amBX is cheap as chips and looks great with Eyefinity!

I think I'm in for one as well! So much for your thought in the 2nd post that nobody's interested! ;)

I can't seem to get the Sears/Kmart websites to tell me if they're in stock, does anyone think it's worth the effort to stop at some stores this evening or just get it ordered and wait?

Thanks for sharing!
This looks cool as hell, I'm sold. The only thing keeping me from buying a set right now is where to put the wall washers. If I could wall mount them either next to or preferably behind my monitor which is also wall mounted I would pick up a set now. I don't want to have to put them on top of my AV-40s which are massive.

Also this is back in stock at Sears with Hawx for $30. :D
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I remember seeing these back at least a year ago but I remember the price tag being higher than it is now but glad to see it is a lot cheaper, think of picking up two sets for this price now. Might toss the four light bars I got from Ikea for this. :cool:
In for one.

No hint of anything like this in my Sears store.

The funniest part? Shipping options: Standard, $8.20, arrives in 2 weeks, Expedited, $35, arrives in 1.5 weeks!
Damn it man you got me so interested in this I think I may purchase it! :D

I've been looking for something to upgrade my computer with but nothing was needed. my 2 year old rig can still handle all the newest games at 1920x1200, enough cheap steam games bought from the previous sales to last me months, and great speakers/headphones.

These lights look both aesthetically pleasing and practical, yay for no more eyestrain! the lamp next to my desk gets really hot and using my bedlamp next to my bed causes an annoying shadow to appear on the screen.
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I ordered from K-Mart for $30. Estimated shipping date was February 12th, one day later I got my tracking number, and UPS says it'll be here tomorrow.

Their delivery estimation system is FUBAR, just order anyway, it'll ship promptly.
Ordered one- I would like to give a personal "thanks" to the OP- this wasn't even on my radar, didn't know it existed before this thread. This will be fun.
anyone know anywhere else to get these in Canada?
Wouldn't mind trying them out, they look pretty cool.
Unless your point is that you have something against TigerDirect, check a few posts up, there's a link to It's listed as in stock.
Unless your point is that you have something against TigerDirect, check a few posts up, there's a link to It's listed as in stock.

What good are the extensions when you can't use them without a starter package?

plus, I don't want rumble and fans, I want the lights.

Thanks though.

Also, I have nothing against tigerdirect. They just don't have the product.

edit: just read my reply, just to clarify, it's not meant to sound smartask like. Just stating..
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I just got my set in, and I'm fairly pleased. They are much bigger than I anticipated, but that might just be because of my 19" monitor...

The setup was fairly long and involved because I'm on Win 7 x64, but I just followed the guide Finkus posted and didn't have much trouble. The only game that gave me a problem was WoW, and the work around for that is to disable UAC (in the security center) to get the lights to play nice with WoW.
I just got my set in, and I'm fairly pleased. They are much bigger than I anticipated, but that might just be because of my 19" monitor...

The setup was fairly long and involved because I'm on Win 7 x64, but I just followed the guide Finkus posted and didn't have much trouble. The only game that gave me a problem was WoW, and the work around for that is to disable UAC (in the security center) to get the lights to play nice with WoW.

Win 7 64 bit, mine works ok as long as I don't take the upgrade to the control panel - in which case the control panel crashes every time you start it :( Seems to have trouble writing to the registry for some reason.

imo it works best for games without a special profile (which is most of them) - e.g. DA:O or L4D. Tried it with ut2004 where it has a special mutator so you get red flashes every time you were hit, found it a bit much then - too much flashing.
If anyone find a workaround for DX11 games, I'd be interested. Dirt2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta are not working, because of DX11 mode. (Dirt2 works if you force DX9 mode)

What two games am I playing the most right now? :(
Yeah for us Canadians eBay is probably our only source to buy it from. Can't find any Cdn retailer carrying these.
This also doesn't work AT ALL with any games being run with SoftTH. The amBX software simply doesn't even recognize that your game is running.

I'll probably grab a second GTX260 when Nvidia releases their drivers that allow triplehead gaming on SLI systems (which should allow amBX to work), but until then, I've hooked up my kit to my bedroom TV and Media Center PC. It's awesome for watching movies :D
I actually worked the amBX into an alarm clock via WMP. Just get WMP to use the amBX plugin, and the lights will flash with the music. Then setup a Scheduled Task in Windows to start WMP with a playlist (add the playlist in the "arguments"). When the time comes, it opens up WMP plays the playlist, and the lights go nuts. Wakes me right up.
I've got 2 sets... got the premium kit (with fans + rumble + speakers) for xmas and bought a starter kit after.

The lighting's okay with 1 set but is better with 2... it really depends on your personal setup.

As for the fans + rumble not being well supported that's true but for the added effect you get I'd say they're worth it... remember PS2 before the dual shock controllers compared to after... or turn off the vibration of any action packed 360 game.

I like the rumble myself, and the fans are gonna be great when the weather gets hot XD

So no the rumble isn't supported by many games and neither are the fans but for the price of the extension kits (£20 in the UK) you can't really complain too much.

As for the OP's setup it's okay but as with obobski I prefer the satellites positioned around me (just wish I had a bigger desk). But it's down to personal preference and your own setup as I said before.
I agree 1 set isn't *that* bright. Not sure 2 sets would really help - the problem is most of the light is bounced off your back wall providing back light only. You really need some light from above shining down on your keyboard to stop eye strain imo. I need an ambx lightbulb ideally, until then I still use a low powered ceiling light which obviously dilutes the effect.
I agree 1 set isn't *that* bright. Not sure 2 sets would really help - the problem is most of the light is bounced off your back wall providing back light only. You really need some light from above shining down on your keyboard to stop eye strain imo. I need an ambx lightbulb ideally, until then I still use a low powered ceiling light which obviously dilutes the effect.
Sounds like you need a keyboard with a backlight :p
Sounds like you need a keyboard with a backlight :p

Apparenly Mat Catz are bringing out amBX backlit keyboards and lights later in the year. I thought the keyboard sounded a bit gimmiky but it would be ideal for this chap.
Man you guys suck. When this thread was first active, I looked, I thought, I said "naw i dont really NEED it." Then I see it resurrected, and now my bank account is $55 lighter. Damn you guys!:D
holy crap its pretty much impossible to order these things if youre not in the
Just randomly questioning in threads? :confused:

Anyways L4D2 is like L4D1, both single and multiplayer. Up to 8 players with various match types. :D

you sir win the oddest necro thread ever.

I want ambx - I just wanted to make sure it works with l4d2 online multiplayer and not just with the campaign.
Edit: Anyway, I was able to find a set cheap, so I guess I will find out for myself soon.
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Don't have them myself since K-Mart/Sears up and stopped selling them but it seems that they work with any game that isn't Direct-X 11 so I would imagine L4D2 online would work just the same as single.
That is what I wanted them for too.
Ok, I've got my two kits set up and working. Much better than a single kit, very bright and vibrant.

This was just me messing around with amBX creator, seeing what kinds of color combinations I could get out of the system:
