91.31 WHQL ForceWare Drivers Released Today

These drivers SUCK, at least for me. I would not recommend them. I used the Beta version of these, and the same issues I had with the Betas appear here in the "release."
Issue List
1. When computer boots, there is an excessive delay between the WinXP Splash and the Logon wherein the monitor flashes/blinks about four to five times.
2. Whenever one quits a game (saw this in F.E.A.R., Doom, Quake and HL2/CS:S) the screen looks horrible. The game image remains overlayed. Further, the computer goes nuts. The monitor alternates between the mess on the screen and a blank screen, like a slow strobe. You cannot do anything, you must Reset.

There may be more issues, but I for one am sick of these drivers after having them for a whopping 15 minutes. Back to 84.xx series drivers....

I have 2x 7900GTX EGS (stock) in SLI mode. Whether SLI or not, the issues appear....sorry nVidia you struck out big time with these IMO.
I have the same issues with these drivers. After using my new quad sli in gamez I have the horrible desktop :(
Out of curiosity did you all use Driver Cleaner after uninstalling the betas?
Yes I use Driver Cleaner in Safe Mode EVERY time I do anything with drivers....that eliminates "computer clogged with crap" as a reason for this misbehavior, people at MaxPC are reporting instances of Error 2 with the 7600GT.
I have had no problems with the 91.31 drivers. The games that I play (UT2004, COD2, GRAW and other FPS games) all recieved a significant boost in fps and IQ.

These are some of the best drivers that I have used in a longtime.

Interesting, did you do the Driver Cleaner routine? I saw a 10-15FPS boost in games with the betas, but F.E.A.R. got slower with the "final" release...:anger: :anger: :anger: Or maybe it's the 7900s saying "F--- you!" again.... Saw some massive artifacting in BF2 today. :(
How do you use driver cleaner pro.

1. Unplug nic card or modem from net or disconnect
2. Remove nvidia from add/remove programs
3. Reboot into safe mode (F8 during boot up)
4. On reboot into safe mode WinXP SP1/SP2 will auto detect and install drivers. Just let it do its thing. If you can cancel out of the auto install hardware wizard then skip the rest and run Driver Cleaner! If you can NOT cancel out of auto detect wizard then...
5. Navigate to device manager->display adapters->highlight nVidia and click uninstall or remove but don't reboot
6. Disable any AntiVirus Software (If you don't disable is than it could give trouble)
7. Run Cab Cleaner (not needed, but recommended)
8. Run Driver Cleaner
9. Empty recycle bin and reboot
10. Install the new drivers

That is the insturctions but how do you do number 8?
I've used the beta version of these on my lowly little 6200TC (backup card to my x1800xt) and they seemed to work well. But it's only a 6200 so it's not like any new features are being stressed with this particular card. I absolutely hate the new control panel, though.
WaXmAn said:
I have the same issues with these drivers. After using my new quad sli in gamez I have the horrible desktop :(

could it be because quad SLI is NOT supported yet?
heatlesssun said:
But its in the drivers!

Its in the drivers but Nvidia doesn't supported it as of yet. You are going to have problems with it more times then not. Sorry. I have the betas and will wait until Tweaks R Us gets their modified drivers out.
aienstarborn said:
Its in the drivers but Nvidia doesn't supported it as of yet. You are going to have problems with it more times then not. Sorry. I have the betas and will wait until Tweaks R Us gets their modified drivers out.

Not necessarily. With the new set of drivers on nVidia's site, I am actually having no problems that I've noticed so far. Even got Prey working in QUAD-SLI.

Not a lot of games seem to be taking advantage of QUAD-SLI. F.E.A.R., Quake 4, and HL2 E1 seem to be using it, looking at the SLI indicators. However, all the games I have at least tested seem to be running stably.

QUAD-SLI its self my not function in a lot of cases, but it looks like the setup is stable and allows for enjoyable gaming.
heatlesssun said:
Not necessarily. With the new set of drivers on nVidia's site, I am actually having no problems that I've noticed so far. Even got Prey working in QUAD-SLI.

Not a lot of games seem to be taking advantage of QUAD-SLI. F.E.A.R., Quake 4, and HL2 E1 seem to be using it, looking at the SLI indicators. However, all the games I have at least tested seem to be running stably.

QUAD-SLI its self my not function in a lot of cases, but it looks like the setup is stable and allows for enjoyable gaming.

Thats cool, but what I really should of said is that there is not a whole lot of support for it as far as games go, and there are people upset because they have problems with it and there comps when they leave games. It will get better as Nvidia realizes that people are really using it.
aienstarborn said:
Thats cool, but what I really should of said is that there is not a whole lot of support for it as far as games go, and there are people upset because they have problems with it and there comps when they leave games. It will get better as Nvidia realizes that people are really using it.

You're right, there's not a lot of games that are using QUAD SLI, but my point is that it seems to be stable.

I too had a lot of these issues, the desktop going hippy colors and a few crahses and this last set of drivers is NOT showing these problems. QUAD-SLI is not going to wreck your system.

I don't know why nVidia is being so cautious about QUAD-SLI. They have certainly had less stable supported stuff of there before.
heatlesssun said:
You're right, there's not a lot of games that are using QUAD SLI, but my point is that it seems to be stable.

I too had a lot of these issues, the desktop going hippy colors and a few crahses and this last set of drivers is NOT showing these problems. QUAD-SLI is not going to wreck your system.

I don't know why nVidia is being so cautious about QUAD-SLI. They have certainly had less stable supported stuff of there before.

