8800GTS 320 at 1680x1050


May 23, 2005
I've got every piece to my new system except the video card. I've been debating between the 640GTS and the 320 GTS. I'm definatly getting an eVGA with the option to step-up, but i just can't afford the GTX right now. I game at 1680X1050, and will eventually run either of these cards in SLi, or step-up. Would an overclocked 320 be good enough? Even for upcoming games at this rez? Or should I stick with a 640?

Heres the rest of my system:

C2D E6300 (will overclock)
eVGA 680i (A1)
WD Raptor X 150GB HDD
Antec Trio 650W PSU
Antec 900 Case
Vista Ultimate 64bit
I would wait and get the GTX. You never know just how much power the new games will need. You also seem to have spent a good deal of money on the other components, so why skimp now?

Just my 2 cents. :)

good point, but will my PSU be enough for a GTX? Or even two if I ever decide to do SLI?
good point, but will my PSU be enough for a GTX? Or even two if I ever decide to do SLI?

Your PSU will work great for one GTX. But it will be too small for a SLI setup. 850-1000 watts is the range for an acceptible 8800GTX SLI system (I'd lean toward the 1KW, personally).
I am wondering the same thing here. My new 22" monitor is 1680x1050 also, and was wondering the same info. I can scrape up the money for the 320 version pretty quickly, and probably even the 640 version, but the extra 200 bones for the GTX is out of reach. I read the [H] review, but it really didn't cover the 22" monitor resolution.
So is there anyone out there running this resolution with 320 version of the card? If so, do you like it or are you thinking you should have waited?
I am wondering the same thing here. My new 22" monitor is 1680x1050 also, and was wondering the same info. I can scrape up the money for the 320 version pretty quickly, and probably even the 640 version, but the extra 200 bones for the GTX is out of reach. I read the [H] review, but it really didn't cover the 22" monitor resolution.
So is there anyone out there running this resolution with 320 version of the card? If so, do you like it or are you thinking you should have waited?

For games right now, its plenty. For future games.... Thats where the gray area is. If you buy a low end card now will it play the high end games tommorow. Well, I shouldnt say will it play, but more like will it play with all the eye candy on.
I am waiting for price drops and some actual DX10 games, then I will buy a DX10 card.
1600 x 1200 is 9% more pixels than 1680 x 1050, so it's closest to that res. You should be fine with the 320 GTS, but of course you'd gain some even at that res with the 640. Is it worth the $80 premium for 640 MB? Maybe.
i had a 8800GTS 320MB on 1680x1050.. I'd say 99% of my games ran fine (decent frame rates) at that resolution with max eye candy.. even in Vista 32bit

1920x1200 was a different story.. I seemed to have slightly more difficulty with that resolution..

Do you actually have the rest of the parts yet?

if not, back down on the RAM, get some DDR2-800 stuff.

There's no benefit between 800 and 1000+mhz on the RAM.

Save the cash, get the GTX.
1600 x 1200 is 9% more pixels than 1680 x 1050, so it's closest to that res.
You're forgetting to factor in that 1680x1050 is a 16:10 wide screen resolution, while 1600x1200 is a 4:3 resolution. When you run 1680x1050 you have a wider FOV to deal with, meaning that you have more on the screen despite running a lower resolution, which can lead to a decrease in performance.
Is it worth the $80 premium for 640 MB?
Where do you get $80 from? Compare the cheapest 8800GTS 320mb on Newegg to the cheapest 8800GTS 640mb on Newegg. That's a $102 difference ($92 if you count the rebates).
I'm gonna wait til the prices drop a little and get a GTX.

Side note: I just watched my roommate play Stalker on his 8800GTS 640 MB with a 6700 C2D and that system runs the game about 3 times faster with details on near max @1680x1050. He's gettting 40+ fps at near max detail where I get about 20 on medium details. :(

You read about your 1.5 yr old video card getting owned by the new ones but when you see it first-hand it's "ah crap". :drool:

I'm not pulling the trig on buying a new one yet though as much as I want to.
You're forgetting to factor in that 1680x1050 is a 16:10 wide screen resolution, while 1600x1200 is a 4:3 resolution. When you run 1680x1050 you have a wider FOV to deal with, meaning that you have more on the screen despite running a lower resolution, which can lead to a decrease in performance.

Not really, not all games change the FOV, and your FPS limit could still be pixel-count related - no need to overcomplicate the issue.
Where do you get $80 from? That's a $102 difference ($92 if you count the rebates).

