abit IP35-E + e6420 = Impressed!


Jul 28, 2004
I've had the E6420 for a while but I had it paired with the ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA so that I could upgrade slowly. I was never able overclock this chip at all on that board without constant crashing. I just got the IP35-E with an Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro and installed everything over the weekend. Without even thinking about it I up'd the FSB to 400 and it is totally stable! No voltage increases to anything! I ran Orthos and Prime95 for 12 hours with no errors and the temp never went over 45 according to Coretemp. I'm really impressed with this setup. I know many have done the same thing but I have never had the same luck as eveyone else with my overclocks.

My setup:
E6420 2.13 @ 3.2
abit IP35-E
2gig Mushkin DDR800 4-5-4-11 @ 2.1v
Visiontek HD3870
WD 500gb HD
Rosewill 550w ps (yeah...I know :rolleyes:)

Games are smooth as silk. I'm replaying Stalker with full dynamic lighting and all other settings maxed out at 1680x1050. Seems like a totally different game and Oblivion finally looks like the screenshots I always saw. 3dMark06 score is 12000 now (was 9000 with previous setup). Did I mention I'm impressed with this setup? Just thought I'd share.
Seems like you are enjoying yours and I like my E a lot as well. I originally got it to try P35 while waiting on X38. However since I don't need more than 4 Sata ports and don't RAID I kept it. I was shocked when I could take this Q6600 G-0 all the way to 3.8GHz. Heck I've booted 4.0GHz on air for brief benches. I don't have to touch a single board voltage other than vcore to do 3.6GHz. (1.46v)

I got mine from Mwave when they were 75usd with rebate. It beats every much more expensive i975x and P965 board overclocking quads that I have tried. I'm talking boards that retailed for up to 250usd.


For a budget board you cannot complain. I got mine from the egg for $59 ar. I figure I'll let it ride like this for a couple weeks then see how high it can go.
I've used the IP35-E in a board for a friend of mine. For the price, I doubt you'll find a better board.
I've heard a lot of good praise about the IP35-E

but I ended up using the Asus p5k-se which can overclock also pretty well
That's good to hear! I just ordered the same board three days ago along with a Q6600 and a XIGMATEK HDT-S1283 HSF. I plan on OC'ing it to 3.0GHz or 3.2GHz.

I just have to decide whether to use my G.Skill 1GBx2 800 or Patriot Extreme 2GBx2 800.