A Nightmare on Intel Street

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
In a haunting tale, a young girl explores her father's antique shop where she discovers a mysterious, mechanical box. The device magically sucks Vanessa and her world inside. Now, Vanessa must use her considerable puzzle-solving skills to twist and turn her way to freedom, in this spine-tingling Mario-meets-Rubik's-Cube game. Feed the need for more thrills with Hangman Haunting - a ghostly take on the classic game of hangman. Download Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix And Her Nightmare and Hangman Haunting on the Intel AppUp center.
I'll check these out after work today. Thanks for the link, Steve.
I did always wonder where the resources went after cancelling Project Offset.

A more haunting tale would be wandering up and down Intel Street in two weeks looking for a 2700K and only finding AMD FX 8150s for sale!!

Indie type game from a large hardware company that is charging for it..Um, no. Too much free stuff to play plus all the games developed by actual software complanies. Let me know when they want to actually sponsor the cost themselves and use the software to demo their hardware. :rolleyes:
Yea... $5? seriously? Who uses Intel AppUp? I haven't even heard of this until today. What if you have an AMD chip?
I have Intel AppUp from the Angry Birds for PC promotion a couple months ago, announced here.

Some of you guys have short memory span.

Will be checking this out after work as well.