All 2.8C "MO" owners report in

Originally posted by Syphon Filter

Erm...not worried about SNDS?

This is completely off topic (apologies), but I wonder what the max vcore for a Prescott is before SPDS kicks in?

Just swopped my 2.8C m0 for a 2.4A Prescott that does 3.3ghz at stock vcore.
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
Oh no!!!!! ONLY 284??? :rolleyes:

can you imagine the scores you'd be getting @ 284FSB on 3dmark2k1 :eek:

Originally posted by Syphon Filter

Erm...not worried about SNDS?

Nah not worried, why live life if you cant take a few risks. Every intel I'ved owned p4 wise has run 1.75 or above.
can you imagine the scores you'd be getting @ 284FSB on 3dmark2k1

Yes.....and I want it.....NOW. :p I'd be more interested to see my sandra scores, seeing as I'm just short of 6.5GB/s at 262FSB..........can anyone say 7??? :D

Nah not worried, why live life if you cant take a few risks. Every intel I'ved owned p4 wise has run 1.75 or above.

Same, I'm gonna be goin' on my thrid P4 and I'm the same way. Because of the stupid voltage flux on my P4C800-E I've gotta turn it up to 1.75v @ 3.25GHz (250fsb) just so that when it "bottoms out" it's still stable. I'm gonna be finally getting the droop mod done this month though so that what I set it at in the BIOS is EXACTLY what it is under load. ;)
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
It idles a bit high after the mod, but oh well. ;)

sure does. 1.7 in bios is 1.8 idle in windows, but who cares now I'm on water:cool:
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
Yes.....and I want it.....NOW. :p I'd be more interested to see my sandra scores, seeing as I'm just short of 6.5GB/s at 262FSB..........can anyone say 7??? :D

I roughly get 6.2GB/s but I'm also on a AI7 865pe Guru board :rolleyes: and it doesn't utilize ram bandwidth the greatest. I would guess 7GB would be about right.
Originally posted by computerpro3
sure does. 1.7 in bios is 1.8 idle in windows, but who cares now I'm on water:cool:

Do you really have to torment me in both of my threads??? Sheesh, just PM me your damn score already. :p

I wanna see what you hit so that I have something hit aim for when I get my board vmodded and the 2.8C up to 3.7 - 3.8GHz..........and to help me decide if I wanna go ahead and get the water cooling setup after this LAN in on the 7th of May.
Originally posted by computerpro3
check the 3dmark thread:D

Already did..........I'll have updates on Thursday when my 2.8C m0 comes in. :D Till then, good stuff dude. :cool:

Well I got my 2.8c m0. First off, I got the MSI pt880 that Kyle recommended in his 2.4a o/c'ing article...mainly cause I just wanted a system to hold me over awhile for the new a64 socket and nforce250gb mobo's to hit the market, so I just wanted something cheap and fast.

Since my 2.4A was a crappy o/c'er, I couldn't help myself and returned it to get the 2.8. It's not even stable at 3ghz :(. Granted, I'm still using the stock HSF, but it doesnt get hotter running prime95 than it does when running at stock speed. I'm not sure that it is the CPU, could just be a flaky mobo, but I'm pretty disappointed regardless.

The more I think of it the more I think that it may be the mobo, because I can't even enable the Top Performance mode which supposedly tightens up internal chipset timings without hitting instability.

Any suggestions, short of trading up mobo's?
This is where overclocking really gets tricky.....about all I can say for SURE is that it isn't a heat issue, so that stock cooler isn't your problem. Have you/do you have the opportunity to test the same CPU in another mobo? a friends system? You're only sitting at an fsb of 215 for 3GHz.....which is freakishly low for a P4 overclock.....even bunk chips typically clear 215. You didn't state in you post/sig what ram you have.....not sure if that'll be effecting it all.....have you tried different memory timings/dividors to narrow things down at all???

Not sure what else I can tell ya....sry to hear about your misfortunes.
Fixed up my sig for your perusal. :D

All my friends have AMD systems, cept one. He's got a P4 in an Asus P4PE which with recent BIOS updates supports 800mhz FSB cpu's, so I'll take the CPU to his house over the weekend and see what kind of o/c I can get in it. Don't really know how it will do, since 800mhz is already an overclock for that mobo, but we'll see....

