A lot of X360's being repaired?

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Jun 18, 2006
I work at a UPS store, in the last few months I have seen at least 10 X360's get sent in for repair, is this a common trend? Whats happening to them?
10? Out of how many millions?

I bet you probably handle a lot of say, hard drive RMAs through UPS, but since they're small you don't notice how many of them pass through you.
It's a new product, and not unreasonable to expect a lot of failures start happening after a year of wear and tear.

I would expect it to be even worse for the PS3 with it's blue-ray drive. Give them about a year and watch as the early ones start failing.
not all overheating or any system probs(though it has its share), jus careless kids who have either dropped or somehow effed up the system mommy n daddy bought, or spilled drink, use ur imagination.
dwilson041781 said:
not all overheating or any system probs(though it has its share), jus careless kids who have either dropped or somehow effed up the system mommy n daddy bought, or spilled drink, use ur imagination.

I just sent mine in again for the *third* time. I'm sure they'll send me back another dinged up, scratched up, greasy fingerprint coated dead unit, though. So far the lifespan of the two replacements they've sent me has been a *combined* 30 minutes.
Are we going through these*heat/broken* 360 issues because of the PS3/Wii launch in the next few weeks?

Or is this problem *popping up* again?
I just brought it up because they slacked off, and then started up again, guy that came in today has sent his back 4 times. I told him to visit the [H] and check out the water cooling setup :)
My first attempt at a 360 was overheating from just about the minute I got it hooked up. At first, it seemed to be working fine and I thought that perhaps it just ran really hot (on reflection, I was too excited about playing games to realize that the thing wasn't just running hot but was near to skin-burning level on the outside). Anyway, I took that one back to the store. The second one had a different type of power connector (two prongs versus three), so I figured the first one was just an old unit that had been sitting on the shelf for a long time. Long story short, after 20-odd days, when I attempted to turn on the new 360 one morning it just wouldn't start. Three red lights and none of the suggested fixes worked. So, I sent the thing in to be fixed.

I'm due to receive my 360 back on Thursday, so we'll see how things work out. God willin' and if the creek don't rise the thing will run beautifully for at least a year - honestly, at this point, after my misery with the PS2, I can't bring myself to expect more than that. Sad statement on modern console hardware (apart from Nintendo - neither my GC nor multiple GBAs/DSs have had a problem, despite installing Afterburners in two of my GBAs), but there ya go.
Babbster said:
My first attempt at a 360 was overheating from just about the minute I got it hooked up. At first, it seemed to be working fine and I thought that perhaps it just ran really hot (on reflection, I was too excited about playing games to realize that the thing wasn't just running hot but was near to skin-burning level on the outside). Anyway, I took that one back to the store. The second one had a different type of power connector (two prongs versus three), so I figured the first one was just an old unit that had been sitting on the shelf for a long time. Long story short, after 20-odd days, when I attempted to turn on the new 360 one morning it just wouldn't start. Three red lights and none of the suggested fixes worked. So, I sent the thing in to be fixed.

I'm due to receive my 360 back on Thursday, so we'll see how things work out. God willin' and if the creek don't rise the thing will run beautifully for at least a year - honestly, at this point, after my misery with the PS2, I can't bring myself to expect more than that. Sad statement on modern console hardware (apart from Nintendo - neither my GC nor multiple GBAs/DSs have had a problem, despite installing Afterburners in two of my GBAs), but there ya go.

From experience: expect a scratched, dinged-up, greasy-fingerprinted refurb in place of your shiny new unit.
Babbster said:
after my misery with the PS2, I can't bring myself to expect more than that.

I bought my PS2 used and have had it for like four years now and never had a problem with it. I just opened it up every once and a while and clean all the dust out and it still runs like a champ .... never could get it to play audio CDs with any kind of scratch on them worth a damn though. Just me?
On my third 360 already. My launch unit lasted about a month, my second unit lasted about 10 months, hopefully third time is the charm.
Blah blah blah... hi tech electronics sometimes breaks. We saw it with the xbox, ps2, gamecube, we're seeing it with the 360 and we'll see it with the PS3 and Wii too. Personally I've never had a console break on me, nor do I know anyone that has (other than a slightly dodgy PS2 laser)... but get a bunch of people on the internet with bust machines and suddenly you have a cover up and everyone is out to get you.
Psychotext said:
Blah blah blah... hi tech electronics sometimes breaks. We saw it with the xbox, ps2, gamecube, we're seeing it with the 360 and we'll see it with the PS3 and Wii too. Personally I've never had a console break on me, nor do I know anyone that has (other than a slightly dodgy PS2 laser)... but get a bunch of people on the internet with bust machines and suddenly you have a cover up and everyone is out to get you.

