Acer Delays Predator X27 to 2018


Jun 22, 2008
Acer fans will have to wait a little longer as the release for its Predator X27 monitor has been delayed till 2018. Featuring a 4K display and running at 144Hz, the 27 inch monitor looks like a tank and stuffed with killer features. Still no word on what type of panel it will be using or reason for the delay, but there is speculation of possible issues at the plant.

As for its specifications, it is definitely a gaming monitor of the ages, at least according to these specifications. It provides support for G-Sync, HDR, 4K resolution, and has a 144Hz refresh rate. The monitor is also based on quantum dot technology and features its own 384 individually controlled LED zones in order to deliver that wide color contrast that experience with a display that supports HDR out of the box.
Saw this last week, pretty bummed out was looking for an upgrade from my X34, 4k, HDR, 144hz Qdot, eye tracking, yes please
I'm interested in this as an upgrade from my S2716DG -- my problem with the acer line is the many many documented cases of people getting panels that "passed quality control" only to have huge terrible back bleed problems, and then going through the RMA process 3 or 4 times getting other refurb units, basically playing panel lottery.

I'm sure this will be $1200+ when it hits, for that amount of scratch, I expect perfection.
Sadly, saw this too. Asus though claims their version, the PG27UQ is going to be out still before the end of 2017, but who really knows. These are going to be my next big purchase, well, unless AMD or NVidia have surprise releases of cards which make Titan Xps look weak.
Saw this coming from a mile away. Part with all new hardware is going to be delayed.

There's always some little part that just can't be sourced in the time-frame originally planned-out, or the panel maker can 't deliver the promised products. The more new parts the thing uses, the more likely this is to happen.
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This is from a couple sites later:

Kitguru had the same story that it was delayed until 2018, and later heard back from an Asus representative, that it was still expected to launch before year's end.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit though that neither of the monitors come out before 2019.
Think I'll stick to my current screen till they have self lit screens, then backlight bleeding will be history
Call me when it's 32''. 4k on 27'' is silly IMO.

Was going to say the same thing

I subjectively think 1440p is a little small on a 27" if native 100% scaling is used.

That makes three of us. I hate using scaling. Seems like a waste of my expensive pixels.

That, and I've become very attached to my 48" JS9000.


I'll buy a 4k adaptive refresh monitor as soon as someone launches one that is 40+ inches.
I guess I'm different from most people here. I want a higher PPI, so I don't see individual pixels. Honestly, even 27" monitors are a bit too big for my personal taste, but it's what exists.
I guess I'm different from most people here. I want a higher PPI, so I don't see individual pixels. Honestly, even 27" monitors are a bit too big for my personal taste, but it's what exists.
I'd like that too if microsofts and windows based apps scaling didn't genuinely stink.

Apple does a better job with scaling than the windows side in my estimation so far.
I guess I'm different from most people here. I want a higher PPI, so I don't see individual pixels. Honestly, even 27" monitors are a bit too big for my personal taste, but it's what exists.

I don't see individual pixels at standard desktop pixel densities of about 9-100 ppi. Sure, I can force it, by making a single white pixel on a black background, but in real applications I can't.

How close do you sit to your screen anyway? On phones we often go higher as we tend to hold them closer to our eyes, but typical desktop screen use distance is about arms length, which for me is about 2.5ft (~75cm), and at that distance - as mentioned before, unless I try to force it with a white pixel on a black background or other extreme cases - individual pixel identification is unlikely.

I find even those 2560x1440 27" screens to be too high ppi, at about 109ppi. I can't imagine using a 4k screen at 27".
I'd like that too if microsofts and windows based apps scaling didn't genuinely stink.

Apple does a better job with scaling than the windows side in my estimation so far.

Nah. 100ppi looks fine at normal viewing distances. I don't want to waste my pixels on scaling.
Balls, I might just get a 144hz 1440 screen to last me then.

Really wish all these gaming monitors didn't look stupid though.
I don't see individual pixels at standard desktop pixel densities of about 9-100 ppi. Sure, I can force it, by making a single white pixel on a black background, but in real applications I can't.

How close do you sit to your screen anyway? On phones we often go higher as we tend to hold them closer to our eyes, but typical desktop screen use distance is about arms length, which for me is about 2.5ft (~75cm), and at that distance - as mentioned before, unless I try to force it with a white pixel on a black background or other extreme cases - individual pixel identification is unlikely.

I find even those 2560x1440 27" screens to be too high ppi, at about 109ppi. I can't imagine using a 4k screen at 27".

About 2 ft. away. And as others have mentioned, it's not like I'm asking for 8 point font which will be illegible, rather, I'd like it scaled, so fonts look smoother. even playing games @ a native 1440p resolution, I can easily tell the aliasing. (I'm currently using a PG279Q and XB271HU). I just have a tendency to pick up minute graphical differences.
About 2 ft. away. And as others have mentioned, it's not like I'm asking for 8 point font which will be illegible, rather, I'd like it scaled, so fonts look smoother. even playing games @ a native 1440p resolution, I can easily tell the aliasing. (I'm currently using a PG279Q and XB271HU). I just have a tendency to pick up minute graphical differences.

Aliasing is not due to pixel size. It is an artifact of the rendering process that doesn't deal well with color transitions around edges of objects. If that were the case, aliasing and pixelation would be a big problem in high quality photos and videos as well. It's true, you could shrink pixels to the point where eventually it might not be perceptible, but you'd have to go so far beyond the tiniest visible dot for this that it is impractical, both from a display manufacturing perspective AND from a GPU power needed for rendering perspective. It's much more effective to just use good antialiasing techniques.
I've got an old Dell 2405FPW that's on it's last legs. I was hoping it would hold out until one of these models get released. I can't run anything at 4K right now, but monitors tend to last me a long time (The Dell is .... 11 or 12 years old, for instance) and I'm sure eventually I'll have a PC that does run 4K. I'm happy with 24" honestly, 27" starts to get too big, and anything larger than that I wouldn't be able to fit, nor with where I sit and the distance to the monitor, would i want to.

It hasn't given out yet, but if it does before these are out, I'll just drop to 1440 and be happy.