The memory shouldnt be a problem, but to be sure I dropped the ratio down to run it even slower, but had the same problems.
Originally posted by Therms
Fixed up my sig for your perusal. :D

All my friends have AMD systems, cept one. He's got a P4 in an Asus P4PE which with recent BIOS updates supports 800mhz FSB cpu's, so I'll take the CPU to his house over the weekend and see what kind of o/c I can get in it. Don't really know how it will do, since 800mhz is already an overclock for that mobo, but we'll see....

The memory shouldnt be a problem, but to be sure I dropped the ratio down to run it even slower, but had the same problems.

Really weird indeed. Let us know if you can manage to get it clocked high enough in his system to test it out and/or what the results are.

It might just be possible that you've got possible the worst cpu EVER but I don't know about that quite yet. I've just never personally seen something with a stepping this nice get capped at such an insanely low FSB.

currently at 240 FSB

1.75 volts

45 idle with SP94 and Vantec Stealth 92mm

5:4 2-3-3-7 KHX 3500 2x256mb ram at 2.8V
Originally posted by smurkey
currently at 240 FSB

1.75 volts

45 idle with SP94 and Vantec Stealth 92mm

5:4 2-3-3-7 KHX 3500 2x256mb ram at 2.8V

Ouch, that's quite the voltage you've got there in order to hit 240FSB.....I'm glad I already KNOW what mine is gonna do. ;)
I was one of the unlucky ones that got screwed and am stuck with a D1 Phillipines. Thing won't hit 3.3ghz no matter what I do (still on stock cooling though) but does 3.2 at default volts fine. But the damn thing is more like a PresHott. It runs at a whopping 42C idle, and goes over 60C while priming. This is with AS5 on the HS. I reseated it several times, so that isn't it either.
Originally posted by cornelious0_0

I'll be interesting to see what I can do with the 2.8 MO at 1.75v.....especially when I finally do the freaking droop mod. The droop mod basically makes it so that what you set the voltage as in the BIOS, thats EXACTLY what it is under load. It idles a bit high after the mod, but oh well. ;)

i have a 2.4C "m0" system will boot but crashes from my ram limmiting me at a 300FSB 3:2 divider. can hit 292(stock voltage) w/ 5:4. this is on pc3200. gone up to 1.7, still no luck. i'm happy running a 285, and its still very cool w/ stock intel HSF.
Originally posted by frag85
i have a 2.4C "m0" system will boot but crashes from my ram limmiting me at a 300FSB 3:2 divider. can hit 292(stock voltage) w/ 5:4. this is on pc3200. gone up to 1.7, still no luck. i'm happy running a 285, and its still very cool w/ stock intel HSF.

Hmm, I'm thinking that maybe my old 2.4C was an m0.....but I never really checked it out back then. It had no problem doing 290fsb but any higher then that and my PC2100 would crap out after a few seconds in windows. ;)
Yeah well my m0 sucks, my 2.4 does 3.42 @ 1.775V so yeah it blows goats. :-/ wish I could get a 2.6 or 2.8 m0 that did 267FSB :eek: thats be killer. :D
Well, MY 2.6 was a D1 that could barely do needless to say I wasn't entirely pleased. ;)

I'm hoping to be able to push the 2.8 up to 267fsb to top out on my memories 1:1 clock at the same time.....but anything over the 250fsb (that I'm gauranteed) is just fine. :D
Originally posted by eViL_M@LuM
Yeah well my m0 sucks, my 2.4 does 3.42 @ 1.775V so yeah it blows goats. :-/ wish I could get a 2.6 or 2.8 m0 that did 267FSB :eek: thats be killer. :D

my M0 is brand new(as in recent), it came from a batch from very recent. the box had the date 3/22/04 and it came directly from the Intel offices in Loiseville, KY.

this on is an RMA replacement for a 2.4c from a "bad batch" as Intel support put it.

