9x Quake Live invites to pass out

It says PENDING on the list of invitations I sent out. You've been invited, I just have no idea how long it takes for the system to accept them.

Takes up to an hour after you send invitations for the 'system' to email the invitations. After that, depending on your email client, it may take a few hours according to the Quake Live website.
Kinda really dont understand quake live. im an old quaker back in the day with quake 2 on ten.net and mplayer. It was all about the PGL and watching thresh own shit. Anyways what acctualy is quake live? I googled it and it just looks like Q3Arena, with some sort of match making...
Kinda really dont understand quake live. im an old quaker back in the day with quake 2 on ten.net and mplayer. It was all about the PGL and watching thresh own shit. Anyways what acctualy is quake live? I googled it and it just looks like Q3Arena, with some sort of match making...

Its browser based.

It's Quake 3 Arena + Team Arena expansion pack. It runs through your web browser as was already mentioned. Because of that, even the crappiest of computers these days can run it. Hell, I ran it on my MSI Wind that uses an Intel GMA 950 chipset and a 1.6 Ghz Intel Atom "netbook" CPU. I can play online with no hits in FPS. I start to get FPS hits if I do an 8 player bot match on the netbook. 4 bots runs fine though...but who plays with bots anyway?
I also have a shitload left. PM me if you still need one (full name + email)

And too anyone who is receiving an invite, they take a while to send. Sometimes up to an hour, be patient. :D

Note: Invitation emails will be sent out once an hour. Depending on their email service it may take up to a few hours before your friend receives the email. Please make sure to let them know to be expecting an email from [email protected], and to verify that the email does not get filtered into their spam folder.