Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Ben Walkers a friend of mine, great actor, and its the guy who did Day Watch and Night Watch, which are totally insane fun watches. Should be great.
So those who haven't read the book, dont post BS in the thread until you do so, the read is incredibly well done and the story behind it is very amusing. Vampires are pushed from Europe and they basically try to invade the US, very compelling story.

Also, iron sky looks kick ass.

Movies to see this year so far:

Iron Sky
AL: Vampire Hunter
History teachers around the country, get ready to undo the damage this movie is about to do. :eek:

I know this was meant in jest, but teenagers are stupid. Three of my students honestly believed that the movie Apollo 18 was based on true events.
Despite what the industry thinks, B movies, with A movie budgets, are the norm these days anyway. What is wrong with starting with a B movie premise right off the bat?

It could be fun. In fact, the more seriously they try to take this premise in the movie, the funnier it will be.
I know this was meant in jest, but teenagers are stupid. Three of my students honestly believed that the movie Apollo 18 was based on true events.

Why have our kids become so stupid? May god have mercy on us.
The next movie will be about Kennedy and when he Farts a rocket blasts from is butt. Or how about how Kennedy single handedly took on the Commies with a tragic ending of being shot after killing half the world.
Why have our kids become so stupid? May god have mercy on us.

Most likely because because the parents of said kid also believe the movie ia based on t ti e events as well, instead of using something like www.google.com they will blindly believe what the see on tv, or what ever tom hanks says.
"believe the movie is based off of true events..." Wow I suck at phone posting!
I was very entertained by the book thought it was a good read, looking forward to the movie hopefully it does the book justice.
This makes about as much sense as seeing Justin Bieber in a mens weight lifting contest?
What I learned about history today: Abraham Lincoln was a strong boy who can chop down a tree with one swing of an ax. As a child his mother was brutally murdered and fed upon by a Glittery Vampire. He vowed to eradicate all vampires from the United States of America, and through hard work and determination he became the President of America.

Though he had achieved becoming the most powerful man in America there was opposition from the southern states where much of the wealthy land owners were powerful vampires like Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis de Pointe du Lac. Using his influence as the President, Lincoln declared war against the southern states to exterminate the Glittery Vampires, abolishing slavery was just a side benefit of exterminating the vampires.

The high school history books must have been downplaying the epic-ness of Abraham Lincoln so as not to steal the thunder from General Ulysses S. Grant, who took 300 Union soldiers and held back over 50,000 Confederate Vampires from getting into the nations capital by funneling them with the Hot Cleavage in the Appalachian Mountains.

I know all this to be true because it was on the internet.

I never cease to be amazed at the crap Hollywood green lights.
I know this was meant in jest, but teenagers are stupid. Three of my students honestly believed that the movie Apollo 18 was based on true events.

Damn, my kids go to/went to private school but no amount of money or proper instruction will wash away stupid. A certain amount all "chidlrens" is just plain old doomed. :D
How else would you explain Al Gore?

All you knuckleheads saying this going to be horrible, have you even read the book?

I bet most who post their shit don't even know that the movie is based on a book, which is quite popular if you actually read and are interested in books...

can't wait to see this...

I never cease to be amazed at the crap Hollywood green lights.

I'm not picking on you specifically but simply chose your quote out of convenience.

Are you and the others who agree with you really not able to suspend all disbelief and enjoy an over-the-top film for what it is? Turn off your brain, grab some popcorn, sneak in your own candy, and enjoy Honest Abe go batshit on some Vampires! If the theater of your choice allows you to drink beer then this will be an even better date/night out/whatever.

Movies of this caliber are about having fun, not destroying our dreams. If the world ends at the end of this year then I can honestly say with films like this coming out I'm going to die a happy man :D
So this would mean that Lincoln (a Republican) will be slaughtering Democratic, slave owning Vampires? Sweet...
I'd only become aware of the book very recently. That intrigues me. I pay even pick it up.

But I can't say that trailer looks that good even if the book kicks ass. And honestly, since when has it been a guarantee that a good/great book automatically guarantees a good/great movie? I wish!
What I learned about history today: Abraham Lincoln was a strong boy who can chop down a tree with one swing of an ax. As a child his mother was brutally murdered and fed upon by a Glittery Vampire. He vowed to eradicate all vampires from the United States of America, and through hard work and determination he became the President of America.

Though he had achieved becoming the most powerful man in America there was opposition from the southern states where much of the wealthy land owners were powerful vampires like Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis de Pointe du Lac. Using his influence as the President, Lincoln declared war against the southern states to exterminate the Glittery Vampires, abolishing slavery was just a side benefit of exterminating the vampires.

The high school history books must have been downplaying the epic-ness of Abraham Lincoln so as not to steal the thunder from General Ulysses S. Grant, who took 300 Union soldiers and held back over 50,000 Confederate Vampires from getting into the nations capital by funneling them with the Hot Cleavage in the Appalachian Mountains.

I know all this to be true because it was on the internet.

ROFL! I had a good laugh reading that comment.
The book was an awesome read, historical and fantasy at the same time, hope the movie is at least somewhat good!
Really looking forward to this, I read the book twice and I barely read books at all, twice is unheard of, especially for such a new book.

I heard a lot of people bitch about the monument shot but it could be explained in many ways.

This is what it would have looked like when Abe died.


Either it is a continuity error or it might be done on purpose as I could see that being possible too as it could actually be a shot from modern day Washington D.C. as the book starts out in modern day and flashes back to Abe's life. There are also other possibilities which I can think of but won't share as not to spoil the fun. Either way, several things could explain that being included as is.