edit: i believe strongly that it was a bad batch, i could not push it beyond 228FSB regardless. running at the speeds i am now, and voltage and temps, i'd say mine came from the 3.4EE batches that the L3 doesn't work(i know its from a batch w/ a non functioning L3).
Originally posted by frag85
my M0 is brand new(as in recent), it came from a batch from very recent. the box had the date 3/22/04 and it came directly from the Intel offices in Loiseville, KY.

this on is an RMA replacement for a 2.4c from a "bad batch" as Intel support put it.

edit: i believe strongly that it was a bad batch, i could not push it beyond 228FSB regardless. running at the speeds i am now, and voltage and temps, i'd say mine came from the 3.4EE batches that the L3 doesn't work(i know its from a batch w/ a non functioning L3).

Lucky b@*tard... :p
I recently got my 2.8, here's the info:

pack date: 02/29/2004
batch: 3401a325
costa rica

I picked it up at a local computer show to hold me over till the new sockets

It runs 250 1:1 for 3.5 at default voltage on this shitty mobo (asus p4s800d-e, yes sis chipset). I'm fairly certain it's the mobo that's holding me back, as I've used a friends 2.4 that does 280fsb and know my memory goes higher, this board seems to have issues over 250 fsb, gg SIS.

Oh well, was only meant to hold me over for a while, which it will, but I'm curious as to how high this chip would go with a better board :/

Also, all the monitoring programs that I'm using show this chip as using 1.6 volts even though it's on default in the bios?!?!

Is that normal for the M0 cores?
all my watercooling equipment came in today so ill see how far i can push my 2.4c m0
i'd like water cooling, one thing i always forget to ask when i see one, is how loud is it(seeing i never get to use that computer, especially in a quiet environment). i just made my case fans 7V and i only run 1-2C warmer which is no biggie b/c i still dont' hit 50C w/ case fans on.

i dont' really think it would be cost effective for me to get water colling seeing the temps i see and i am it is my ram holding me back. they must sell NB blocks. cause if i were to switch to water cooling i'd probalby ditch my case fans(cept what the radiator needs) to cut down on noise. w/ case fans off my NB hits just below 50C running w/ a 285 FSB.
Originally posted by frag85
i'd like water cooling, one thing i always forget to ask when i see one, is how loud is it(seeing i never get to use that computer, especially in a quiet environment). i just made my case fans 7V and i only run 1-2C warmer which is no biggie b/c i still dont' hit 50C w/ case fans on.

i dont' really think it would be cost effective for me to get water colling seeing the temps i see and i am it is my ram holding me back. they must sell NB blocks. cause if i were to switch to water cooling i'd probalby ditch my case fans(cept what the radiator needs) to cut down on noise. w/ case fans off my NB hits just below 50C running w/ a 285 FSB.

Of course they sell NB blocks.....are you serious??? :p

Water cooling is NEVER just generally loud or quiet, it just depends on WHY you're getting it. If a person wants it for silent operation and decent temps then yes.....WC can be silent. With a pump that makes next to no noise and a single <25dBA fan on the rad you're not gonna have a lot of noise from the setup. On the other hand, if someone is going for uber low temps and that WOW factor that all of us love, they're gonna (maybe) be pelting the cpu and possibly the video card, which will heat up the water that much faster, and require 2-4 powerfull 120mm fans on the rad.

I think I'd have to opt for that second one though, noise has never really bothered me. Although a completely silent WC setup would have it's charms. ;)
koolance installed, still cant seem to get it to break 3.2ghz

load temps are 42C
Originally posted by acascianelli
koolance installed, still cant seem to get it to break 3.2ghz

load temps are 42C

Ever think that maybe it's just a hardware limitation you're running into? Played with the voltages any more since you threw the h20 on there at all? Just a thought.
i havent had time to mess with it very much. i have it at 3.3 right now with some different memory timings, looks like it may be stable now.
Originally posted by acascianelli
i havent had time to mess with it very much. i have it at 3.3 right now with some different memory timings, looks like it may be stable now.

