8800GTS 320 at 1680x1050

Your PSU will work great for one GTX. But it will be too small for a SLI setup. 850-1000 watts is the range for an acceptible 8800GTX SLI system (I'd lean toward the 1KW, personally).

you have fallen for the wattage marketing gimmick.

more important than wattage is the amps on the rails.

the corsair 620ex has been proven to run two 8800gtx in sli with a quadcore cpu & a raptor amongst other things.

that is only 620 watts and according to you would be inadequate.

if someone wants to run two 8800gtx in sli and needs to pick up a power supply, read some good reviews on them and dont fall for the wattage as the main signifier in what will do you good.
When it counts, how will two 8800GTS boards in SLi compare to a an 8800GTX. I have built my latest system with this in mind. Reading reviews about the 8800 640 vs 320 mb, I think there is a big exaggeration on the difference in running games on these two cards.
you have fallen for the wattage marketing gimmick.

more important than wattage is the amps on the rails.

the corsair 620ex has been proven to run two 8800gtx in sli with a quadcore cpu & a raptor amongst other things.

that is only 620 watts and according to you would be inadequate.

if someone wants to run two 8800gtx in sli and needs to pick up a power supply, read some good reviews on them and dont fall for the wattage as the main signifier in what will do you good.

Yup. Here's the link:

since we seem to be on the subject, i have a quick question regarding PSU's and the 8800s....

do you think the corsair 520 run SLi'd 8800GTS's, a C2X and probably 1 HDD, 2 optical drives, and 2 fans?

here's the specs, right from their site

That's going be a tight window on the 520. My guess is no. I'm using the Seasonic Power Anger wattage monitor on my v-modded GPU's and when The whole system is running fully volted 1.525 vcore/ 1.55 gpu cores 2950mhz/740 on the gpus, I'm yanking some 460-480 watts out of the wall on STALKER. And that's on watercooling.Which means you'll be pulling even more out of the wall using air coolers because of the higher resistance during higher gpu temps. I think I dropped some 50-75 peak system load (SLI GPU) watts when I switched from air to water. I've even pulled a maximum of 565 watts on my 500 watt rated PSU b4 during 3ghz 3dmark 06 test runs. It never did cut off. (It's peak rated for 550). My psu is in sig. You might be able to pull it off, maybe not. I'm talking about high to average high peak watts on my system. Typical games pull 350 to 440 watts continuous with my setup. You should be able to do it with that 620 model. I have dual rails 22a each (kind of high), those psu's your looking at have 3 rails. I don't know how that factors in.
I've got every piece to my new system except the video card. I've been debating between the 640GTS and the 320 GTS. I'm definatly getting an eVGA with the option to step-up, but i just can't afford the GTX right now. I game at 1680X1050, and will eventually run either of these cards in SLi, or step-up. Would an overclocked 320 be good enough? Even for upcoming games at this rez? Or should I stick with a 640?

Heres the rest of my system:

C2D E6300 (will overclock)
eVGA 680i (A1)
WD Raptor X 150GB HDD
Antec Trio 650W PSU
Antec 900 Case
Vista Ultimate 64bit

Nice set up! I went with an eVGA 8800 GTS KO over the GTX for two reasons. The first was I didn't want to have to Mod my SIlverstone SG01 to get it to fit and second, I'll be gaming for the next few years at 1680 x 1050 on a NEC Widescreen and really didn't need anything higher.

So far I've been able to run NeverWinter Nights 2, STALKER and Oblivion with out a hitch. I'm coming from my old watercooled system with 2 x 7800 GTXs in SLI and the 8800 GTS is out performing them in every way.

The eVGA step up program is a good way to stay current. So say you don't go all out now you can eventually trade that 8800 GTS in for a better card. For now and some time to come (IMO) the GTS will be more than fine.

Good luck!
I got the 320MB and I regret not spending a bit more for the 640MB but when I bought it I was playing at 1280x1024 :eek:

320MB is not enough for some games at 1680x1050 and sometimes the fraps drop a lot because of the video using system memory :(

Exactly, this is what I've been saying in threads like this. The PC I've put my 8800GTS 320MB in will never see higher than 1280x1024 for gaming. The 19" LCD on it does 1280x1024 max/native. The entire PC, with monitor, will be replaced all at once when I upgrade in a year or so.
Exactly, this is what I've been saying in threads like this. The PC I've put my 8800GTS 320MB in will never see higher than 1280x1024 for gaming. The 19" LCD on it does 1280x1024 max/native. The entire PC, with monitor, will be replaced all at once when I upgrade in a year or so.

I'm kind of glad I'm still on a nice CRT and can use whatever res I want! 1280 was usually my normal although in some more heavy duty games if I wanted things turned on I needed to do 1024. Oblivion can have Texture mods, HDR, and all distant lands on my 3000+, 2 gigs ram, and X1600PRO and still be pretty smooth. Just at 1024 ;)

I'm really looking forward to my new rig this week. It's on it's way!
No, each 8800GTS draws 26A, which is only slightly less than the 8800GTX (30A).

So on a different note, I have a stock 480W PSU on my Alienware that says it has +12V1 15A, +12V2 18A. It has no PCI-e connector but the card I'm looking at has a 2 4-pin molex to PCI-e connector. Would this run one 8800GTS with 1 HDD, 2 optical drives and a quad-core?
So on a different note, I have a stock 480W PSU on my Alienware that says it has +12V1 15A, +12V2 18A. It has no PCI-e connector but the card I'm looking at has a 2 4-pin molex to PCI-e connector. Would this run one 8800GTS with 1 HDD, 2 optical drives and a quad-core?

