AMD 4600 Windsor board

What kind of features are you looking for? There are lots of good boards that fit in that price range, so it comes down to what kind of features you want to see out of your board.
How many PCI slots do you need? Do you want an active or passive chipset cooler? How many SATA slots do you want/need? How many LAN ports? If you just want a basic OCing/gaming board, you can go as cheap as the Tforce 550 or Abit NF-M2 (if you want mATX). Obviously the Asus M2N premium Vista editions are going to cost more, but they come with a different set of features (wireless, etc.).

Personally, I'd just get a basic Tforce 550 board and see if you like that.
I just need a basic board with good Ocing options,
i want the cooling to be good i dont know what passive means in cooling, but im thinking a Heatsink instead of a fan is that what you mean?

yea i was looking at the tforce 550,i could get it for 50 bucks
but i was reading that the 590 is newer and better and has that EVGA technology where it gives better performance on nvidia cards which is nice
but its 130 compared to 50 which sucks
Real world though, you won't notice the difference between the eVGA and the Tforce 550 running at the same clockspeed.
ohh is that so?
a motherboard is a motherboard i guess all the same shit really?

ok cool,
now to pick a video card hm
yea i really wanted that 1950XT
but i dont want to risk it as my power supply is only 450
yea i really wanted that 1950XT
but i dont want to risk it as my power supply is only 450

I ran two X1900's in Crossfire on a 520W PSU (along with 3 HDD's, an OC'd E6600, 2 optical drives, and an LCD display). I think 450 would be ok for one.
ok well i need to buy a new comp in the first place cause my power supplied just went out after like a couple years of having it,
and when my power supply went out it fried the mobos AGP slot and fried the video card along with it

whats the worse that could happen if the power supply isnt enough for the power hungry 1950XT?
ok well i need to buy a new comp in the first place cause my power supplied just went out after like a couple years of having it,
and when my power supply went out it fried the mobos AGP slot and fried the video card along with it

whats the worse that could happen if the power supply isnt enough for the power hungry 1950XT?

Well, if you look around you can find some good deals on PSU's. Fry's regularly has deals like this one.

I picked one of those up for the $7 shipped. I've never had a problem getting Ultra rebates either.

Worst case scenario, something blows up and kills your computer. Very likely if there's going to be a problem, the PSU would spin it's fans and then just not boot because of the power draw at startup. IIRC, you have an Antec PSU which generally isn't too bad. Depending on your other components, I still think you should be fine. Like I said before I had two X1900's which draw more power than the X1950's and it ran fine on a 520W system.
well the thing is i just bought my power supply and cant afford to buy another one even if its a MIR i dont have the money on my card, that money is going towards my rig

and i dont have a antec PSU?
i have a coolmax

Hmm...that's going to be close...especially with 22A on the 12V rail. I'd get a 512mb X1950GT and then OC it to X1950 Pro speeds. I did it with my Sapphire X1950GT 256mb card and it was pretty simple (and I even have bad luck with OCing video cards).
yea something a little less power hungry is a good idea

It really depends on your needs. A 7600GT or a 7900GS would also work I believe as Nvidia has been doing better than ATI with power usage lately.