Don't be TOO sure of yourself, make sure you run it through Prime's torture test for a full 12-24 hours before you declare anything stable or safe. I will typically stick by Prime's results.....even if it means knocking the clock back by a little bit.....if it means that I'm 100% stable I'll be much more happy then I woudl be with higher scores, but not knowing if my comp might reboot on me. ;)
My 2.8C (m0) sucks dick.
Could barely get 3.4GHz stable on air and I can't even crack 3.85GHz on phase change.

cornelious... how about some of your results?
It really pisses me off when everyone else seems to have an m0 that 'does 3.5GHz on stock voltage'
id be satisfied if i could get to 3.4 just so i could get the 1ghz overclock
Originally posted by plur
My 2.8C (m0) sucks dick.
Could barely get 3.4GHz stable on air and I can't even crack 3.85GHz on phase change.

cornelious... how about some of your results?
It really pisses me off when everyone else seems to have an m0 that 'does 3.5GHz on stock voltage'

Look at my sig dude, I'm not going to have the 2.8C m0 until the 19th.....due to easter holidays.

Considering mine does 3.5GHz (250fsb) at 1.6v and is FULLY prime stable, I'm thinking that I should be able to push it a little farther at the same voltage if I just wanna bench it. Without the droop mod done I can only hold the vcore at 1.65v under load so we'll see how high I can get it to bench at 1.65v then. After the mod however, I'll have no problems having the votage up to as high as 1.75v (I've done it with my issues) to see how far I can crank this baby. ;) :D

I'm sorry to hear about your chip dude. Results like that (no offense) are why people don't think overclocking or hardcore cooling is worth it.....but they don't understand, it's luck of the draw. Sry things didn't work out.

id be satisfied if i could get to 3.4 just so i could get the 1ghz overclock

Yeah, I'm gonna be shooting for the 1GHz OC on mine just sounds so cool. I'm gonna need an FSB of 272MHz and POSSIBLY more voltage to the ram, after the vdimm mod. Seeing as the ram does 267 at 1:1 prime/memtest stable I might be able to just push it to 272 to test at never know. If I actually do end up hitting 3.8GHz I'll be doing everythign in my power to make it prime stable though so I'll have to end up doing the second vmod eventually. ;)
second way to tell if it's a good chip: lots of resistors on the bottom. like no gaps in the resistors. over @ XS (i think) a guy got 4.5ghz out of a 3.0C with a machI at 1.6 volts. he may have gotten higher.

all this stuff is making me wish i had a job so i could get a p4 rig to actually put my watercooling (homebrew) to use, other than running my 2100 paly at 1900mhz (need the damned vmod on my a7n8x, 1.85 doesn't cut it for me and i also don't really care if i kill the chip, i need a new one anyways)

good luck with the 2.8C, can't wait to see how it does.

o yeah my cheapo pc3200 does 250fsb 1:1 at 2.7volts on my brother's p4. he hasn't taken it any farther than 250fsb so i can't check higher than that, but its still cool to know:D

Pushed up to 260MHz FSB a couple of days ago and went through another 4 hours of prime95 - I am still amazed that the memory is still running CAS 2.5 at this speed - gotta love Corsair
Your score seems low for 3dmark 01, I have a 3.42ghz 2.4C with a 9500np scoring just over 19K. GG on the memory, my geil platinum 4000 has impressed me too. 275FSB 2.5 4 4 7 @ 3.2V "rated voltage" 285FSB 3 4 4 8 @ 3.2V Need 3.3V for 290.
Originally posted by eViL_M@LuM
Your score seems low for 3dmark 01, I have a 3.42ghz 2.4C with a 9500np scoring just over 19K. GG on the memory, my geil platinum 4000 has impressed me too. 275FSB 2.5 4 4 7 @ 3.2V "rated voltage" 285FSB 3 4 4 8 @ 3.2V Need 3.3V for 290.

Nice stuff dude.

I've got some good news.....the 2.8 came in today!!!!! :D :D :D

But I've gotta wait 'till after 5 today to pick it up at the post office.....and it's only 11am now. :(
My cpu will pwnzer yours, your bus speed is no match for mine HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!