A Quick Vote Please, A Stats Thing

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Born Again Cynic
Feb 17, 2002
Ok, it’s that time of year again, as per congress we have all changed our clocks. All except Stanford of course they run on Liberal time:rolleyes:

The question is this, leave the Folding stats site as is and live with the short change till things catch up or have king recode again.

Unfortunately it’s not as simple as a date change or obviously I wouldn’t be doing this.

I say, leave it alone it will all even out.

How bout you folk?;)

It works as it is as far as I'm concerned. Besides, it's only an hour and doesn't make a big difference. Personally, I wish they would just leave the time as it is now and not change it again.


King does enough, we don't need to add work ;)


Do what ever you think is best.
I know it will be tit's whatever you do.
I agree. As you can tell by my badge, I a not much of a stats whore. If that doesn't get adjusted I will not shed a single tear.

Keep up the good work King.


King does enough, we don't need to add work ;)

QFT. I for one didn't notice and the idea never even occurred to me. Even if a fix now could be a permanent fix, they'll just go and change what day DST is on like they did last year. There has to be a million better things for King to spend his time on.

Hi, Bill. Have I told you to "blow me" today? :)

Sticks and stone...........;)

Ok, seems like we have a pretty good answer to the vote, I'll pass it on. I can't promise king won't go nuts again but to me points is pionts, it all eauals out.

Thank you all for your interest, even relic.;):p

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