8GB Overkill?

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I find it terribly amusing someone that spent $200+ on a Killer NIC is attacking another person for buying 8GB of ram because it's "money wasted." Since you're not using it all the time... seriously wow.

As for me, I'm running 8GB of ram because:
1. 8GB of DDR2 800 at 4-4-4-12 costs less than $200
2. iTunes alone regularly can use upwards of 2GB
3. I commonly have over 50 tabs spread across 5+ instances of IE running (using upwards of 250MB of ram)
4. Vista 64bit is already shown to be a memory hog, and I don't want to run at 95% physical memory usage constantly.

Furthermore: If my motherboard supported 16GB of ram, I'd be buying that!
Hey Mr. KillerNIC, as you're so fond to point out. this is the [H], we don't care about "warm fuzzy feelings."

The KillerNIC is a killer waste of money. Any "improvement" in your ping is due to some other factor, and I doubt you can show any hard data (as you so frequently have pointed out in this thread as being the most important thing.) Look at any reputable review of the thing, it doesn't do shit, and you wasted way more than 8GB of DDR2 worth of money. Again, we don't care about "warm fuzzy feelings" here on the [H]. (Your words not mine.)

Seriously if you're gonna come in here and crap all over people for spending $40 that they may or may not see a real benefit from, make DAMN sure you aren't wasting $200 that you will NEVER see a benefit from.

Don't come in here waving the [H] around all the while praising the merits of placebo effect bullshit. You do a disservice to the level of honesty and factual reviews we have here both on the site and in the forums. Take your hypocrisy elsewhere.
Nothing wrong with going 8GB. DDR2 isn't getting much cheaper than it is now.

DDR2 can still fall.

I, and everyone else on the planet wonders when DDR3 prices will fall to more reasonable levels. At that point, no one will want DDR2, and so we'll have a bunch of newbies with 4GB standard, crying about why they can't access that 4GB, when 4GB ram is practically free :)
Then the topic will be, "is 8GB ddr3 overkill" :)

NKDietrich, I've read of many issues related to filling all slots vs overclocking. I don't think there's an absolute answer to the question, since everyone has different needs. For me i would pick overclocking over more memory. A PS editor needing more memory would argue otherwise, albeit running the cpu at stock ;))
Then the topic will be, "is 8GB ddr3 overkill" :)

When Nehalem and Bloomfield come out, the question will be if 12gb is overkill. With them being triple channel DDR3, we will probably be seeing 6gb kits and motherboards with 6 ram slots.
This argument is silly, depends on who the person is and what they do with their PC. (Oh and DDR2 is cheap as hell these days, why not cap out?)
Hey Mr. KillerNIC, as you're so fond to point out. this is the [H], we don't care about "warm fuzzy feelings."

The KillerNIC is a killer waste of money. Any "improvement" in your ping is due to some other factor, and I doubt you can show any hard data (as you so frequently have pointed out in this thread as being the most important thing.) Look at any reputable review of the thing, it doesn't do shit, and you wasted way more than 8GB of DDR2 worth of money. Again, we don't care about "warm fuzzy feelings" here on the [H]. (Your words not mine.)

Seriously if you're gonna come in here and crap all over people for spending $40 that they may or may not see a real benefit from, make DAMN sure you aren't wasting $200 that you will NEVER see a benefit from.

Don't come in here waving the [H] around all the while praising the merits of placebo effect bullshit. You do a disservice to the level of honesty and factual reviews we have here both on the site and in the forums. Take your hypocrisy elsewhere.

teehee I just realized he also has a PhysX card. What type of sucker buys both a KillerNIC and PhysX card then only gets 2GB of ram? Come on if you're going to blow money do it with style!
DDR2 can still fall.

