Alltel Verizon switch issues

Jul 23, 2007
I am not completely sure this is the reason but it seems I can no longer tether my blackberry to my laptop. I tried both usernames for verizon and for alltel to no avail. Anyone else having any issues?
alltel charged for tethering as well, but I have "hacked" my blackberry to just tether without going through the companies. Something must have changed during the switch though because I can not dial in.
alltel charged for tethering as well, but I have "hacked" my blackberry to just tether without going through the companies. Something must have changed during the switch though because I can not dial in.
Alltel charges you for tethering? No kidding? I have a WinMo phone and the $69.99 Smartpack plan and never have been charged for tethering. I use Windows Internet Connection Sharing that came on my phone to do it. I did have a flier in the box with my phone that even said how to do it and to sign up for $30 a month. Never signed up.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
its mostly for honest people.. they really don't have anyway of knowing whether the phone or the computer is using internet
Verizon and AT&T know when you tether from what I read on various forums. My first WinMo phone didn't have any literature saying that tether was extra and I had been using ICS for two years like that. I just got my new phone last Friday and just yesterday I was looking through the papers that came with and saw that flier.. maybe my contract pre-dates the need to be charged for tethering.
I use PDAnet with my Curve on Verizon without paying anything extra, works great.
I use PDAnet with my Curve on Verizon without paying anything extra, works great.

I am curious how that works since any contemporary phone is serialized to data , in otherwords, if the ESN is in the Verizon database as a pda, I am unable to activate it for a customer without a data plan provision.
I am curious how that works since any contemporary phone is serialized to data , in otherwords, if the ESN is in the Verizon database as a pda, I am unable to activate it for a customer without a data plan provision.

I have a data plan. What I meant by not paying anything extra was I don't pay for the ability to tether officially from VZW which is a rip-off.