A good 23-24" upgrade to the Dell 2007wfp 20.1" S-IPS LCD??


[H]F Junkie
Sep 9, 2003
I'm thinking about picking up a new display and was looking through several similar threads here to try and decide what might be a good upgrade. I may be doing some gaming on it at some point but my first concern is color quality. I do photo editing and I can't stand TN panels period. What are some viable options right now in the 23-24" range that are S-IPS or similar quality? I've sorta looked at the Apple 23" Cinema Display a little since the color quality is good and I really like the look of the display with it's brushed aluminum but it's a little expensive and uses older technology than what is currently available in newer cheaper panels. I have a MacBook Pro and so I'd like something that looks alright aesthetically with it. Don't like any of those bulky cheap plastic looking ones.

How is the NEC LCD2470WNX? It's an S-PVA display correct? How does S-PVA compare to S-IPS??
I'd like to keep it under $700 so I'm trying to find a good deal on one of the more expensive models like the NEC I mentioned. I can order it from some place like Dell and use a 10-15% E&A coupon to drop the price. I have gift certificates to use up at Dell, Circuit City, Best Buy, and Amazon.com so those would be particular places I'd like to order it from if possible.
Apple 23 inch is your best option. Right now i have a 2001fp from dell. As soon as i get the funds together im purchasing an apple 23 incher. My reasoning is easy. I would love to have the planar 27 inch monitor but, the dot pitch on it is too large .285 is waay to big. Our 20 inchers are .255 and that is almost too bigg for my liking.

Also, I like the NEC 2490 dot pitch is .27 meh ok, but the input lag is awful 33-40ms. Not as bad as the dell but yours and mine have 10ms of lag tops.

Now, the apple 23 incher. .258 dot pitch just a little bigger so thats good. And its input lag is on par with the planar with some tests have it even quicker. You might not do any gaming with yours, but just incase this is the best bet, and it comes factory calibrated.
The NEC 2490wuxi does not have 3 frames of input lag, it has been shown to have 33ms of average lag, right at 2 frames. That's average lag among LCDs. If you are seing more than that, it's due to your other hardware.
The 2490wuxi is real nice with it's S-IPS panel but I don't plan on spending over $1k. I can come up with the 2470wnx for around <$700 so that's the only 24" NEC option I'm looking at. It has an S-PVA panel. I don't know what kind of input lag it has on it. It can't be that horrible since it seems to get good reviews. What kind of panel does the Apple 23" ACD use? Is it S-IPS or S-PVA? Better be S-IPS for the price.
I just got the 2470wnx after years of using CRTs for design and I have no complaints. Gaming isn't bad and photos/art look great.
It is S-IPS, and somewhat outdated technology, but still superior to most non-IPS panels.
You are correct the NEC does have 33-40 ms of lag as checked here http://bp1.blogger.com/_0-tLLf6eqJY/R9MQ6C1sYpI/AAAAAAAAAF0/DvoCn2EWhj4/s1600-h/Dell+2408+WFP+Input+Lag.jpg

But If i had a choice between 5-10 ms and a smaller dot pitch I would go for the apple. I will edit my post if I can hold on.

My words hold true though Apple 23 incher is the best bet for you. Unless you want absoulte color accuracy and plan on spending the extra 200 bucks for the calibration hardware, then the NEC is better. Also the only downside to the apple is the poor warranty. I wil be purchasing the extra care thing for 80 bucks to upgrade it to three years.
The one thing I absolutely hated about the Cinema 23" is the amount of anti-glare they SLOPPED onto the screen. It looks so grainy and "sparkly" that I couldnt' stand to look at solid colors on this thing, because they almost looked like gradations.

So just be on the lookout for that.


The 2490wuxi is real nice with it's S-IPS panel but I don't plan on spending over $1k. I can come up with the 2470wnx for around <$700 so that's the only 24" NEC option I'm looking at. It has an S-PVA panel. I don't know what kind of input lag it has on it. It can't be that horrible since it seems to get good reviews.

I own a 2470WNX. It is indeed a very nice display. However, I have found the input lag to be too much for gaming, especially FPS and RTS games (I am very sensitive to input lag - YMMV). It felt like I was pushing the mouse through molasses. Other than the input lag, it is a beautiful display in every respect. Build quality is second to none, in my opinion.
I may be doing some gaming on it at some point but my first concern is color quality.

Almost any of this list is a good upgrade for your monitor (exclude LG W2600HP and be careful about other bargain 26").
Although they are all IPS, these monitors differ in level of engineering, functionality, price.
Read more about them, choose what is right for you.

How is the NEC LCD2470WNX?
Forget it.

