Advice needed on sli vs. non-sli mobo choice


Feb 2, 2005
Ok heres my dilemma. I currently have an MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum mobo with a 6800nu agp. I love this system except for one thing, my graphics card. I've been running this 6800nu for a little over a year now in this pc and I'm finding myself looking for more performance in some newer games like CoD2, Quake4, and FEAR. My 6800 cannot unlock successfully and oc'ing it doesnt produce enough gains to be worth it.

I've been looking around some and I have decided to buy myself a new pci-e mobo and vid card, and sell my MSI and 6800 to make up some of the money, thus making this a pretty small and painless upgrade.

I have pretty much settled on a DFI mobo and a single evga 7800gt. But, I am unsure if I want an sli mobo or not. One choice of mine is the DFI Lanparty UT NF4-UltraD which is non-sli, has all the features I want and will ever need as I do not have a ridiculous number of SATA drives or anything extreme. The other board is basically the same one but in sli flavor, the DFI Lanparty NF4 SLI-D. I am worried that because I have no desire nor the cash to get two vid cards and run sli right now, and probably not for awhile, that it is a waste of money to go with the sli version.

So my question is, should I go for the sli board? I its not much more money than the non sli, but I would hate to see it wasted later on when I upgrade to something newer completely and realize I never ran sli. I've honestly never had the urge to have the most extreme graphics performance out there. I've always just liked being able to play newer games with most of the settings turned up and have the game run smoothly. I don't care at all about benchmark scores or framerate numbers, all I want is to play with high settings and have the game look smooth to me.

Right now I'm leaning towards the sli version because I see the sli as a way to easily get more performance out of the pc when later on the 7800gt becomes even cheaper and I enounter a new game that the single card cant run well with med to high settings turned on. Adding the second card and getting an instant boost sounds pretty tempting, but on the other hand if that doesnt end up happening, I would feel that I wasted my money buying an sli board. What do you guys think?
For the extra $20, I think it might be worth it to jump up to SLI for the reasons you stated. You might not use it now, but you might want to in the future. Having that option for and extra $20 (or maybe $30...don't remember), might be worth it to you. That being said, I have an Ultra-D, and plan on just doing the SLI mod at some point :).
I have read up on the Ultra-D to SLI mod, but I am hearing reports that DFI will not sell the SLI bridge seperately to anyone due to this mod. The price difference between the Ultra-D and the SLI-D is not much at all so I don't know if it worth going through the trouble of making the Ultra-D sli.

I guess I'm going to go for the Lanparty SLI-D then. Seems like it would be better to have the option there and end up not using it than to not have it and kick myself later.
alex2112 said:
I have read up on the Ultra-D to SLI mod, but I am hearing reports that DFI will not sell the SLI bridge seperately to anyone due to this mod. The price difference between the Ultra-D and the SLI-D is not much at all so I don't know if it worth going through the trouble of making the Ultra-D sli.

I guess I'm going to go for the Lanparty SLI-D then. Seems like it would be better to have the option there and end up not using it than to not have it and kick myself later.

I think that's a good choice. The SLI bridge is easier to get than that because it's the same spacing as lots of other companies. You can get them online from different places. Abit, Leadtek, Tyan SLI bridges all fit. That being said, go with the SLI-D ;).
sooner or will feel the need to SLI!!!!!!! and then you will be able to grab up another 7800GT and smile from ear to ear.MUHAHAHAHAHAHa. :D
I like my SLI.