Actual Ages

Turned 17 today!!!! Well, yesterday as of 3 and 1/2 hours ago.... ;)

M-rated games and R-rated movies, feeel my wrath. :D
Russ said:
Turned 17 today!!!! Well, yesterday as of 3 and 1/2 hours ago.... ;)

M-rated games and R-rated movies, feeel my wrath. :D

At least the pr0n is still safe ;)
17 in october. mage is right for now tho.

bah... UD is borked (again) can't connect :rolleyes:
KodiakStar said:
Hmm. is that your only computer?

I have my main rig (in sig) and the P233.

The P4 also folds, but only at 66% due to the fact that it's enough of a heater as it is.
Ahh ok (normally dont look at sigs)... was going to say if a 233 is the fastest you got.. and you are only 14... then we would have to get up up to at least 1ghz... but since you have another comp.. i guess its all good :D
waiting to turn 17 and get my permanent liscence here in August, and I ahve 2 lappys and a desktop folding for the [H] :D

54 and restarted folding this week after a 2-3 year (who counts at this age ?) absence :D
fenton06 said:
waiting to turn 17 and get my permanent liscence here in August, and I ahve 2 lappys and a desktop folding for the [H] :D

I got my permanent license (no resrictions) in Febuary, 18 months after I turned 15 and got my permit.