8800GTX Youtube Priceless

all that money just for the best 3dmark is stupid. who give a rats ass about 3dmark score. if the card can run games great thats all that matters.
Pfft, what a waste of all that money. They should have given it to me instead :D.
You don't have to agree with those kind of idea, TRD. I don't agree with that as well. But there are people with that kind of money to spare(or not, ahem some peple used engagement ring money to camp and buy PS3) and want to be absolutely the best in the world or in their own small social world. That is how companies make money on fresh new high end stuff and SLI/Crossfire.
lol..that is an awesome video....those are some nice graphics cards and motheboard :D

i wonder if that cpu was the Core 2 Quad Extreme? :D
It's a commercial..it's intent was to be amusing, not suggest a path or way of life.
I personally love the commercial. Saved it and showed to all my friends.
What cracks me up about it is he is Ram, Mobo and GFX sponsored so they cost him $0. Wouldn't be suprised if Nvidia helped front anymore of the bill but he sure has worked hard tog et where he is.
guys its a commercial.... and its hilarious because it pokes fun at every single guy who sits around dreaming about insane computer setups.... which would include...

every single person on Hardforums actively discusing overclocks, best mobo, ram, and g cards?

Breaking the 3dmark world record is priceless and expensive for sure : )
When did everyone get so anti benchmark oriented? Thats half the fun of overclocking. Its like building a sweet car and never taking it to the strip. So some people build cars just for the strip, its what they enjoy.
k|ngp|n gets mad props for his methods of Xtreme cooling.

For him (and many like him) I'm sure it's not really just the scores, but seeing how far and fast his ingenuity can take 'em..

We'd all be so lucky to have just that passion get us a video spot ;)
Those guys are lucky bastards... Nvidia, Intel... they both employ these professional overclockers to take their products to the extreme... they often provide the hardware for free... they sometimes bring these guys to their corporate offices and provide engineers even to do volt modifications if necessary.

ATI was known for bringing XS guys to their offices... I am sure Nvidia does it too... and I know intel was sending out conroe ES chips to them... its good marketing. Enthusiasts... we all read XS and the industry is beginning to really take notice.
LOL... I was hopeing that he destroyed all the hardware with a big hammer in front of all the jealous !!!!!!s. But then again... I'm kinda twisted. :D
I bet those guys get laid alot, in response to the " they have no life " comment.
Women love geeks to....
I thought it was funny...
Is it just me, or does it look like when he is pulling out the motherboard, it kinda looks like an xbox... (when he is pulling it out, and when its playing)
Then at first, when he pulls out the gfx cards, they look like two hair dryers

maybe its just me
What i find funny are the people here saying what a waste of money..


it is a budget, do you think that was an actual $1000 cpu ? nope......
who says those were real, working 8800's ? and not just mok ups made for the commercial

and even still, if it is real and backed by nvidia, those cards dont cost nvidia $600... it is a piss in a bucket for nvidia... and is not like they destroyed them.

Man, some of you need to get out more.
Ahh, finally, a short video clip that explains us in an entirety to non-nerds.

*Watches again to see two 8800GTXs in SLI*
Hes been breaking records for quite some time now and only within the last few years him and a few others from XtremeSystems have been getting paid to do this because they are well known and because of them sell more hardware.
1erCru said:
I bet those guys get laid alot, in response to the " they have no life " comment.
Women love geeks to....
i admit; i bought a new case that was nice and shiny; female acquaintence saw it and went from little interest to "whats for breakfast?" suprisingly quickly.

Shiny blue lights; what an aphrodisiac
Although I have used mainly NVIDIA graphics cards (ATI too) and am not a fan of any hardware vendor, I think the commercial was somewhat sad. Being isolated Alone In The Dark(ness), breaking some kind of computer game performance tester world record for any price is not that desirable thing.

I would even liked more of some kind of "happy family in a bright colourful home playing Solitaire @ 2500 frames per second with self-shadowing and projected flashlight shadows programmed by John Carmack" theme.
from the sounds of it half the people who posted in this thread are to retarted or too consumed with themselves to even post a significant reply....

grats to kingpin on yet again breakin WR's. if you dont like what he does, dont worry...im sure he doesn't care what you think.
why post a crappy YouTube link when you can post the real link to the actual video in good quality on the nVidia website?
It's no weirder than most mainstream ads (let alone the MasterCard ads that begat it). And in that respect it's funny, in a self-aware way.

It might have gone over better if the PC exploded at the end of the video, though...
mattkane said:
.....Being isolated Alone In The Dark(ness), breaking some kind of computer game performance tester world record for any price is not that desirable thing.

To each their own, is not like they are hiding down there 7 days a week 24/7, well, some may :)

and when you love hardware enough, yeah, being in the dark and knowing you will be #1 for something could be very desirable for many- hence why they do it..............