Alright, we've got to figure out this "blinking" issue w/ the Dell adapter/eyefinity

I got the Bizlink adapter from Dell. It blinked right out of the box. Tried updating the vid card firmware, the motherboard firmware, got the external USB power connector, updated to the new 10.5 drivers, swapped monitors among the three to change the one connected to the displayport adapter. Finally I RMA'd the Bizlink adapter back to Dell for a replacement. The RMA was a mixed bag too. It took me over an hour and getting forwarded to 5 different people before I got to someone who could approve and send out the RMA, and then they asked me to talk to a manager/supervisor about the process. I told them the process went fine once I got in touch with his guy, but the forwarding from department to department was a bit much.

The best part though was that they must have overnight-ed the replacement to me. I had it before 11am the next day. I didn't expect that or even know that they had sent it out overnight, and it even came with a return sticker, so I didn't get hit with the return postage.
Yeah Dells customer support is just total rubbish. They ask you for a number that is only found on Dell computers, and the folks at the Indian call centre cannot comprehend that the Adapter doesn't have this, as its an accessory. Then as you mentioned there is the constant forwarding, with the person you are forwarded to being at least 5% more useless than the person before.

For me personally, I got success by actually emailing them, which got me through to someone that speaks English. I then received another adapter free of charge, which touch wood has cured my problem.

As for the 5.1 drivers...the last time I checked, they totally broke eyefinity, not sure if they have this fixed yet, but a LOT of people had to roll back.
updated to the new 10.5 drivers

If you're having blinking issues, DO NOT use the 10.5 / 10.5a drivers. My DisplayPort monitor on the Dell Bizlink DP-to-DVI adapter started blinking for the first time ever after using those.

I had to uninstall 10.5a, run DriverSweeper in safe mode, and then install 10.4 again. The blinking problem went away again.
i have not read through this entire thread, but i wanted to post what seems to be working for me.

i have a 5870 with 3 monitors and the dell blizlink active displayport adapter, very latest version of CCC. i'm running windows 7, and recalled that there is a USB power setting that suspends power to USB ports in an idle state (control panel - power options - change plan settings - change advanced power settings - USB settings - USB selective suspend setting).

i turned this setting OFF when the PC is plugged in. it has not flickered since, at least in 2D mode. haven't tested 3D yet.
i have not read through this entire thread, but i wanted to post what seems to be working for me.

i have a 5870 with 3 monitors and the dell blizlink active displayport adapter, very latest version of CCC. i'm running windows 7, and recalled that there is a USB power setting that suspends power to USB ports in an idle state (control panel - power options - change plan settings - change advanced power settings - USB settings - USB selective suspend setting).

i turned this setting OFF when the PC is plugged in. it has not flickered since, at least in 2D mode. haven't tested 3D yet.

ok, so this only worked for a while. now the blinking DP monitor is back.

now running 10.6 drivers/CCC. issue seems to occur most often after putting the PC into sleep mode, then bringing it back.

what should i do from here? RMA the DP --> DVI adapter?
ok, so this only worked for a while. now the blinking DP monitor is back.

now running 10.6 drivers/CCC. issue seems to occur most often after putting the PC into sleep mode, then bringing it back.

what should i do from here? RMA the DP --> DVI adapter?

RMA the adapter, when did you purchase that one? Was it from Dell?
Just an update on my experiences. For my 3rd monitor I used the $30 HP DP-to-VGA adapter and have had ZERO issues at 1920x1200. No blinking. No turning off, nothing. Rock solid for hours of playing.

Win 7 x64 and Crossfired 5870's
ok, so this only worked for a while. now the blinking DP monitor is back.

now running 10.6 drivers/CCC. issue seems to occur most often after putting the PC into sleep mode, then bringing it back.

what should i do from here? RMA the DP --> DVI adapter?

Before you RMA your adapter you should trying uninstalling 10.6 and installing 10.3. 10.3 gives me very little blinking problems and when it does occur is easily fixed by logging of my desktop and logging back on. I am using the active adapter from Dell (Bizlink BZL-KS10008B). Every driver after 10.3 is useless to my setup.