Never saw it on the GC, XBOX, or PS2. (Although I know many others who had issues with PS2s).
Oh, this is nothing new.

Anyone who has played NES as a kid remembers that everyone has their own little thing they need to do to get the games to work. Blow off the catredge, clean it, etc etc...

Just kinda hard to blow off the insides of a overheated 360 ;P
That's because Microsoft decided to make a mini-pc to sell to kids. Increasing expectations lead to more processing power, memory and harddrives which anyone with a pc knows...puts off a lot of heat and such things can't be abused. Putting the thing on carpet can effectively cut off half the vents and knocking it over from the upright position can scramble a drive. That said...I haven't had any issues with mine but I treat it just as I would a HTPC and I don't have 12 hour gaming sessions.
I've read places where kids (as in teens) leave their Xbox 360 games lying around on the floor/carpet! And I don't mean in the storage case either... So I would not be amazed to hear of a bunch of hardware units going back due to, for lack of a better word, neglect... :p
My second Xbox 360 died a few weeks ago. Both xbox 360s have lived a combined total of 5 months. I had them on their own open stand away from any heat source but they both died of what seems like overheating.
My 2nd one died last week, it was slowly locking up more and more frequent and then 3 red lights, this had replace my launch one that lasted about 1 or 2 months.

Called tech support , got a guy probably from india and said it was bad and asked me if I would like to repair it. I though duh, thats why I am calling.

A week later, I call and ask when they are sending the coffin and a lady said I had to ship it back and they do not send boxes anymore. I told her the guy in India never told me this and never gave an address to ship to.

We I got it shipped off and we will see what happens
Its a rare, rare day when a Nintendo system breaks. I wouldnt buy a ps3 or xbox 360 without a replacement plan from the store I'd get it from. (likely best buy, as they would just swap for another)
I've got a November 2005 -built unit that's still going strong.
fromage said:
10? Out of how many millions?

He said 10 in his particular store, meaning at least 10 failures in his particular area. We're talking about local people sending them in to repair, not everyone in the world with a 360... So that "millions" you mentioned becomes hundreds or less in this case.

Let's face it, the 360 has to be the most problematic console to date... I never remember the original Xbox having all of these freezing, overheating, disc scratching, etc... issues in the first year.
^ Of course, we know the majority of them work, but there still exists a larger than usual percentage that don't work. You just happened to grab one of the ones that did.
I sent mine to repair today due to a strange problem. After playing it for a while with no disc, (Demos, browsing the Marketplace, Arcade), then putting in a disc, it would take the disc in and the say "Opening", with the power light flashing. This is the 2nd time sending it, since the first time apparently they didn't do anything.

Quick question: When we receive our refurbed or repaired units, do they have any kind of warranty on them?
DragonMasterAlex said:
From experience: expect a scratched, dinged-up, greasy-fingerprinted refurb in place of your shiny new unit.

Yes, since your particular experiences are obviously indicative of everything Microsoft does with the 360.

Seriously, STFU dude, there's not a single person here who isn't aware of how emo you are over your bad luck already.
My launch console (picked up Dec. 4th, 2005) died on me recently. It was manufactured 10-20-2005, and it started crashing 10-19-2006. The fall update pretty much killed it, but not in the "bricking" manner others have had. It simply starts booting up then freezes during the 360 logo screen. I never got 3 reds lights, but I did get 4 which is for A/V cable issue. My unit was flawless until the first crash. I shipped it off yesterday after taking nearly 2 weeks to get a "coffin" from MS. Let's hope it returns quickly so I can play GoW.
Had a 2nd gen model go bad after about 4 months. It was out in the open with as much ventilation as I could possibly give it, but it overheated and gave me the 3 red lights. The 360 is officially the ONLY piece of electronics/hardware that I've fried.

The problem is that the unit isn't capable of moving the hot air from inside the unit. Plus, when you play a game for about an hour and shut it off, it just sits there and cooks from the inside out. Many of today's televisions monitor the temps inside even after shutdown and will keep the fans going until it's safe to shut them off.

The intercooler cools it better but fries the power outlet. The fan stand cools it okay but requires that it be vertical, which results in disc read errors and even disc damage. There's no Microsoft-supported method of cooling this son of a bitch and people are powerless while their $400 investment suicides itself. The 360 either needs a redesign or Microsoft needs to develop an add-on solution and provide it to customers at a very, very discounted price.

