A [H]orde Recruitment Drive...

How are we supposed to get donations without associations to the [H]? I am part of Team 33. You know Team [H]ard|OCP*.

*not associated with [H]ard|OCP or its affiliates. We just like the name. :D

Don't get me wrong. The forum space is great. Hardfolding.com is great. This is more than we could ask. If I say the name [H]ardOCP in the team name, that it will be more that likely presumed of the association. If their could be an explination of what we can and cannot do to get this going, without casuing grief to [H] it would be greatly appreciated. My guess it for them to stay impartial on their reportings on hardware, OEM systems and such, they really can't take donations from these companies for the team. Is this in the realm of what the problem is? :confused:
Actually the jist of the arguement is that Kyle wants no association with the prizes given here. As he's explained it, if something breaks, someone is going to go to whomever provided it, and he has neither the time nor the patience to deal with the problem of parts that he gave away.

What we do as a team is our business, but we've been told to not expect any sort of hand me down, or the ability to garner sponsorship for our prizes. There have been occasions where Kyle has seen fit to donate some stuff, I believe a few of the guys got some of his old AXPs, but thats all I can remember.

So unless there is a major shift, we're on our own, with what we've got.
I can see Kyle's issue with giving away hardware, so....

What about him feeding hardware semi-anonymously through a trusted agent associated with the two semi-official [H] distributed computing efforts? The understanding would be that [H]ardOCP is NOT giving away hardware so don't bug Kyle, and the third-party trusted agent would be responsible for making all hardware donations anonymous so there is no way to go back to the donor.

Anyhow, just a thought about a way out of this conundrum.
flenser said:
I can see Kyle's issue with giving away hardware, so....

What about him feeding hardware semi-anonymously through a trusted agent associated with the two semi-official [H] distributed computing efforts? The understanding would be that [H]ardOCP is NOT giving away hardware so don't bug Kyle, and the third-party trusted agent would be responsible for making all hardware donations anonymous so there is no way to go back to the donor.

Anyhow, just a thought about a way out of this conundrum.

As p[H] put... Kyle has neither the time nor patients for something like this. Best to apply your efforts elsewhere, as there's simply no way around it. Thus far, we've been able to make the best of what we've got, and thats how its going to have to remain.