I, and everyone else on the planet wonders when DDR3 prices will fall to more reasonable levels. At that point, no one will want DDR2, and so we'll have a bunch of newbies with 4GB standard, crying about why they can't access that 4GB, when 4GB ram is practically free :)
Then the topic will be, "is 8GB ddr3 overkill" :)

NKDietrich, I've read of many issues related to filling all slots vs overclocking. I don't think there's an absolute answer to the question, since everyone has different needs. For me i would pick overclocking over more memory. A PS editor needing more memory would argue otherwise, albeit running the cpu at stock ;))

Yeah I like to run VMs on my machine to test out various OS's, linux distributions, and for playing older games, so 8GB of RAM would be a big boost to me, but so would an extra couple hundred MHz.
teehee I just realized he also has a PhysX card. What type of sucker buys both a KillerNIC and PhysX card then only gets 2GB of ram? Come on if you're going to blow money do it with style!

I almost feel bad for how much this guy is getting trashed. Well.... Not really because there are pages of him trying to tear into people over 8 gigs of ram when they all had real uses for them...
i would buy 8G simple because of the price, i dont need it, i barely need 4G but i have 4G.
2. iTunes alone regularly can use upwards of 2GB
Goodness man, I've watched iTunes slowly consume a few hundred megabytes of memory but 2 GB? Man, what do you have in your collection and what format is your album art? That's insane!
Yeah I like to run VMs on my machine to test out various OS's, linux distributions, and for playing older games, so 8GB of RAM would be a big boost to me, but so would an extra couple hundred MHz.

Admitedly, I run my VMs with 256mb of ram for testing the various OS's. If I had 8GB of memory I would give the VMs a lot more. They all run very fast since i'm not doing anything too demanding.

The thread should be 8GB Benefits vs costs.
- VM
- photoshop
- video editing
- server
- certain games (SC)
- Vista x64 will fly if configured properly.
- bragging rights :)

- possible o/c hindrance
- major stability issues if not set properly
- only x64 OSs can use it
- DDR3's might make you want to upgrade to DDR3 x 8gb :)
Goodness man, I've watched iTunes slowly consume a few hundred megabytes of memory but 2 GB? Man, what do you have in your collection and what format is your album art? That's insane!

BTW I dumped iTunes when I found out the ripping quality is subpar compared to other players. I use winamp to sync a shuffle, though it is not without headaches.

I can't stand how deleting mp3's from your collection results in the ipod syncing to the same thing. Things may have changed but when i used it it did that.
I do CADing, FEA simulations, and write code (numerical analysis and design optimization) for school projects all at once. I also do a bunch of transcoding, and pic editing. I've hit nearly 100% usage with those three programs, a few peripheral programs (Firefox, Outlook, Pidgin, Foobar, Adobe,) and 2 gigs of ram on more than one occasion. I wish I had 8 gigs to play around with. I could possibly run Matlab, Solidworks, ANSYS, Pro-E, ALL conceivable peripheral apps, no page file and still have room to spare. It also wouldn't hurt when using Adobe products either.

Although, I'd need to get a new Intel system (and a quad core one, maybe with 2 physical procs!) and a 64bit OS before anything near 8 gigs would be possible. Although, the version of Solidworks and ANSYS I use isn't supported by 64 bit Vista :(.

I digress
It seems like just yesterday I told some kid at school that a 1GB hard drive had been released and he said "no way you could never use that space." Now we're talking about 8-16GB of RAM. Heh. Time flies.
Hey Mr. KillerNIC, as you're so fond to point out. this is the [H], we don't care about "warm fuzzy feelings."

The KillerNIC is a killer waste of money. Any "improvement" in your ping is due to some other factor, and I doubt you can show any hard data (as you so frequently have pointed out in this thread as being the most important thing.) Look at any reputable review of the thing, it doesn't do shit, and you wasted way more than 8GB of DDR2 worth of money. Again, we don't care about "warm fuzzy feelings" here on the [H]. (Your words not mine.)

Seriously if you're gonna come in here and crap all over people for spending $40 that they may or may not see a real benefit from, make DAMN sure you aren't wasting $200 that you will NEVER see a benefit from.

