A8V 1009.02 Beta Bios question


Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2000
I've using this beta w/o issues for little while, but I noticed last night that my Vcore is limited to 1.5v. Can anyone else confirm this? Thanks in advance...:)

Here's a little update on this issue:

This all started yesterday when I installed a new processor. Both the old and new processor are Winchester retail 3000+'s.

Old chip markings:

New chip markings:

I just got done re-installing my old chip and sure enough all my voltage settings are available up to 1.7v +. Once I put the new chip in my Vcore ceiling is 1.5v. I have tried the following BIOS:

It appears I have a new/different stepping of the Winchester and that the BIOS treats it differently...strange. Anyone else seen/heard this?

Weird, the 1009.02 was the first BIOS to properly support Winchester voltage adjustments though (previous ones only allowed you to bump it up from stock if you did 1.6v+) and it's beta so I guess they're still figuring it all out.
I'm thinking the same thing impulse. Maybe this newer chip has some voltage differences that the bios doesn't handle well.... :confused:
Hmm, I'm not sure where mine falls with regards to the markings on it... Here:

Assembled in Malaysia

Still on 1007 though, might flash 1009 to see what happens. It's still running at stock voltages (relatively mild OC) since I barely just got done with the new OS install, will test it out later. If I had to guess I'd say it's newer than your older one but older than your newest one? If that makes any sense... :p
According to Asus Probe, Vcore=1.536

Don't know squat about voltages so I don't know what this means. Should I revert back to 1008?
Stangs55 said:
According to Asus Probe, Vcore=1.536

Don't know squat about voltages so I don't know what this means. Should I revert back to 1008?

What do you have it set to in the BIOS? Not sure what your issue is... But 1.536 is normal for a stock FX.
What I find strange about my situation is that it's not like the old BIOS's where you set to one voltage and it gives you something less or more or just wont hold on reboot. In my case, the options are completely gone above 1.5v. I'm still just scratching my head on this one... :confused:

Impulse said:
What do you have it set to in the BIOS? Not sure what your issue is... But 1.536 is normal for a stock FX.

Don't have an issue...I was just contributing data to his question. :)