The 360's design is fucking awful. That's all there is to it. Anyone who says this is just par for the course can go suck a pole. This is not normal AT ALL.
^ Agreed. And as games get more and more hardware-demanding, I'm afraid we are going to see more and more failures.
joemama said:
That's because Microsoft decided to make a mini-pc to sell to kids. Increasing expectations lead to more processing power, memory and harddrives which anyone with a pc knows...puts off a lot of heat and such things can't be abused. Putting the thing on carpet can effectively cut off half the vents and knocking it over from the upright position can scramble a drive. That said...I haven't had any issues with mine but I treat it just as I would a HTPC and I don't have 12 hour gaming sessions.

QFMFT, A MINI PC INDEED, ok no more caps, anyways the design is flaw as far as heat dissipation, not impossible to incorporate a heatsink with a good fan.
anyone else see the video on net where guy cooks a friggin scrambled egg on x360 heatsink, OUCH!
dwilson041781 said:
QFMFT, A MINI PC INDEED, ok no more caps, anyways the design is flaw as far as heat dissipation, not impossible to incorporate a heatsink with a good fan.
anyone else see the video on net where guy cooks a friggin scrambled egg on x360 heatsink, OUCH!

I've resorted to raising my 360 off my desk by putting 7 jewel cases at each corner. I've also taped a pelican fan stand to the bottom of it (but the console is horizontal).

It's a ridiculous freaking solution that absolutely should not be necessary, but the heat coming out of the rear seems a few degrees cooler.

MS needs to fix this shit.
a total redesign should fix it. (and a die shrink). dont get me wrong. I really really really want to play gears. :|
I have had two gamecubes break, a gameboy, a gameboy cartridge (wtf I thought they were indestructible...it wasn't even abused I take good care of my stuff).

Never owned a PS2 or Xbox. Never had a single problem at all with my Genesis or Dreamcast.

My launch 360 had a bad DVD Drive, no overheating problems just s a bad disc drive. The replacement has been running fine, and very often (I use it for games as well as media center so it is on at least 4-6 hours a day).

So should everyone believe that Nintendo is utter crap because of my experience with them? No, and I dont expect anyone to. I dont hold either company responsible for the failures, I do expect them to fix them however. Something that Microsoft has done for me but Nintendo has not, go figure.
Erasmus354 said:
I have had two gamecubes break, a gameboy, a gameboy cartridge (wtf I thought they were indestructible...it wasn't even abused I take good care of my stuff).

Never owned a PS2 or Xbox. Never had a single problem at all with my Genesis or Dreamcast.

My launch 360 had a bad DVD Drive, no overheating problems just s a bad disc drive. The replacement has been running fine, and very often (I use it for games as well as media center so it is on at least 4-6 hours a day).

So should everyone believe that Nintendo is utter crap because of my experience with them? No, and I dont expect anyone to. I dont hold either company responsible for the failures, I do expect them to fix them however. Something that Microsoft has done for me but Nintendo has not, go figure.

First of all, your experiences are that of one person. Your problems with the Gamecube, etc., are the exception, not the rule. The problems with the 360, on the other hand, are widespread. Almost every person I run into on XBL has either had one go dead on them or knows someone whose did. Same with various Internet forums. Do a quick Google search for 360 failures, then do one for Gamecube failures.

See the difference?
It's still all about the games. Because I couldn't care less about Nintendo's games, I don't really care about how reliable Gamecubes tend to be. Because I like the games on the 360, I have a 360 with the MS extended warranty and I'll deal with problems if I have to. I haven't had any yet, knock on wood.
The launch 360s have had problems. This is a fact. What I have a problem with, however, is how people are treating this like it is a new thing. Remember the PS2 launch? Remember all the disc drives that failed for that thing? OMG, it might have even been worse than the Xbox 360... granted, there weren't any overheating problems, but there were still plenty of dead consoles being sent into Sony back in 2000 and 2001...
David Webb said:
First of all, your experiences are that of one person. Your problems with the Gamecube, etc., are the exception, not the rule. The problems with the 360, on the other hand, are widespread. Almost every person I run into on XBL has either had one go dead on them or knows someone whose did. Same with various Internet forums. Do a quick Google search for 360 failures, then do one for Gamecube failures.

See the difference?

I think you are blowing the number of defective units out of proportion. It will always appear more people have problems than not because you hear more about those with problems vs. those that don't have problems.

If you go with the average of 3% of units have problems, out of 6 million sold, that's 180,000 units. That's way more than the number of people on this forum and many other forums combined. So, there may be 180,000 people that have experienced problems, but there are 5,820,000 people that haven't.
AdamNesvick said:
I work at a UPS store, in the last few months I have seen at least 10 X360's get sent in for repair, is this a common trend? Whats happening to them?

Just sent mine via UPS ground back to Repair Center in TX for the Red Ring of Death :mad:

Gears of Ware + No XBOX = :(
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