AMAZON - Metro Vacuum ED500 DataVac 500-Watt 0.75-HP Electric Duster 120v $47.99 + FS

Not really a low price on it but this unit is SOOOO worth it!
A top tool for anyone that likes to clean your PCs and keep the nice. So much better than crappy cans of air.
I use it for other things like camera lenses, cleaning my grand piano etc. To me, is am must have tool!
Not really a low price on it but this unit is SOOOO worth it!
A top tool for anyone that likes to clean your PCs and keep the nice. So much better than crappy cans of air.
I use it for other things like camera lenses, cleaning my grand piano etc. To me, is am must have tool!

B & H had it for lower price for a few hours yesterday that I missed out on. These don't normally get discounted all that many times. My brother has been waiting for more than a year and a half for a low price on this and today was the day he and then my other brother after I recommended it ordered one as well.

I have one for over 2 plus years and was cheaper when I purchased it then. So this price is not bad when the normal price is closer to $60.00 and with Amazon I won't be surprised that this price will "stick" for too much longer as it's an unannounced sale price.

Picked one up. So much better than canned air and it never runs out!
I paid full price for one of these several years ago and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
I use an airbed pump. Mine has a hose and multiple nozzle sizes. Very strong.
Same paid nearly full price a while ago and it is well worth it for cleaning the electronics. Just be warned it is a STRONG wind it generates and can break things. My bedroom TV's bottom bezel separated a bit off the screen (it was glued on apparently) from the air pressure when I got too close trying to get some dust from the edge of the screen. That said, the only thing I would like to see added to the machine is a way to vary the strength of the machine.
I use an airbed pump. Mine has a hose and multiple nozzle sizes. Very strong.

Never thought of this. I have one I bought to replace the crappy one that came with the air bed. It's sooo much better. Bet it would do a great job on keyboards, etc.
I flat love mine. Best money I've spent for PC (and other electronics) maintenance. I got mine a couple years ago and it was only $45 or something. Guess Metro realizes when they have a winner and increased the price. Highly recommended regardless.
Doesn't every guy already have a pancake air compressor?

I was just going to post the same thing..Hell, I have 3 different sizes..They are a MUST when you are into WC'ing, especially with a highly positive pressure setup..The dust stays out of the cases, but man does it build up between the fans and radiators..If I could turn 1/1000th of the dust that comes outta my systems into Gold, well then I could afford to buy [H]ard from Kyle!:p:p
damnit, been looking into one of these things for a while. I was out so I could have not jumped on this deal. Its true that they dont go on sale that ofter. Oh well, $60 is not that bad as is. Still have 2 cans of compressed air so I need to finish those, after that I will be purchasing this guy.
I have this and it's great. I use it a handful times a year. One thing I want to tell potential buyers. This thing is loud. More importantly, it does NOT ... NOT remove very fine / micro dust that motherboards. video cards or basically any surface inside your computer could have. For that, use a simple medium paint brush, it's like magic. But this is still good for to clear out anything larger than the super fine stuff.
I have this and it's great. I use it a handful times a year. One thing I want to tell potential buyers. This thing is loud. More importantly, it does NOT ... NOT remove very fine / micro dust that motherboards. video cards or basically any surface inside your computer could have. For that, use a simple medium paint brush, it's like magic. But this is still good for to clear out anything larger than the super fine stuff.

This. And thank you for the tip.
It works for the vast majority of dust. I rarely (as in almost never) have to resort to a brush. I also have one of those iRobot vacuums and its great for cleaning it out after each use. Have a workbench outside - just takes me a few minutes. There's also no comparison to canned air. That's a much weaker air stream and they've added this horrible "bitterant" that gets in the air and the inside of the computer. That happened a few years ago to try to prevent idiots from "huffing" it to get high. Right after they started doing that I bought my Metro vac.
Been wanting one of these for over a year now but i dont like buying stuff at retail price.
Sucks i missed this
I only found out that this existed after I saw the original thread on slick deals hours after the deal had expired :( I'll wait for the next time it goes on sale.
Man, I didn't realize that these had gone up. When I bought mine a couple of years ago, $43-$45 was the regular price. It's still worth it at $60 though, considering that will only buy several cans of compressed air which are much weaker and worse for the environment.
great blower/vacuum. I got mine for 40ish though a while ago..

it's a bit loud and you need a power outlet so not as convenient as canned air for blowing stuff out (in that respect), but more powerful and never runs out. :)
mmm is it really that hard to find a power outlet?
I love mine..wish I have know about it along time before :)
yeah I reckon so... my only point was sometimes a can of air is really convenient and easy.. but this vac/blower rocks also.