I agree I used to be an ATI man, but their mid range cards just can't compare to Nvidia's, and since I can only really afford mid range products. Being in the military and married doesn't afford me much money for comp stuff. LOL Well, back on topic. I really like that Nvidia is putting out better drivers lately.
aienstarborn said:
Thats cool, but what I really should of said is that there is not a whole lot of support for it as far as games go, and there are people upset because they have problems with it and there comps when they leave games. It will get better as Nvidia realizes that people are really using it.

You are right I have a quad sli setup as well, but I am not going to start winning that the drivers do not work. We just need to be patient and wait till Nvidia releses a driver set that oficially supports our quad sli setups, that's my take on it. :cool:
Does hiding the tray icon not work for anyone else? It keeps coming back..

After I installed the new drivers, I noticed that my machine felt a little slower, but I haven't tried any games yet (and I used Driver Cleaner from the instructions in the sticky).
yes it doesnt hide for me either (comes back at startup) and hide you mean disable in the properties thing right?

:/ dissapointing.
Funny that people always mention Driver Cleaner, I've never used it at all and I never have problem with driver. I've always just install the newest version over the older or whatever version I want to replace.
One of the first things I do with a new XP install is change the Windows Control Panel to "classic" view (task-based) instead of the more cumbersome "Catagory View" that MS thinks scares n00bs less. Now Nvidia is doing the same thing with their new (and horribly designed) Control Panel!

B. W. said:
Does hiding the tray icon not work for anyone else? It keeps coming back..
Vulcanworlds said:
yes it doesnt hide for me either (comes back at startup) and hide you mean disable in the properties thing right?
Same here. In the new Control Panel, you are supposed to be able to disable the tray icon under View --> Show Notification Tray Icon, but all this does is "hide" it like other inactive tray icons. It's still there. After switching to Nvidia's "classic" panel, under "Tools" you can clear the checkbox: "Enable Taskbar Icon" -- however this setting does not seem to stick with this driver release. One workaround is to disable the "NvCplDaemon," "NvMediaCenter," and "Nwiz" startup files. (Remember to disable the "NVIDIA Display Driver Service" if you do this, or it will keep restarting the same files.)
B. W. said:
Does hiding the tray icon not work for anyone else? It keeps coming back..

After I installed the new drivers, I noticed that my machine felt a little slower, but I haven't tried any games yet (and I used Driver Cleaner from the instructions in the sticky).

I tried them for a bit and all my games run a lot slower so I ran the FEAR time speed demo and it went from 37 minimum, 76 average, and 176 max to 25 minimum, 56 average, and 75 max. I just reinstalled the beta drivers again as these do relly slow down performance on all the games. :confused: :mad:
Havent found any problems yet but one thing I found funny is after I installed them it said my SLi has been disabled. I have a 7800GS AGP. :p
Okay I uninstalled nvidia from add/remove programs, but I only removed the display drivers.

Then I rebooted in safe mode andran Driver Cleaner Pro, and I had the option to remove these files:

nForce chipset
nVidia Stereo
nVidia WDM

I only selected nVidia. This is correct?
Also I hear both good AND bad things about disabling those services and things from startup. Sometimes it can slow users down
keeps coming back for me also... Im wondering if you have to go into the new setup and turn it off there also? Having two setup areas perhaps have to set both?? doesnt sound right but who knows.
Anyone know why a notice pops up saying "SLI Rendering Has Been Disabled" when Im not even using/running SLI to begin with? It was doing this shit with the same drivers released on the 2nd week of this month.
Anyone know why a notice pops up saying "SLI Rendering Has Been Disabled" when Im not even using/running SLI to begin with? It was doing this shit with the same drivers released on the 2nd week of this month.
Same problem here.. its annoying having it come up at boot up
I'm having the same issue with the "SLI has been disabled" bit. It's quite annoying. I've not had a chance to give these drivers any sort of run through though, so I'm not sure whether this is the only issue or not.
Played Battlefield 2 for 30 minutes last night, everything looks the same. No FPS hit all. Still cruisin at 60 flat all the time @ 1680x1050.
Eva_Unit_0 said:
I've used the beta version of these on my lowly little 6200TC (backup card to my x1800xt) and they seemed to work well. But it's only a 6200 so it's not like any new features are being stressed with this particular card. I absolutely hate the new control panel, though.

Not a fan of the control panel either. I see no reason to switch from 84.21.
poee said:
One workaround is to disable the "NvCplDaemon," "NvMediaCenter," and "Nwiz" startup files. (Remember to disable the "NVIDIA Display Driver Service" if you do this, or it will keep restarting the same files.)

Good recommendation. Only thing I have noticed with the 91.31 drivers is that if you disable all those services, it effectively disables the new CP. This is my mind is fine, since I am still partial to the old CP.
poee said:
Same here. In the new Control Panel, you are supposed to be able to disable the tray icon under View --> Show Notification Tray Icon, but all this does is "hide" it like other inactive tray icons. It's still there. After switching to Nvidia's "classic" panel, under "Tools" you can clear the checkbox: "Enable Taskbar Icon" -- however this setting does not seem to stick with this driver release. One workaround is to disable the "NvCplDaemon," "NvMediaCenter," and "Nwiz" startup files. (Remember to disable the "NVIDIA Display Driver Service" if you do this, or it will keep restarting the same files.)

could someone go a bit more indepth on how to disable those startup files? is that registry editing? or soemthing different?
the new control panel is a royal pain in the ass, i liked the integrated style panel that i saw in display