Advice on AGP\PCIE mobo


Oct 13, 2002
Looking into upgrading to Socket 939 from my old 2500 barton, ive picked an Opteron, more ram and a videocard...but tis more than i want to spend in one shot, so i was wondering about this board:

Its got AGP and PCI as well as PCIE, which would allow me to squeeze some more life out of my trusty r9700pro...that is more than feeling its age. However, im aiming for an Opteron 146\148 and plan on some overclocking, so im really just asking for any experience that anone might have with it, or anything like it.

I'd prefer to just wait a couple weeks, rather than gimp my system from the start.

Thanks in advance :D
By all accounts that's a fairly good board, but I should warn you that an Opteron 146/8 requires a socket 940 motherboard. Just get an Athlon 3500 or a X2 3800 if you have the money.
The only true pci-e / agp board is the via pt880, all the rest use the equivalent of pci bandwidth on the agp bus. Im not sure what kind of performance impact this will have on your card though. If I were you i'd just sell the 9700 and make a complete move to pci-e. Im sure 939 has pleanty of life left, but if you need to buy more ram too, you might as well wait for amd's new socket that uses ddr2 memory.
^^ actually I saw a review somewhere that said this board had true AGP as well. I'll see if I can find it.
thats odd, Newegg lists opty 148 as Socket 939..are they wrong?

As i understand it, Videocards never really used all the bandwidth available to them with AGP...would a PCIE card be gimped on this card? or that the AGP card would be gimped?

I usually dont early adopt, ive had this computer for a few years, every so often i hop on the boards and pick the minds of those with much more extra money than i have :p

I just want to rock F.E.A.R. im hoping and Opty 148 or equivelant, 1 gig of ram, and a 7800gt will do the trick, mebe a raptor later..
Found it.

Ninja Edit: Oh yeah, that's the new Venus core. I forgot about that; you could run the opty in that board, though I don't really see the benefit of that over an Athlon 64. Anyway, if you look at that review I linked above you can see there's no particular hit on AGP as opposed to PCI-E on this board. You're in the clear.
ahh, good then, thanks for your input!

So, an A64 3500+ is clocked at 2.2ghz as well..but with 1\2 L2 that such a big deal? the price is only 10 bux less. but if theres some reasonable performance increase for 10 dollars...
icthus13 said:
By all accounts that's a fairly good board, but I should warn you that an Opteron 146/8 requires a socket 940 motherboard. Just get an Athlon 3500 or a X2 3800 if you have the money.

Incorrect. Opty 144/146/148/150 are also s939 parts that work in s939 mobos (for the most part...but definitely in that ASRock board). I'd go with the ASRock, but just check video card compatibility.
The board works just fine with my 9700 AIW so I don't see why there would be issues with your 9700 pro.