Here is the link to 10.3 and according to your sig you have win 7 64 bit

I've contacted Asus my video card manufacturer and they sent me a feed back form which they are going to send to AMD for their review.

I have tried everything including flashing my cards bios while I had 10.4 installed and until I got a tip that 10.3 seemed to work, all other suggestion failed. I have also installed 10.5 and 10.6.
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Just an update on my experiences. For my 3rd monitor I used the $30 HP DP-to-VGA adapter and have had ZERO issues at 1920x1200. No blinking. No turning off, nothing. Rock solid for hours of playing.

Win 7 x64 and Crossfired 5870's

Now are you playing games across three monitors at 1920 x 1200 or 5760 x 1200?
I'm getting blinking every once in a great while, but only when I'm in Eyefinity mode. It never blinks when I'm using Extended Desktop mode.

Think I need to update the BIOS on my HD5850?
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I am gaming with 3 monitors so a total of 5760 x 1200

I have a few questions:
  1. what driver version are you using?
  2. i'm going to assume your other monitors are using the dvi ports on your card, do you have a consistent look to across all your monitors by using the vga to display port adapter? Using native dvi, in my opinion, gives a crisper looking picture than vga. Do you notice any difference?
  3. do you have a link to the HP adapter you are using?
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I have a few questions:
  1. what driver version are you using?
  2. i'm going to assume your other monitors are using the dvi ports on your card, do you have a consistent look to across all your monitors by using the vga to display port adapter? Using native dvi, in my opinion, gives a crisper looking picture than vga. Do you notice any difference?

I am using driver 10.6.
As for the look, I don't notice any difference between the DVI's and VGA. I looked for it and don't notice a difference. It is my left side monitor so I don't look at it as much as the middle. I put it on the left just in case it was lower quality but there's no reason for me to have worried after they got up and running.

Here's the link: DisplayPort To VGA Adapter&lang=en&cc=us

I bought it through amazon but wouldn't recommend that as they use a third-party and it took almost 3 weeks. DisplayPort To VGA Adapter&lang=en&cc=us

I bought it through amazon but wouldn't recommend that as they use a third-party and it took almost 3 weeks.

Perfect, I think I'm going to give this a shot. My Hanns g 28's have both native HDMI and VGA, no DVI. I hate to mothball my Dell active dvi to display port adapter that I spent over a benjamin for, but if it means being able to upgrade my drivers beyond the 10.3 without having the blinking problem, that's fine by me. Thanks!
No problem. Just a bit more information if it helps:

This was a fresh install of Windows 7 x64. 10.6 were the first drivers on. This is the first and only time I've used Eyefinity/these cards. So I don't know if there would have been a problem earlier or with another adapter. I went the VGA route because from all the forums I had read, it seemed to be the most fool proof and so far it has.

I also only probably have 10 hours of gaming on 4 different games (Dirt 2, rFactor, NFS:Shift, GTR2) but not a single blink during that time.
It may be a bit but I will post back to let you guys know if the VGA adapter route worked for me.
I would like to add that I find it unlikely that the DisplayPort -> DVI adapters are at fault here. I have native DisplayPort monitors (HP LP2475w) and am not using an adapter and it still happens for me sometimes. It's really annoying.
i have bizlink and this happens about once every 15 hours, so over a week if i put in a few hours a night it will happen.
rare, but yes annoying.

i have bizlink, 3 x 2334bwx 1152p, 5850 on 10.6 and it happened on 10.4 too from memory.

interestingly my monitors report a signal out of range when it happens?

not an adapter problem im sure its the complexity of both convertion / frequency and custom resolution.. i.e a driver issue.

ati sucks here, and i think in the end i will go nvidia multimonitor when they refresh the new cards and include the option to run on just one card !
still having the blinking issue. sometimes it will blink once or twice in a single day, and sometimes it will blink many times a day. highly frustrating, especially given the amount of money and research that i put into making this setup work!

going to try to RMA to dell in an attempt to rule out a faulty DVI->DP adapter.
BIOS update fixed my Asus HD5850... Unfortunately, I lost the unlocked overclocking in the process :(