The EVGA 640 MB GTS is $330 at Newegg ($15 off code). Their 320 MB version is $260.

So $70 different.
I would get the GTS 640 in your case since there would be no bottlenecking in your CPU.
I'm running the GTS640 currently on a 22 inch LCD and I'm able to max out just about everything in most every game I've run, (Sup Commander, Stalker etc...) Loven it.
One GTX is about 13A on the 12V rail. They recommend a PSU with at least 30A total on the +12V for a single 8800 GTX. Likewise, with SLI, don't read into how many watts you need. A power supply with 43A (30+13) or more (total, not just adding all the +12V rails together) would be sufficient. That probably includes many 650W power supplies. Don't read into the KW power supply hype. It is unnecessary.
One GTX is about 13A on the 12V rail. They recommend a PSU with at least 30A total on the +12V for a single 8800 GTX. Likewise, with SLI, don't read into how many watts you need. A power supply with 43A (30+13) or more (total, not just adding all the +12V rails together) would be sufficient. That probably includes many 650W power supplies. Don't read into the KW power supply hype. It is unnecessary.

Heres the power supply I have:

Your power supply has 3 * 19A rails (+12V rails), however, the total power, according to Antec's website and the specifications, for the +12V rail, is 624W, which is equivalent to 52A. Typically, I like to leave 15% from the max, so assuming you need 43A (30+13...see previous calculation, and lets be generous with even 45A), you still have the bare extra that I'd recommend. I think your power supply would be fine for even 2x8800 GTX in SLI, and an average amount of hard drives/fans, extra components, etc.

I don't see why it couldn't handle that, given the specifications. If it can't, then either the specifications are wrong, or Antec's power supply reliability is low, which probably isn't the case.

Edit: And for reference, I run a single 8800 GTX on an OCZ Powerstream 520W (with 33A on the +12V rail, only a few more amps than the minimum recommended).
Darn, looks like I'll be getting the 640MB version then. Oblivion with Qarls Texture Pack 3 can use upwards of 380MB of video RAM all by itself

Once you have uGridsToLoad at 7, Qarls Texture Pack 3, Open Cities, 4096x4096 LOD textures, Qarls 4096x4096 LOD Normal Maps, Everything VWD Mod, Natural Environments, and Illumination Within installed, you can get video RAM usage up to around 8GB :eek:
Get a DX10 card when DX10 games come out. I bet the first gen DX10 cards/drivers won't even work right.

Too much money for me to spend on unproven hardware.
Get a DX10 card when DX10 games come out. I bet the first gen DX10 cards/drivers won't even work right.

Too much money for me to spend on unproven hardware.

People have to have the best right now. I agree, wait and you can get it for 1/2 the price and by then there will/might be something out for it.(whether it be a cpu, memory, video, etc)
Get a DX10 card when DX10 games come out. I bet the first gen DX10 cards/drivers won't even work right.

Too much money for me to spend on unproven hardware.

What do you think developers are using to make DX10 games right now? I'm guessing it's 8800 series cards.
I have the 320 MB 8800 GTS and I run Stalker at 1680x1050 at max quality/eye candy and it runs awesome. But I also have my Porc OC'd dunno if that makes the difference.
People have to have the best right now. I agree, wait and you can get it for 1/2 the price and by then there will/might be something out for it.(whether it be a cpu, memory, video, etc)

Seriously doubt they will drop too much. The GTX will most certainly drop at the new waves, but considering that the projected cost of a 8600 GTS card is something like 200-250, I doubt the 320mb GTS will go much under what its at now. To top even that off, a 320mb GTS is hardly the best, but it could very well suit many people until the 9000 series.

Besides, some people like me havent upgraded video cards in 2 years. My latest card is only a 6600 (yes.. not GT.. not GS.. just plan 6600) and its in dire time for an upgrade.

I'm sure theres probably a lot of people like me who are in the market for one now, not later. :p My only concern at the moment is if the R600 drivers will actually be better.
Seriously doubt they will drop too much. The GTX will most certainly drop at the new waves, but considering that the projected cost of a 8600 GTS card is something like 200-250, I doubt the 320mb GTS will go much under what its at now. To top even that off, a 320mb GTS is hardly the best, but it could very well suit many people until the 9000 series.

Besides, some people like me havent upgraded video cards in 2 years. My latest card is only a 6600 (yes.. not GT.. not GS.. just plan 6600) and its in dire time for an upgrade.