Don't come in here waving the [H] around all the while praising the merits of placebo effect bullshit. You do a disservice to the level of honesty and factual reviews we have here both on the site and in the forums. Take your hypocrisy elsewhere.

Good thing the lag isn't the only reason I bought this NiC then ;)

.oO(Working for an ISP does give benefits on the network side :cool:)

But I recorede a gaming sessions, will repeat that today if you insist, without the NiC installed.
Good thing the lag isn't the only reason I bought this NiC then ;)

.oO(Working for an ISP does give benefits on the network side :cool:)

But I recorede a gaming sessions, will repeat that today if you insist, without the NiC installed.

Don't waste your time. The card has been out for a long time and I've seen all the reviews and benchmarks.

1) Higher pings than onboard in many situations.

2) Framerate improvement is 1-2%, depending of course on the system. (Slower the system, the bigger the gain.)

3) Much slower during LAN file transfers compared to onboard. (The PCI bus is a bottleneck. Onboard NICs are PCI-E devices.)

Why the hell do you think the Killer NIC is such a joke on these forums? Just because people want to hate on an expensive peice of hardware? But this is neither here nor there, this thread is about 8GB of RAM and if you want to crap all over that, make your own thread titled "2GB RAM is enough".
Don't waste your time. The card has been out for a long time and I've seen all the reviews and benchmarks.

1) Higher pings than onboard in many situations.

2) Framerate improvement is 1-2%, depending of course on the system. (Slower the system, the bigger the gain.)

3) Much slower during LAN file transfers compared to onboard. (The PCI bus is a bottleneck. Onboard NICs are PCI-E devices.)

Why the hell do you think the Killer NIC is such a joke on these forums? Just because people want to hate on an expensive peice of hardware? But this is neither here nor there, this thread is about 8GB of RAM and if you want to crap all over that, make your own thread titled "2GB RAM is enough".

You still havn't touched the primary aspect of why I got it....keep digging.
I would love to go to 8GB in my Xfire system because I play with VMs but I'm a broke senior and there's no way I can afford DDR3. I got the stuff I already have for free from my uncle.

Sidenote: Atech, do you use the Killer for linux apps?
You still havn't touched the primary aspect of why I got it....keep digging.

I'm going to guess because you're a sucker and don't know how to spend money?

Ok I'll give you benefit of the doubt and say you use it for a hardware firewall.
Sidenote: Atech, do you use the Killer for linux apps?

Gives this man a cookie.
Yes I compile and run certain things from my little Linux slave inside my Windows PC ;)

Why build a rig, when I can just add in a card...
I didn't bother reading past Atech's 2nd post since he's obviously being deliberately obtuse, but I'll try to explain:

8 gigs of RAM = 2 gigs system, 6 gigs for a virtual RAM disk. run your favorite game off of that virtual ram disk and enjoy blazing fast load times, or just use it for a super fast scratch disk. Oh wait, both of those functions are served transparently by Vista's Superfetch and comparable functions in many Linux distros and Mac OS... well there you go, your memory put to use.
Again, no matter how cheap RAM is, unused RAM is wasted RAM...money down the drain.
when I hit the celling on my 2GB Pc, I will go 4GB and 64 bit...so far that day has not come yet.

"the celling"?

you could run Vista on a 512mb system if you like...

and ill post a screenie of my copy of vista idling with 2 gigs, when I get my other two sticks back from my friend (hope bearlake can post 7 X 545 with 4 sticks like it can with 2!)
Gives this man a cookie.
Yes I compile and run certain things from my little Linux slave inside my Windows PC ;)

Why build a rig, when I can just add in a card...


You spend $260 on a NIC to use it as a Linux box? Yet people who spend an extra $40 on RAM are wasting it... here's the ironic part.... you could get more than 2GB of RAM, and run a much faster Linux VM!

Surely you see where your opinion smacks of huge hypocrisy yes?

You spend $260 on a NIC to use it as a Linux box? Yet people who spend an extra $40 on RAM are wasting it... here's the ironic part.... you could get more than 2GB of RAM, and run a much faster Linux VM!

