Amazon PCDD THQ Bundle - $9.99 - Likely Starts Nov. 11


Supreme [H]ardness
May 10, 2010
Bundle link is here -

also you get -
Special Offers and Product Promotions

Order this product between now and 12/31/2012 and receive a $5 promotional credit good towards any of the "Editor's Choice" game downloads in the month of January 2013. You will receive an email with your promotional code and redemption instructions. Qualifying credits for this promotion may only be used one at a time. Here's how (restrictions apply)

Will show here as once it updates -

Remember the Square Enix bundled posted before was really popular and keys ran out, so giving advanced notice. Date isn't set yet apparently, but if its the deal of the week it should start Nov 11th.

Also, I've got another upcoming bundle for you guys to look at:

$9.99 for:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Metro 2033
Red Faction Guerrilla
Red Faction Armageddon
Space Marine

Right now all of these are Steam keys (individual keys when you buy the bundle) except for Stalker and Guerrilla. There is a high chance we'll get those as Steam keys.

I'm still locking down a date but it'll likely happen sometime next week.

I'm pretty pumped about this one .

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Some awesome games in that bundle. Honestly I wish they would make a stalker bundle for $10-12. I am sure that would be a huge seller.
Some awesome games in that bundle. Honestly I wish they would make a stalker bundle for $10-12. I am sure that would be a huge seller.

It is a bit complicated with STALKER I believe as the distribution/publishing rights for each of the games are with different companies. THQ for instance is only the publisher for SoC but none of the others.
It is a bit complicated with STALKER I believe as the distribution/publishing rights for each of the games are with different companies. THQ for instance is only the publisher for SoC but none of the others.

Ah, didn't know that.
Any chance they are offering a discount on the games individually? I have most of those games from a previous bundle, but I want to pick up Space Marine...
I had never heard of Homefront until I read this post. I spent a bit of time on their site and read some reviews on forums. Now I'm looking forward to playing it. There are some other great-looking games in this bundle as well. I can't wait until it goes live.
It's not a bad game, but it is MUCH shorter than I would have expected... THQ is supposed to be making homefront 2, although I'm not really sure if the company will be around long enough to see it through
It's not a bad game, but it is MUCH shorter than I would have expected... THQ is supposed to be making homefront 2, although I'm not really sure if the company will be around long enough to see it through

That's one of the things that I love about Amazon's bundle deals: if you get a game with half a dozen other games and one is short, you have all those other titles to keep you occupied. I don't feel like I've been ripped off because I didn't pay $60 to be disappointed.
This is rad. I already have two of these and it will be nice to have them on steam and get four new games. +4 to the backlog!
So is this deal not going to happen? Prototype pack replaced it? I waited too long on the other amazing pack before it went OOS. and amazon's idea of compensating was a lousy coupon and a promotion on their FTP games -_-, reminds me of bait and switch broken promises concept that Best Buy employs, is it really coming to this?
An update on this.

From what I read this will be a 2 hours sale first as part of some "Gamespot Show?" Not sure what that is a reference too since I don't follow that kind of stuff, maybe someone knows.

Depending on how well it does it will then become deal of the week for next week, Nov. 18.

So similar situation as the Prototype Bundle.
Did this so called 2 hour sale happen yet? Somehow I get the feeling this deal will never happen. Even if it does on the now-pushed-back 18th, it'll go out of stock in minutes and Amazon will post an apology page with links to their free to play games with 15% off dlc! Can't wait! :rolleyes:
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Did this so called 2 hour sale happen yet? Somehow I get the feeling this deal will never happen. Even if it does on the now-pushed-back 18th, it'll go out of stock in minutes and Amazon will post an apology page with links to their free to play games with 15% off dlc! Can't wait! :rolleyes:

Friday at 2pm (PST)

They will scroll the link on their livecast like the last 3 shows (most recently the $7.49 prototype bundle).
Can someone post the link from the livecast. I have the horrible feeling that I'm not going to get in on this regardless though as I have the worst kind of politically BS product planning committee meeting to be in at that time.
I bit, but it says comptible with win xp... this should be good for win 7 right? Hopefully I can link it to steam!
You also get a $5 coupon to use in January 2013 -
Special Offers and Product Promotions

Order this product between now and 12/31/2012 and receive a $5 promotional credit good towards any of the "Editor's Choice" game downloads in the month of January 2013. You will receive an email with your promotional code and redemption instructions. Qualifying credits for this promotion may only be used one at a time. Here's how (restrictions apply)
Meh.. overall..

I grabbed the bundle... I never played red faction, so it works for me i guess that I get both.. I'll give the other games to my kids

The comments are funny.. all the console fanboys whining and complaining
I don't have any of the games so I'm looking forward to trying out space marine and stalker more spcifically. Too bad I sold my GTX 580, lol guess I'll be gaming on a gts 250. :D
And done (as in I got one, it's still available). Glad this one lasted longer than the Square bundle.
I bought the bundle and they work on Steam. I already played or don't want these 3 games. Looking for a trade or sell them cheap.

Red Faction: Guerrilla - GONE
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - GONE
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - GONE
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Does this work with STEAM?

Edit never mind, did the import game thing
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I guess it is still live because I just purchased it this morning. I had to go out to dinner with the in-laws last night and missed the livecast...
I'd be interested in purchasing someones extra copy of Space Marine if they have one for $3.
Just to give you laptop users a hope

Anything that is equivilent to a 7650M will run the games just fine at 1336*768 resolution with high details in DX10/11.

Metro 2033
DX 11 has some issue with AMD where I get lines in the display.

Runs with High DX 11 settings 2x AA and 8X ansio and everything else to high

STALKER Shadows of Chernobyl
High Details 2X AA and 8X ansio

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine
Plays nicely with high settings and post processing on.

EDIT: US Customers get a $5 credit available for use on another game starting in Jan 2013...
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Yeah, I grabed it, and got 5 bucks back. 2 great games, a pair of OK games and a time killer for 5 bucks? I'll take it.
If anyone misses this and was specifically looking for STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl I'm looking to trade/sell my key as I already have that game on Steam.