A New Look Coming for Gmail?

Heh..I have my Gmail so tweaked and modded that I didn't even notice. We use a corporate Gmail for work and I use it for my personal emails as well. Multiple inboxes for the win!
Gmail has gotten progressively harder to navigate over the past few months (un-middleclickable menu links and the like) and the new "blinding white space" theme looks icky, with not enough visual separation between discrete sections of the page.

However, my biggest concern since taking a look at the Gmail Beta theme was the wasted space in the inbox, but from the video it looks like the "condensed" view returns the inbox to its current font size, so I'm begrudgingly acceptant of it. As long as my "sunset" theme still works without a giant distracting image across the background....
*Bangs Cane on Porch*

Quit messing with my gmail...oh and Get Off Mah Lawn!

Oh..wait I can resize it how I deem fit?...hrm..ok I can "learn" to like that, but Get off Mah Lawn anyhow!:D
I will never understand why we must take something so simple and uncomplicated, that works perfectly in its simplicity...and clutter it up with krap I don't want or care about. :mad:
I have been using this as a theme for awhile now. I love it. It helps me manage my email a lot better. I love the new implementation of the starred messages where you can have them stickied at the top separate from your normal inbox messages.

I am a fan and can't wait to see the other improvements. Anyone nerd raging over this, well there is a Republican recruiting party for those that hate change coming up in a week.
It looks like one of those marker/highlighter happy girls in high school got a hold of it..
My my my. How very Metro of them. Ironic they bash the Windows Phone design language...then being utilizing it in everything they can. Oh the hilarious irony. :cool:
I use Google Redesigned. It's better than anything Google can come up with on their own.
I cant stand the new design. Its so bloated.

Buttons are bigger for no reason. There is more spacing around things.

I can fit 25 e-mails on my screen with Firefox maximized and no scroll bar. With the new one I have to scroll down to see everything. This is even with the compact version.
If you mean rules such as in Outlook try the -filters- options.

Ok, I see how it works. It's technically not a sort-by-folder but a view-by-criteria but it'll work.

Thanks for the heads up.
For some reason this video really reminds of when Apple releases a new product and they do a similar video.