AGP X1600's coming out early next year!

So far a handful of new cards, X1600, X1300, and 6800GS... but these are all comparable (or lesser) to current AGP cards.

Why not X1800s or 7800s? :eek:
So far a handful of new cards, X1600, X1300, and 6800GS... but these are all comparable (or lesser) to current AGP cards.

Why not X1800s or 7800s? :eek:

that's true the x1600 does perform well under certain circumstances but overall doesn't seem like much of an improvement. The newer cat's seem to help peformance a lot in the x1000 series, especially in opengl - so maybe they can work even more magic with the cat 6's and get these mid-ranges up to spec.
It is from INQ :( . i know it is possible to make an 7800gtx and x1800xt into AGP, why won't they do it?
So far a handful of new cards, X1600, X1300, and 6800GS... but these are all comparable (or lesser) to current AGP cards.

Why not X1800s or 7800s? :eek:

don't know about nvidia but for ati I'd say that it is due to yields. If they can't get enough X1800 based cards out for a reasonable price on pci-e, they shouldn't try to offer an agp card at the same time

Maybe with the refresh of the 1800 based cards next year...
ati isn't having a problem with yields on the x1800's, its just effortless to offer a high end card to an already small market that would have the latest technology to begin with, which is PCIe, the amount of people interested in getting the x1800 or 7800 for their dated AGP platform compared to the ones with PCIe is very small, so it would be a waste for either company to even bother offering high end VC's for agp

i'd rather get the x800pro for agp over the x1600, if some miracle happens with the cat 6's, and we see a phenominal increase from drivers (which could happen, but the card is dead in the water right now) then it'd be worth while with the $250 price tag