Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Speaking about the awesomeness of humanity, go in to google search and type "Is Abraham Lincoln v" and see what the search suggestions bring up. Take a guess ...

two of the suggestions involve the word "true"
Either it is a continuity error or it might be done on purpose as I could see that being possible too as it could actually be a shot from modern day Washington D.C. as the book starts out in modern day and flashes back to Abe's life. There are also other possibilities which I can think of but won't share as not to spoil the fun. Either way, several things could explain that being included as is.
You trying to rationalize the facts of a VAMPIRE MOVIE with ABE LINCOLN makes me laugh. :p
As soon as I heard this movie was based on a book, I went straight to Amazon and it should be in Friday. ~grin~
Let me guess, another comic adaptation.

It looks cool in a 19th century steam-punk kinda way but they could have left Lincoln out of it and had the same movie.
You trying to rationalize the facts of a VAMPIRE MOVIE with ABE LINCOLN makes me laugh. :p

Read the book. It is awesome. It fits well with the real history of Abe Lincoln. If vampires do/did exist the story is totally plausible.
Let me guess, another comic adaptation.

It looks cool in a 19th century steam-punk kinda way but they could have left Lincoln out of it and had the same movie.

Not a comic, an actual novel and a great one at that.
My friend has been filming an Abe Lincoln movie. I thought this must have been the one, but it turns out he's working on "Abe Lincoln vs Zombies"...
Read the book. It is awesome. It fits well with the real history of Abe Lincoln. If vampires do/did exist the story is totally plausible.

A friend turned me on to this book - and I have to say, it was a great read. I read it in the span of about two evenings (between having to work, of course) and was fairly impressed. History and fantasy intermingled. The author did a great job.
Damn! I didn't know that Lincoln had vampire slaying and matrix/kung-fu skills on his resume. He for sure should be the greatest president of all time.

He was considered the best wrestler in all of the colonies. :eek:
Is this an early "Matrix" style?:

He had ninja like skills and was a total badass:
Speaking about the awesomeness of humanity, go in to google search and type "Is Abraham Lincoln v" and see what the search suggestions bring up. Take a guess ...

two of the suggestions involve the word "true"

While I'm looking forward to this movie (I figure it'll be a fun popcorn flick) those Google search results require a HUGE /facepalm.
Can't be any worse than Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. I'll probably matinee it.
Personally I'm just hoping there's a video game.
Really looking forward to this, I read the book twice and I barely read books at all, twice is unheard of, especially for such a new book.

I heard a lot of people bitch about the monument shot but it could be explained in many ways.

This is what it would have looked like when Abe died.


Either it is a continuity error or it might be done on purpose as I could see that being possible too as it could actually be a shot from modern day Washington D.C. as the book starts out in modern day and flashes back to Abe's life. There are also other possibilities which I can think of but won't share as not to spoil the fun. Either way, several things could explain that being included as is.

If you factor in the VERY end of the book, then the monument shot makes PERFECT sense....;)