Amazing New Computer Build!


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2007
Alright well I am in the process of building another PC. This computer will be one of the top extreme PC's that only a few people will have. So far I bought x2 GX2 and a 790i mobo.. Any recommendations on the CPU? Im looking at the QX9770.

Also heres a video of me unboxing the mainboard..

Also please tell me what you guys think.. thank you. :)
Ok i just got my x2 GTX2's today and i made an unboxing video for those as well.. Here are pics and the vid link.

Unboxing GX2's

Unboxing EVGA 790i Ultra SLI



While I could (somewhat) understand the 790i motherboard and the two GX2 cards, why the Extreme(ly Overpriced) Edition processor? Are you planning on using water cooling as well?

I'm not trying to discourage you, but you're making me wish that I had the money you're spending on your computer. :(
yes for sure im water cooling this system. Dont know which watercooling system to go with tho. Im still reading reviews and stuff on a few.
Okay, now I'm curious....

Barring your processor purchase, what does the rest of your rig look like?
I'm still reading on what ESA hardware to get. I know i'm getting 2GB-4GB 2000MHz DDR3 memory like i said i'm still reading on all of this stuff so i know what i'm buying and for what purposes.
I'm still reading on what ESA hardware to get. I know i'm getting 2GB-4GB 2000MHz DDR3 memory like i said i'm still reading on all of this stuff so i know what i'm buying and for what purposes.


In that case, what purpose do 2 9800GX2's serve? Because amazing performance is not on their agenda.
But as he says, hes building a computer only a few people have the chance to do.
As it is, hes investing over $3,000 into this system.
It is unfortunate that the 9800gx2's arnt THAT amazing in quad-sli, but assuming Nvidia wont let this card flop, I assume we will see some better drivers for this setup.

I envy him.

My suggestion would be to do 4gb of memory!

And on the topic of spending money, I see it too often when someone is going to buy an extreme edition proc and is told to stay away because of the price. Maybe WE dont have enough money to spend on this processor, but the OP does. He wants the "king" of 2008.
Why not go with 8GB ram if money isn't a issue?


You should have build a skulltrail rig instead!
Money is an issue 8GB is overkill right at the moment.. I might get 8GB alot later ... Anywho I will take your word on the 4GB DDR3 2000+MHz and go with that. :)
And of course, you need to stick a x-fi in there.. creative has a slight edge for performance, but I'd pick the prelude if you care about the sound & drivers.
lol just one of your graphics card = the total cost of my new rig :(. Just goes to show how you how you white devils are so selfish! j/k.
lawl at rxteenager. :)

I just scored a 17545 on 3dMark06 without any over clocking except for the CPU which is at 3.6GHz at 1.5v and with idle temps around 36C-ish and with only ONE of my GX2's in this RIG i have set up now on an abit pro. Also yes SLI is enabled. I also think as the drivers mature alot more we will see a HUGE impact on performance, which is why i got 2 of these for Quad-SLI
EDIT: I really like the lights in the back on the GPU, it really sets it off! :)
Wow that's an awesome build you have going. I'm glad some of us have extra cash . . . :(
Yeah, once Bush gets out of office everyone will have one of these rigs :D (or not...)
can anyone suggest to me some really good 2000+MHz DDR3 memory? More than one type would be good b/c then i can go and read some reviews on them. :)
The U.S. has a $7 Trillion deficit so I dont think its going to happen this year no matter who wins the election. :D Anywho... I guess the micron 9 RAM seems to be the way to go right now for DDR3.
The U.S. has a $7 Trillion deficit so I dont think its going to happen this year no matter who wins the election. :D Anywho... I guess the micron 9 RAM seems to be the way to go right now for DDR3.

We actually have a $9 Tillion deficit and over $45 Tillion in things like borrowed money and systems like health care etc..

Anyone else have any ideas on DDR3 Memory?