8800GTX To 4870 - Large Upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2007
Simple enough question, looking for objective answers.

Would moving from an 8800GTX (single) to 4870 (single) be a large upgrade in performance/visuals?

Sorry, but with all these GPUs being released, it's difficult to compare many different ones, then make a non-scattered judgment about how the 8800GTX compares.

Thanks & Cheers!
Im coming from a highly OC'd GTX to a 4870 - hoping it arrives tomorrow if it gets shipped out today. I see it as a large increase, checking the techreport review at 1680x1050 the 4870 beats the GTX280 in most tests and the GTX280 smoked the 8800GTX.
I'll being the going the same route as well. Gonna grab a 4870, 4th of july weekend. Even if its not a very large increase, I'm still excited, cause CF is always an option with Intel boards.
Well, as stated, I play at 1680 res and don't really have any plans on going any bigger in the near future. Even if I did a bit though, according to the review, it still seems the 4870 is a pretty large upgrade from the 8800GTX, no?
Well, as stated, I play at 1680 res and don't really have any plans on going any bigger in the near future. Even if I did a bit though, according to the review, it still seems the 4870 is a pretty large upgrade from the 8800GTX, no?

Absolutely. The 4870 smokes the 8800GTX at that res.
If you have some money then yes its worth it. The 8800GTX is a fantastic card. Only game that you should struggle with at that resolution is Crysis. If I were you I would save your money. I can bet we will see a refresh of current cards with a die shrink in 6-9 months. Overall it would be a nice upgrade thought. Also the 8800 GTX should fetch some decent cash on Ebay.
Vengance: Remember there are some games coming out in Q3 and Q4 aswell, might be good future proofing yourself aswell as providing a liquid smooth fps in all current games. But yes the 8800gtx despite its 2 yrs of age is still very good.
Vengance: Remember there are some games coming out in Q3 and Q4 aswell, might be good future proofing yourself aswell as providing a liquid smooth fps in all current games. But yes the 8800gtx despite its 2 yrs of age is still very good.

Good points about Q3 and Q4 games, thats why I am getting a 4870, for a bit more performance but at the same time still have the option to add more performance through crossfire. And if that time comes, x38/48 boards will be dirt cheap too.

But yeah the 8800 gtx's are still screamers, and I'm justifying the upgrade by giving my wife the gtx, hehe.
Good points about Q3 and Q4 games, thats why I am getting a 4870, for a bit more performance but at the same time still have the option to add more performance through crossfire. And if that time comes, x38/48 boards will be dirt cheap too.

But yeah the 8800 gtx's are still screamers, and I'm justifying the upgrade by giving my wife the gtx, hehe.

Heh, I'm doing the same... my wife is getting my 8800GTX, which is still a beast of a card. Truthfully, though, seeing that the 4870 is actually doubling the 8800GTX (some are saying only 20-40% increase, but the game benches are showing double most of the time) in performance in most tests, that right there is enough of a "justification", especially for $300!
You can get decent 24" monitors below $400, and your game experience will improve much more from higher res than from higher fps.

1-minimal fps impact game experience more than averages or top fps do. You should avoid sub 15fps minimals. 30fps minimals are enough for any game any time.

2-from 30fps averages to 60fps averages the gaming experience improves steadly but too midly to dump $300.

3- anything above 60fps average is useless, your monitor runs at 60 Hz tops! So when i read that one card gets 50 fps and another 150fps the gains are actually:
A- a 20% fps gain with almost no gaming experience impact, unless the minimum FPS GO FROM SUB 20s to over 30s.

Please remember that the reviews are written to make people BUY things they do not need! An 8800GTX IS BY NO means a bad card, and no card out there will be MUCH BETTER at 1680x1050, even at 1920x1200 you dont see UNPLAYABLE frame rates outside Crysis.

People should change cards when they get UNPLAYABLE frame rates at MOST GAMES THEY PLAY, even with medium settings!

And people should change monitors at every chance they get: the gaming experience at 2560x1600 noAA/30fps is leagues ahead of 1920x1200 8xAA 200fps. PERIOD.;)
And people should change monitors at every chance they get: the gaming experience at 2560x1600 noAA/30fps is leagues ahead of 1920x1200 8xAA 200fps. PERIOD.;)

Thats a matter of opinion and I highly disagree with you there.
People should change cards when they get UNPLAYABLE frame rates at MOST GAMES THEY PLAY, even with medium settings!

And people should change monitors at every chance they get: the gaming experience at 2560x1600 noAA/30fps is leagues ahead of 1920x1200 8xAA 200fps. PERIOD.;)

I disagree with both of these statements... why should someone tell me when I need upgrade my card? I want to play at high settings with good frame rates, period. My 8800GTS(G92) supplies that to some extent, but the 4870 I ordered will be even better at 1680x1050.
Same, I have the 8800GTX overclocked, I'm grabbing 2 4870's and due to the non existant xfire scaling in some games I certainly hope its faster :p
I have two gaming computers.
One with Triple SLi 8800 GTXs and one with Crossfire 3870s
The 8800s are getting long in the tooth. But are excellent at the games I play.

I use a 24" Dell.

But I decided my next upgrade would be Crossfired 4870s. This is primarily because I think, purely me, the images with ATI cards are better. The colors are brighter and the images just seem sharper. Things jump out at me on my Crossfire that never seemed all that impressive on my SLI computer.

Yeah, in the dreaded Crysis my SLI rig is king and beats down my Crossfire......but that is one game.
I can''t wait to see what the 4870s can do!!:D
I'm very tempted by the 4870. But I'm real curious about the 4870 X2 and I have a P35 board and don't want to buy another motherboard until Bloomfield. So I'm gonna try to hold out another month longer.
I'll be making the jump from a 9800GTX to the 4870 in July. I want to see how much the 1GB version drops before I buy anything. It'll be the first ATI card I've purchased since my AGP X800XT in early 2004. I hope to see a substantial improvement over my 9800GTX.
I'll be making the jump from a 9800GTX to the 4870 in July. It'll be the first ATI card I've purchased since my AGP X800XT in early 2004. I hope to see a substantial improvement over my 9800GTX.

hah yeah, if i decide to bite, it'll be the first time i get an ati card since my eax850xt