Age of Empires 3 Demo released

Do you have a undying cheat for it!? How about a unlimited resources cheat!?

I like to play around building walls, but I keep running out of wood and getting killed. :(

Torgo-less or not, this is a buy for me! :p
Yeah I am definitely going to buy this game. The more I've played it the more I like it. And that's only in singleplayer. The greatness of the Age games is always the multiplayer. I cant wait to play this against other players. Going to be alot of fun. I say great job by ES. The game is not perfect but I feel they have another winner on their hands.
My ran fine, I used 1680 x 1050 (surprised they had WS support in demo)

Running amd64 3000+, 1 gig kingston, ati x800xtpe, mystique 7.1....

Might just be the nvidia cards it seems then...
game feels a bit tedious. Graphic is fine though.

Anyone ever figure out how to allie with the "Injuns" yet?
build a trading post at their base then you can use it to create units and buy upgrades...when is release data btw?
Fix options (From}

Link to actuall thread:,23521,0,10


This error which some people have reported seems to happen mostly if you run a widescreen monitor. I believe the problem has been fixed since the demo was put together so it will work in the full version of the game.

1.) Delete the file NewProfile.xml in your C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3 Trial\Users\NewProfile.xml directory.
1A.) Set your screen resolution to 1024x768, then rerun the game.


2.) Open NewProfile.xml and fine the line that specifies the optiongrfxres and change the res to say 1024x768. In my particular case it was initializing to 1280x768, which my machine did not like much.

For some reason it initializes to a resolution some video cards have problems with if you have a widescreen monitor (I have the 24" widescreen at home and had this problem)


For those of you with the 2005FPW (i.e. me) I edited the line to say 1680x1050 and the game actually starts. Will it run for a while? I'll find out here soon enough.

oh and Bigzilla, shouldn't be having problems unless yo have a trojan or something? I just reformated my hard drive and did a fresh clean install of everything, so I know that is definitly not an option. If you read the threads both here and on AOE3heaven, you will see there are some serious problems with the game. Sure a trojan could be causing it, but not likly, see as how many people are having the same problem.
It runs fine on my system, played it for about 3 hours straght tonight. Maybe its becasue ive played AOM for two years but the UI didn't get in my way at all and I had a pretty good time. I haven't been blown away, but its the multiplayer thats gonna make or break this game anyway. I just hope the online expierence is less laggy than thier previous efforts.
Just a note about screenshots:

I used to share the office with Mike McCart who did all the screenshots. In fact, he'd show 'em to me and I'd comment on them and make tiny suggestions (which he didn't need... I just like to hear myself sound important). Anyway, all those shots are staged and almost all of them would and could never happen in an actual game.

So if you're wondering why the demo doesn't look like the screenshots, it's because it can't. The screenshots are only representations of what gameplay could be and isn't real gameplay. Go back and look at some of the screenshots of Age II and you'll find artwork that was later changed or replaced.

That being said, they are not Photoshopped or retouched. Ensemble just uses the game editor to place artwork where ever they want it and reposition the camera just right.
Thanks I figured that allying with indians part pretty quick after the post.

As far as the game goes, AOE series have always been play thru one time type of games for me. Their single player is more interesting than their MP. Unlike starcraft broodwar. that game I STILL play after all these years.

It truely is a master piece.
Gibzilla said:
As far as the game goes, AOE series have always been play thru one time type of games for me. Their single player is more interesting than their MP.
Really? I've always known that our single-player campaign has been pretty bad, while the MP has been considered to be superior to Starcraft. What about the single player in AoE do you might more interesting?
Torgo said:
Just a note about screenshots:

I used to share the office with Mike McCart who did all the screenshots. In fact, he'd show 'em to me and I'd comment on them and make tiny suggestions (which he didn't need... I just like to hear myself sound important). Anyway, all those shots are staged and almost all of them would and could never happen in an actual game.

So if you're wondering why the demo doesn't look like the screenshots, it's because it can't. The screenshots are only representations of what gameplay could be and isn't real gameplay. Go back and look at some of the screenshots of Age II and you'll find artwork that was later changed or replaced.

That being said, they are not Photoshopped or retouched. Ensemble just uses the game editor to place artwork where ever they want it and reposition the camera just right.

You need to phone em up and ask them where the strategy is at in combat.

"pump out units galore"

woo hoo I had more units of x then you did of Y, I win.
Actually, those rockets and artillery own the shit out of infantry, there's your strategy.
Stiler said:
You need to phone em up and ask them where the strategy is at in combat.

"pump out units galore"

woo hoo I had more units of x then you did of Y, I win.

Its called a "Zerg attack" Where the hell have you been? Starcraft made this tactic famous. Hell, even the the Empire used it in Star Wars, overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers. I don't care if you have 100 veteran units of anything, if I attack you with 1,000 of something else, your dead.
Stiler said:
You need to phone em up and ask them where the strategy is at in combat.

"pump out units galore"

woo hoo I had more units of x then you did of Y, I win.

I tried some flanking maneuvers with my calvary, sweeping around to take out the longbowman. Didn't seem to make much difference.
Elimi'Xed said:
That, and plus the demo was compilled from a beta from back in june, so the retail has alot of bugs fixed, features are diffrent and some things work diffrent, so remember that this is a limited DEMO, hell I hacked the demo to have HUGE map sizes and the ability to zoom out more, its not hard at all, just a few xml files to edit, god how I love xml :p


Good to hear.
IceWind said:
Its called a "Zerg attack" Where the hell have you been? Starcraft made this tactic famous. Hell, even the the Empire used it in Star Wars, overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers. I don't care if you have 100 veteran units of anything, if I attack you with 1,000 of something else, your dead.

I know what a zerg attack is :rolleyes:.

The point is, that's about as in-depth as the combat strategy goes.

The terrain/enviroment plays no role, there's no formations worth anything because as soon as you move your troops/attack they fall out of formation (Yea take them out because it "hurts" the gameplay :rolleyes: ).

I really would have liked to at least have had strategy in it, with a more 3d terrain system that made elevlation, etc a role among other things like weather and such.

Did The total war series not show that a lot of people "enjoy" those type of affects?
Ya i agree the calvary should tear through the ranged units.. they should've grabbed the concept of the Total War series and have horse units run archers down.