I'm sure theres probably a lot of people like me who are in the market for one now, not later. :p My only concern at the moment is if the R600 drivers will actually be better.

I was thinkin until after summer, end of the year. I also usually dont play the newest games. I have dual 19"'s @ 1280x1024, so I dont have too much of a problem playing most games. $250 is about max I will pay for a video card.

Yeah the 6600 is slow for some of the games, I could see ya upgrading. I upgraded to a 7900gs because when i get a new dx10 card, this one will go to one of the kids. :)
Seriously doubt they will drop too much. The GTX will most certainly drop at the new waves, but considering that the projected cost of a 8600 GTS card is something like 200-250, I doubt the 320mb GTS will go much under what its at now. To top even that off, a 320mb GTS is hardly the best, but it could very well suit many people until the 9000 series.

Besides, some people like me havent upgraded video cards in 2 years. My latest card is only a 6600 (yes.. not GT.. not GS.. just plan 6600) and its in dire time for an upgrade.

I'm sure theres probably a lot of people like me who are in the market for one now, not later. :p My only concern at the moment is if the R600 drivers will actually be better.

Yeah, look at the 7900GS, 1950pro, x19xxXT series - they haven't dropped much in price in months since their big slides. I think 8800GTS prices are bottoming out at $250/$330.
Yeah, look at the 7900GS, 1950pro, x19xxXT series - they haven't dropped much in price in months since their big slides. I think 8800GTS prices are bottoming out at $250/$330.

Yeah, maybe a few more tens- though still even at that price they are awesome value for money.
Seriously doubt they will drop too much. The GTX will most certainly drop at the new waves, but considering that the projected cost of a 8600 GTS card is something like 200-250, I doubt the 320mb GTS will go much under what its at now. To top even that off, a 320mb GTS is hardly the best, but it could very well suit many people until the 9000 series.

Besides, some people like me havent upgraded video cards in 2 years. My latest card is only a 6600 (yes.. not GT.. not GS.. just plan 6600) and its in dire time for an upgrade.

I'm sure theres probably a lot of people like me who are in the market for one now, not later. :p My only concern at the moment is if the R600 drivers will actually be better.

Qft, except I'm going from an ATI radeon agp that's 4 years old :)

I expect the 320 to be a (quote borat) niiiiiiiiiiiiiice upgrade.
i run a viewsonic 21 inch at 1650x1050 and after hours of agonizing i finally decided on the 8800 GTS 640 MB, my reasoning? Who knows if the 8800 GTX will remain the "best" when the newer cards come out? I bought EVGA because of their lifetime warranty and step-up program as well. And besides, im upgrading from an ATI x800XL that couldn't run oblivion at even half settings ><
Think of it this way... the R600 isnt clobbering your videocard. The 8800GTX will remain a top of the line card for a while... probably til may or so. I really dont know.:(
I got the 320MB and I regret not spending a bit more for the 640MB but when I bought it I was playing at 1280x1024 :eek:

320MB is not enough for some games at 1680x1050 and sometimes the fraps drop a lot because of the video using system memory :(
Just to touch on the PSU issue.

I ran two 8800GTXs in SLI with an Antec NeoHE 550 without problems. Only four 120mm fans, one 80mm fan, one optical drive, one hard drive (Raptor 150gb), and one expansion card (X-Fi Fatality).

Yours should be fine.
Just to touch on the PSU issue.

I ran two 8800GTXs in SLI with an Antec NeoHE 550 without problems. Only four 120mm fans, one 80mm fan, one optical drive, one hard drive (Raptor 150gb), and one expansion card (X-Fi Fatality).

Yours should be fine.

The NeoHE 550 has 42A. That's probably barely cutting it.
I got the 320MB and I regret not spending a bit more for the 640MB but when I bought it I was playing at 1280x1024 :eek:

320MB is not enough for some games at 1680x1050 and sometimes the fraps drop a lot because of the video using system memory :(

Yeah, that kinda does suck.... i agree. But thats why i just bought my 320 and plan to step up as soon as a new card comes out...
The NeoHE 550 has 42A. That's probably barely cutting it.

Yeah, I know I was pushing it with two 8800GTXs, but the OP just wants to run a single GTX or two lesser cards in SLI, right? He should be fine with his PSU.
My GTS and the parts listed below run Oblivion at 1600x1200 with many goodies turned on.... your fine.