9x Quake Live invites to pass out


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 30, 2001
First 9 people that leave their names and email addresses will get them. DO NOT PM ME!

Everyone can count to 9 and can thus see who will get them.
Sent to first 9. Just a heads up. If you have invites once you get accepted, they will be under "friends" > "search and invite." Took me a good two weeks to find my invites. :|
If anyone has any left.... been really waiting to get into the beta!

thedonut [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com

Edit: Still looking for one! Will invite fellow [H]'ers upon receipt!

Thanks! :)
Was able to get on thanks to OP, had a nice time trying it out earlier. Thanks again!

Diablo2k (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks for the chance
if anyone has any left I would love an invite =)

XNebulaDX (at) gmail (dot) com
Invites sent to SilverSliver, pookguy88, The Donut, Slava, Namakan, Dark Prodigy, Diablo2K, Drakan290, Crucible1001, and NebulaD.
I would love to get one! Many thanks if you have an extra one!

Thank you


mjlaferriere@yahoo (dot) com

Thanks again!
Thanks again! Just signed up, and will give it a try when I get home.
Invites sent to SilverSliver, pookguy88, The Donut, Slava, Namakan, Dark Prodigy, Diablo2K, Drakan290, Crucible1001, and NebulaD.

I have yet to recieve anything. I have entered my e-mail on www.quakelive.com , Do I need to do anything else?
[email protected]

I think Gmail has to be the most spammed service of all time. I get almost 100 a day, none of my others including Hotmail even come close.
GMail name: [removed]

If someone has one left.
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It says PENDING on the list of invitations I sent out. You've been invited, I just have no idea how long it takes for the system to accept them.