I doubt it would run a quad core, since the GTS will use 26 of your 33A.
I doubt it would run a quad core, since the GTS will use 26 of your 33A.

How about a C2D E6400? I probably won't go quad until they come down in price a lot and maybe then I'll have enough for a new PSU too. On nVidia's site they say for a C2X, you only need a 400W PSU and the 26A or whatever it is. I only have 1 HDD and 2 optical drives.
How about a C2D E6400? I probably won't go quad until they come down in price a lot and maybe then I'll have enough for a new PSU too. On nVidia's site they say for a C2X, you only need a 400W PSU and the 26A or whatever it is. I only have 1 HDD and 2 optical drives.

I'd guess it's ok.
I have the Antec Trio 650W PSU. What kind of video card configuration would I be able to handle along with...

C2D e6300
eVGA 680i (A1)
2gb OCZ 1066MHz
Raptor X 150gb
5 120mm fans
creative x-fi sound card
i've got a gts 320 and i run at 1680x1050 and i don't ever notice a hitch. i do only when there's a huuuuuge amount of area being rendered (aka shattrath city in WoW) but even then i think the rest of my hardware is limiting it.
Pretty cool feature in rivatuner for monitoring video ram usage. It isn't even that hard to max out the 640mb on geforce 8800 gts. Running Stalker at 2560 x 1600 I got it over 620mb LOL. I would assume the 320mb runs out pretty quick.

LOL I tried the same game in 800x600. No AA/AF, full dynamic lighting and everything maxed out.. Video ram usage was like 430-460MB! In 1680x1050 propably over 500MB. So I guess that makes you think twice before buying the 320MB version.
No, each 8800GTS draws 26A, which is only slightly less than the 8800GTX (30A).

No, that is ENTIRELY wrong. Each 8800 GTS draws about 110-125W, more like 10A. An entire system is recommended to have 26A. With the 8800 GTX, it's more in the range of 140-165W, and therefore nVidia recommends 30A. As I mentioned in my previous calculations, add 13 more amps for a standard 8800 GTX, 14 or 15 to be safe or if you overclock.

I doubt it would run a quad core, since the GTS will use 26 of your 33A.

What the hell is this? Please get your facts straight, and in reply to the poster, yes, it would be able to run it.
No, that is ENTIRELY wrong. Each 8800 GTS draws about 110-125W, more like 10A. An entire system is recommended to have 26A. With the 8800 GTX, it's more in the range of 140-165W, and therefore nVidia recommends 30A. As I mentioned in my previous calculations, add 13 more amps for a standard 8800 GTX, 14 or 15 to be safe or if you overclock.

What the hell is this? Please get your facts straight, and in reply to the poster, yes, it would be able to run it.

Ok whatever, that makes sense.
Pretty cool feature in rivatuner for monitoring video ram usage. It isn't even that hard to max out the 640mb on geforce 8800 gts. Running Stalker at 2560 x 1600 I got it over 620mb LOL. I would assume the 320mb runs out pretty quick.

LOL I tried the same game in 800x600. No AA/AF, full dynamic lighting and everything maxed out.. Video ram usage was like 430-460MB! In 1680x1050 propably over 500MB. So I guess that makes you think twice before buying the 320MB version.

Not sure how meaningful those Rivatuner numbers are - Stalker shows 7-10% improvement with 512 MB vs 256 MB, even at 1920 x 1200. I'd expect much higher than that if it's using 500 MB of video ram.

No, that is ENTIRELY wrong. Each 8800 GTS draws about 110-125W, more like 10A. An entire system is recommended to have 26A. With the 8800 GTX, it's more in the range of 140-165W, and therefore nVidia recommends 30A. As I mentioned in my previous calculations, add 13 more amps for a standard 8800 GTX, 14 or 15 to be safe or if you overclock.

What the hell is this? Please get your facts straight, and in reply to the poster, yes, it would be able to run it.

I agree. My meter shows a maximum pull of 4.25amps on the whole system at overload. So given it's AC that would be approx the reported 119v x 4.25amps = 505 watts. I was confused when I first saw this reported on my meter (given all the suggestions for 18 to 22a on a rail, etc.) but then figured that the card running at 12v could not possibly pull more than a continuous 15amps from the psu....DC current.

Stalker most definately needs more than 512mb or video ram. I can't get decent framerates with everything on high on my 512mb total sli.
Not sure how meaningful those Rivatuner numbers are - Stalker shows 7-10% improvement with 512 MB vs 256 MB, even at 1920 x 1200. I'd expect much higher than that if it's using 500 MB of video ram.


Well there's one thing you have to take into consideration. And that is the bandwidth on the local memory on the gfx card. 7900GT has a mem bandwidth of around 40GB/s if I'm right? and the 8800GTS has 64. So on the 7900gt the drop in mem bandwidth going from 40gb/s to what ever it is from system ram isn't as bad as from the 8800gts. And overclock the 8800gts mem to 2GHz (80gb/s) then the performance drop grows even more.

But I have no reason to doubt those rivatuner figures, and it clearly states that games do hog alot of video ram. I do believe that running out of memory is not something most gamers want anohow..