Surely you see where your opinion smacks of huge hypocrisy yes?

Do you have a problem comprehending what you read?
There are many benefits for me, the primary is the Linux part, which gives me "goodies".
but the lag, FPS and packet priority are some.
And i like how you think that a PCI bus will slow down a 15/1.5Mbit with Fast Interleave line, when the PCI bus actually have better lantency than the PCI-E bus and is no where near to saturating the PCI bus...

You are funny...understanding nothing, but trying to sound like you do...kidna sad...if I cared :D
You are funny...understanding nothing, but trying to sound like you do...kidna sad...if I cared :D

Yes, of course you're right. I am just totally incapable of understanding. Sucks to be me. Someone get me a drink.
Yes, of course you're right. I am just totally incapable of understanding. Sucks to be me. Someone get me a drink.

Insead of trying to prove you don't comprehend, why don't you adress the point I made?
Too hard?
lol... the guy has both a PPU and a Killer Nic... hahaha..

I have 8gb, just got it last week as an upgrade from 4gb. I run a few VMs, play games, have a tv card running (muted) and a stock trading program with live updated quotes running.

For me.... the upgrade was worth it and in use. I think for most people 8 GB is over kill... but WHO THE HELL CARES. It's so cheap right now.

But maybe I'm just too incapable of understanding.
so basically atech u just posted here to be a troll and be a ($#**($# to ppl and say rude stuff, yet say nothing intelligent yourself. GG NEWB

lern2forum srsly. nobody respond 2 this troll anymore. just let me point out one thing - U CAME TO A FORUM 2 ASK 4 HELP AND THEN U JUST STARTED SAYING HOW U DIDNT CARE ABOUT RESPONSES. LAWL CONTRADICT YOURSELF MORE.

go post somewhere else nub

so basically atech u just posted here to be a troll and be a ($#**($# to ppl and say rude stuff, yet say nothing intelligent yourself. GG NEWB

lern2forum srsly. nobody respond 2 this troll anymore. just let me point out one thing - U CAME TO A FORUM 2 ASK 4 HELP AND THEN U JUST STARTED SAYING HOW U DIDNT CARE ABOUT RESPONSES. LAWL CONTRADICT YOURSELF MORE.

go post somewhere else nub


In english please?
Atech, can I ask you a direct question - do you understand how Vista superfetch works?

Even if you choose to ignore that, several people here have given you good concrete examples (myself included) of uses for the extra memory, so what's the problem? Obviously the vast majority of people don't need 8GB of RAM right now, and of course it is of no benefit at all to anyone running a 32-bit OS, but this *is* an enthusiast forum after all, so I think it's reasonable to expect that there will always be a significant minority who are going to be on the cutting edge of one technology or another at all times, and using it to the fullest.
Yes, of course you're right. I am just totally incapable of understanding. Sucks to be me. Someone get me a drink.
I'll buy you a drink. Cause I'm in the same boat, I guess we should go out and buy Killer NICs and PPUs so we can understand. On a good note, I'll make sure never listen to anything this guy says ever again because I'm obviously not on the same comprehension level. The rest of us will just have to "keep banging the rocks together" in hopes we understand.

oh and come on people ..... (Hey I do it too! but.....)

apperantly Atech doesn't realize that linux will do just like vista with superfetch turned on.. linux will also cache your files too to make stuff readily available in a timely fashion.
(Hey I do it too! but.....)

I know man... its hard to resist. Years and years on various tech forums and I'm still terrible about feeding the trolls :D I guess its my helpful nature, I just want to convert them from their trollish ways and enlighten them.
8 gigs of RAM = 2 gigs system, 6 gigs for a virtual RAM disk. run your favorite game off of that virtual ram disk and enjoy blazing fast load times

Well, only if you never turn the computer off, or you'll lose your game install. If you have to copy it into memory every time you run the game then that would be defeating the purpose.

Yes, I know you weren't meaning that literally.
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