How does S-PVA compare to S-IPS?
Sorry, it's impossible to describe this every day in every new thread.
This very good (with just one minor mistake) and short summary is what you need.
For more details and illustrations see here.
I read the general differences between the panel types in the sticky here at the top of the forum so I got an idea of the positives and negatives of S-IPS and S-PVA already but outside of grouping S-PVA in with all other PVA/MVA panels I'm just wondering how the particular S-PVA panel in the LCD2470WNX would compare to my S-IPS 2007wfp. Although the panel technology is the same it's a given fact that every model of a panel is somewhat different from another in color quality and lag performance.
I own a 2470WNX. It is indeed a very nice display. However, I have found the input lag to be too much for gaming, especially FPS and RTS games (I am very sensitive to input lag - YMMV). It felt like I was pushing the mouse through molasses. Other than the input lag, it is a beautiful display in every respect. Build quality is second to none, in my opinion.

So it's not too great for fast paced gaming huh? What about RPG's like Oblivion?
Although the panel technology is the same it's a given fact that every model of a panel is somewhat different from another in color quality and lag performance.

Yes, to some extent.
Are you looking for exceptions? Why not look at something proven and solid?
There are no exceptions in this case.
Both are typical representatives. Both are older models, basic connectivity, free of any latest improvements in both of technologies.
Descriptions you see in the summary are word for word their portraits. 2470 may have some aroma of upper class but nothing really worth extra money (compared to regular 24" PVA monitor).
As you ruled out TNs, lag performance is the least meaningful difference for 95% of the rest of monitors - and all subjective! Two different people will tell you different of what they feel about input lag.
You are asking somebody else about his monitor lag performance.
Let me ask you: what is your monitor lag performance?
Is it OK for you? Well, now what is measured input lag of your monitor?
How many ms? You don't know? Listen, input lag is your concern but you don't know what input lag your own monitor has...:mad:
Sweet grandpa from lesnumeriques did not check it for you?
Do it yourself. Know your monitor input lag and compare to 30ms - normal, typical for most larger panels for most users.
Ok, enough about this BS input lag.

I would rather pay attention to the issues related to wide gamut monitors.
No I haven't checked the input lag myself for my 2007wfp. It's rated at 16ms which is black to white I'm guessing. The 2470wnx is rated for 6ms GTG. What am I suppose to use to test the input lag myself?

I checked out this site but all that's going to allow me to do is compare one LCD to another.


Unless it's just really bad I somewhat doubt that input lag is going to be an issue for me in my buying decision with the monitors I'm looking at. I don't really play fast paced games like first person shooters and I don't game that much period any more so color quality and overall build quality of the LCD are really my two most important concerns here. If I buy the NEC I'll probably order it from Dell so I can always return it within 21 days if I have any issues.
No I haven't checked the input lag myself for my 2007wfp. It's rated at 16ms which is black to white I'm guessing. The 2470wnx is rated for 6ms GTG. What am I suppose to use to test the input lag myself?

I checked out this site but all that's going to allow me to do is compare one LCD to another.


Unless it's just really bad I somewhat doubt that input lag is going to be an issue for me in my buying decision with the monitors I'm looking at. I don't really play fast paced games like first person shooters and I don't game that much period any more so color quality and overall build quality of the LCD are really my two most important concerns here. If I buy the NEC I'll probably order it from Dell so I can always return it within 21 days if I have any issues.

That's a relief. Looks like responsiveness is not your concern. You just echo gamers' input lag paranoia. In fact it's hard to find a monitor that is not suitable for moderate gaming. So forget about input lag and concentrate on matters really important.
Good luck!
Best option is the Doublesight 263-DSN. 26" H-IPS panel with less then 1 frame of input lag. Great for gaming and great viewing angles as compared to my 2007wfp. Cost: 700.00. :D
I second that,

It uses an incredible H-IPS screen, with the only caveat being that you may or may not receive one with the Advanced true-wide (A-TW) polarizer. Even without it, you get a very good monitor for the price, and likely one that you can keep for a long time.

Good luck in your search, as they are hard to get due to demand generated by this forum.



Best option is the Doublesight 263-DSN. 26" H-IPS panel with less then 1 frame of input lag. Great for gaming and great viewing angles as compared to my 2007wfp. Cost: 700.00. :D
I have a Dell 2005FPW, and had the exact same question and went with the DoubleSight, which just arrived today. It looks just absolutely gorgeous, and even though Buy.com lists them as Out of Stock, I ordered on Friday afternoon (just wanting to be high up on the list when they came in), and it shipped this Monday and arrived today, so that was pretty quick for something that wasn't in stock. Not sure that yours would arrive as fast, but it wouldn't be too long of a wait.
I have a Dell 2005FPW, and had the exact same question and went with the DoubleSight, which just arrived today. It looks just absolutely gorgeous, and even though Buy.com lists them as Out of Stock, I ordered on Friday afternoon (just wanting to be high up on the list when they came in), and it shipped this Monday and arrived today, so that was pretty quick for something that wasn't in stock. Not sure that yours would arrive as fast, but it wouldn't be too long of a wait.

Any dead pixels? Worried about ordering from these compaines.
Any dead pixels? Worried about ordering from these compaines.

When I ran test patterns to look for them, there were a couple pixels at the bottom that were partially stuck, but as soon as I went back to regular work, or Lightroom, or any non-test pattern, I never noticed them at all. I'm willing to be if I have my finacee look for them tonight, she won't find them.