy as both parties have to drop the prices to compete better, which means the end users win. The choice is of course yours.

Will this affect buying decisions of the 6850 and 6870 for you guys? If a lot of these speculative prices are to be believed that puts the GTX470 close to speculative price of 6870. I am planning to build a mid-range computer after Black Friday for a family member so these mid-range price wars are good news for me whatever the outcome. :p
470 is power hungry and noisy and hot if the specs on the 6870 are true, so it would have to be priced less than the 6870 assuming both are the same price for me to consider it at this point

AMD is offering a $20 price drop too supposedly
From the Fud and confirmed by Nvidia:

Will this affect buying decisions of the 6850 and 6870 for you guys? If a lot of these speculative prices are to be believed that puts the GTX470 close to speculative price of 6870. I am planning to build a mid-range computer after Black Friday for a family member so these mid-range price wars are good news for me whatever the outcome. :p

it wouldn't for me, not the 470 anyways. it was never the deal the 460 is. but I need to see the 460 vs the 6850 in an H review before its safe to take a pick.
ROFL Guru3d jumped the gun with their review. Hurry get there before they take it down
I got the first page of one of the reviews to load and that was it. Now it's just stuck at "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"

Followed a few minutes later by:
"Whoops sorry,

This article you requested is not yet on-line or you reached an invalid URL. Please click here to load the landing page and select the article you like to read. Our apologies for the inconvenience."