Am I hot? How do I know I'm hot?


Mar 24, 2006
I got this Athlon XP 3500+ from newegg, and a Jetway A210GDMS-Pro mobo. My temps are read using MyGuard software supplied by Jetway. My CPU temps are in the 50 to 60 deg Celsius range. I've mounted CPUs before with no problem. I am pretty sure that this mobo is reading the temps inaccurately; this was proposed in a prior thread by another user of the same mobo. Is there any other way whatsoever to verify thesee temperatures? What is the "normal" temperature for this CPU? I have a probe wedged into a fin as close to the base as possible on my Zallman 7000-AlCu and it's reading 39 deg. My ambient temp is ~30 deg via probe and ~35 deg according to MyGuard System temp reading. I'm using Arctic Silver 5.

If by chance the CPU is mounted incorrectly, is there any proper procedure for re-mounting a CPU? In retrospect, I read that you should apply the compound then wipe it off then re-apply a thin coat and mount the HSF. I only applied the thin coat and mounted it. Could this be the cause of such high temperatures?

It's a shame because I know this CPU is capable of a nice OC (I've had it up there, stable) but I've since reverted to stock because I'm afraid it'll fry.
go to

sorry. had to :p

for installing a heatsink, this is what i do:
1. clean both surfaces with 99% isopropyl alcohol
2. small dab of as5/ceramique in the center of the ihs
3. mount heatsink
4. world domination!
Swiss Miss said:
go to

sorry. had to :p

for installing a heatsink, this is what i do:
1. clean both surfaces with 99% isopropyl alcohol
2. small dab of as5/ceramique in the center of the ihs
3. mount heatsink
4. world domination!
you left out 2 steps
5. ???????

but realy 60 is about as high as i would ever wont to go
but 50s are ok
Get CoreTemp. Uses another diode that's built into the cpu, so you can compare to the mobo one. Of course since it's in the cpu itself it should be 5-10c hotter than an external probe.
you know, i never understood this "am i hot" threads

i never look at my temps, and never intend to. my rig never locks up during gaming, and my rig never locked up during ~10 hours of prime when i first built it. that was my indicator as to whether or not i was "hot" or not.
Optik said:
you know, i never understood this "am i hot" threads

i never look at my temps, and never intend to. my rig never locks up during gaming, and my rig never locked up during ~10 hours of prime when i first built it. that was my indicator as to whether or not i was "hot" or not.

I tend to make sure my temps are ok for a little while then don't worry about it. Motherboard will shut off the machine if they get too hot :D

While those temps do seem a little high they are within normal temps as the chip is designed and speced to be able to run hotter then that. Other things in your case, wire management, airflow, room temp, etc can help or hurt your cpu temps as well. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
i can usually tell if i'm hot by looking at other people's hot or not threads.

btw i'm not hot. (take that any way you like).
Ask your mom.

Oh, your processor? Ask your finger.

No seriously, 60C should be burning up for your finger if you touch your heatsink.
^^ :p glad to see I'm not the only one thinking that way^^ :p The real question is: are you hawt? :D
As long as the cpu stays below 58-60C you should be ok. Low 50's would be preferrable.
444 said:
Get CoreTemp. Uses another diode that's built into the cpu, so you can compare to the mobo one. Of course since it's in the cpu itself it should be 5-10c hotter than an external probe.
current motherboards don't use an external temperature probe anymore.
edit: for the CPU at least. Some motherboards have em for different components.
I have the same motherboard with an X2 3800+ and I get about 38c when the case temp is 30c. But it took a week for my thermal paste to "break in" Until then I was reading 45c+. Now after sitting for a while not doing anything but idling I get 32c CPU and 27c case temps. And I use MyGuard as the monitoring program.

I also overclocked to 2.5GHz and still didn't break 50c on my CPU temps.
Finally some useful info..... can you tell me what BIOS rev you're running? Also what HSF and thermal paste?
rheteric said:
Finally some useful info..... can you tell me what BIOS rev you're running? Also what HSF and thermal paste?

It's a modified A03. But it's only modified to show all hidden options. The thermal paste I use is Arctic Ceramique with the stock HS/Fan.