AI Booster - where to get?

Sou| Colossus

Jun 30, 2003
Asus' site is goddamn shit; I can't find the thing anywhere. It doesn't help that half the functions on their site are goddamn broken. I'd use google, but I want to be sure I get the latest version? Anyone help a brotha out?
alright let me walk you through it since i'm in a generous mood
go to ...get into the north american page
click Downloads on the top menu
now click on the download area on the right side
for select product put motherboard
for series enter your socket type
then for model find your model

once you get into that, click the Utilities tab
it should be in there
let me know if you can't find it
it's not in the utilities tab for my motherboard (this was the first place i looked) but thanks anyways, and thanks ascully for the direct link :p

EDIT: lollawesome. it says it doesn't support my model. I actually made a mistake in my signature, i have a P4C800 (ugh, i know) and not a Deluxe