8800GTS cooling...improved....

You got a problem with me? Don't beat around the bush, let me know. You aren't the boss of the forums, and you talk as much crap as anyone. You seem to be a know it all at times...the fact is, my method works for ME, and if you don't like it you can shove it you know where....

*holds up hands*

Whoooah there buddy, I have absolutely no 'problem' with you. It's just that I've learned that you tend to get really defensive and sometimes outright nasty whenever someone disagrees with you. Your responses in this thread are a perfect example of what I mean.

I simply meant that because you tend to get so emphatic in your responses I've learned to make efforts NOT to respond to your posts in order to avoid conflict. I don't like to 'argue' and would rather take part in a constructive conversation. I don't think your a bad guy or anything. :)

If taping over the holes in the 8800GTS/GTX cooler works for you, then that's awesome. Everyone's situation is different and what works for one person may not work for another. :)
*holds up hands*

Whoooah there buddy, I have absolutely no 'problem' with you. It's just that I've learned that you tend to get really defensive and sometimes outright nasty whenever someone disagrees with you. Your responses in this thread are a perfect example of what I mean.

I simply meant that because you tend to get so emphatic in your responses I've learned to make efforts NOT to respond to your posts in order to avoid conflict. I don't like to 'argue' and would rather take part in a constructive conversation. I don't think your a bad guy or anything. :)


And you misunderstand me as well :D I LOVE a good spirited discussion....even a fervently debated and slightly hotheaded discussion, and yes, I do get rather "into it" sometimes, it's my character. I have learned to deal with it, but you would find that I am a pretty laid back guy in real life, let's go have a cold beer! So I apologize for "jumping the gun" and please, DO post in my threads or to respond to something I post if you have an opposing view as we are ALL entitled to them, regardless, I don't hate you, but I will debate you if I feel I have a good point.

Let's get on with it...!:cool:

It's all good.
That's nice but hardly ideal. What about all the chips other than the core that are cooled by the stock cooler? This thermalright solution only cools the core.

I really want an AC Silencer.

if you looked at the pictures or installation diagrams , it includes sinks from the ramdac and the pwmic area
hardly conclusive post eh?
Looks like all the heats just going to end up back in the case, and after my x1800xt Accelero X2 cooling debacle I think I'll just stay away from that.
Looks like all the heats just going to end up back in the case, and after my x1800xt Accelero X2 cooling debacle I think I'll just stay away from that.

I'll second that - they really need an aftermarket cooler that includes external venting.

nice, very nice, like the additional heatsinks etc, mounting seems very good, but now ALL the gpu heat is in the case, dont like that idea a bit, not even a little itty bitty bit.

now if someone made one that was constructed so that you could slip the gpu contact area through the adjacent card slot (or replace the existing 2 slot backplate with one allowing the heatpipes/gpu plate to fit through what is now the vent area) from outside the case to the gpu and having the heat pipes conduct the heat to outside the case and curve up so you could position it near the existing exhaust fans in a atx mid tower and also put additional fans on it, (would require some bracing somewhere or a good bump could be very bad) we might really have something there. I have 2 80mm fans there that do basically nothing due to WC.

My favorite solution:

However the price/performance ratio and installation difficulity compared to scotch tape is a bit steep. :D
the HR-03 is a nice heatsink, but with an item putting out 65-75C almost double my cpu in heat, I want a solution that gets it out of the case also.

Blowing the heat all around the case doesn't help the system.