8800gs vs 9600gso for folding...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - Feb. 2013
Apr 22, 2008
... and yes, I know they're pretty much the same thing, so I wanted to put it to the forum - My XFX 8600GT is an absolute POS, and can't fold for 24 hours w/o crashing (90+ temps UNDERCLOCKED to 450 core/stock shaders & memory), so for the price of getting a better heatsink/fan, I might as well spend the extra $30 and triple my ppd! So my quetion is this - of the two cards linked below, which would be better?


The 8800gs is an evga, and the 9600gso is an Asus, and I've never had a problem with either. After shipping and rebate, the Asus would be $3.25 more (so who cares), but appears to have a much better (looks bigger) cooling solution. Case temps aren't really a problem, with my 1.8 Ghz e2160 OC'ed to 3.2 running the SMP solid in the mid 70's...

Please, any feedback? Experience w/ Asus rebates (evga is great, I've read, so I'm not as concerned there)? Anything I'm missing?

It's not hard to get 4500 ppd out of an OC-ed 88GS

I have 3

You mention your card overheating. This can be from the card being a POS or inadequate ventilation in the case. For a case that might have trouble with good airflow and a few more ppd you might want to think about the 8800GT AKIMBO card:

It is $125 after rebate which is considerably more than the above cards but should get you at least 5.0-5.2kppd. The good thing about this card is that it has a dual slot cooler so it blows all the hot air right out of your case and not just recirculates it like most other cards in its class. You might get a much better overclock with the extra cooling. 8800GTs pull about 78 watts at load so it should be similar in power requirements to the above cards.

Just wanted to put this out there in case you hadn't thought of it. As for the two at the top it is hard to beat a life time warranty that you get with the 8800GS from EVGA. Asus can be a real pain in the ass if you have to get an rma. (but they do eventually make it right after a time)

with my 1.8 Ghz e2160 OC'ed to 3.2 running the SMP solid in the mid 70's...

Please, any feedback?

My recommendation is to get a better heatsink for the CPU. I have rather high room temps in the summer (85F easily) and none of my CPUs get anywhere near mid 70s for temps. Right now it's 74F in the room and my [email protected] is 59C with a very dirty heatsink.

And don't worry all, I'm gonna grab my buddies small air compressor soon so I can blow out the heatsinks in all my systems as I'm very overdue. That will drop my temps by at least a few degrees.

You mention your card overheating. This can be from the card being a POS or inadequate ventilation in the case. For a case that might have trouble with good airflow and a few more ppd you might want to think about the 8800GT AKIMBO card:
I love my Akimbo 88gt. It is very cool, running right at 60C (my other evga dual slot cooler 88gt, which runs @ 68C, same box). It's running 547/801/1853 and gives a solid 5k PPD, depending on WU.

Edit: For those that are curious, ambient is currently 80.2F.
Hmm..., I really don't know "jack" about the 9600 GSO (I don't have one and really don't want one), getting one just makes me nervous for a couple of reasons 1) why the 9600 designation (over the 8800 GS) and 2) I get various conclusions from various forums (overclockers.net, xtremesystems.org, etc) about whether it is the same card as the 8800 GS or whether it produces the same points as the 8800 GS. I do know for a fact that the 8800 GS (I have one ATM) gets about 4500 ppd with a slight shader OC' from 1300 something (stock) to 1703. Just remember to set the CPU affinity to 0-2 on all four (4) FahCore_a1.exe processes and set priority on the GPU FahCore_11.exe process to "belowNormal" from "Low". :D

If and when I get another GPU for my other Q6600 it'll probably be a 8800 GT w/512 and the double slot configuration cooling. Yeah I know, Smoke, nomad8u, Xilikon and all the others that told me to get the 8800GT because it OC'es better, the extra ppd and a few other reasons over the 8800GS, but for price, coolness runnin', good ppd with little effort and a few other reasons I'm pretty happy with the 4500 ppd and low temps of my 8800GS. (oh yeah, I use "Riva Tuner" to keep my fan about 75%) :p

Just my $0.02 and a half cents worth :rolleyes:


Price to points the 88gs is still the best bang. No doubts there. I picked up the akimbo (and my other dual-slot 88gt) because they were dual slot.

As to the 96gso... Everything I've seen says it is a the 88gs rebadged, and I have seen at least one person folding on it (on OCAU I think)... Don't remember the PPD though.

You mention your card overheating. This can be from the card being a POS or inadequate ventilation in the case. For a case that might have trouble with good airflow and a few more ppd you might want to think about the 8800GT AKIMBO card:

It is $125 after rebate which is considerably more than the above cards but should get you at least 5.0-5.2kppd. The good thing about this card is that it has a dual slot cooler so it blows all the hot air right out of your case and not just recirculates it like most other cards in its class. You might get a much better overclock with the extra cooling. 8800GTs pull about 78 watts at load so it should be similar in power requirements to the above cards.

Just wanted to put this out there in case you hadn't thought of it. As for the two at the top it is hard to beat a life time warranty that you get with the 8800GS from EVGA. Asus can be a real pain in the ass if you have to get an rma. (but they do eventually make it right after a time)

Even taking the side off my case will only drop my temps by 1-2C, but with an 80mm intake on the front, an 80mm exhaust on the back, a 92mm fan on the heatsink & a PS fan in the Antec, SHWMO already complains about the noise! :eek:

My only problem with that cost is that I've been saving $20/paycheck toward a new card since I started really having problems a couple months back, and will have $100 as of this Friday - to get the Akimbo, I'd have to wait another month and a half (3 more paydays), and I'm not sure the increase in ppd is worth the cost or wait! Especially as I don't really game anymore.

My recommendation is to get a better heatsink for the CPU. I have rather high room temps in the summer (85F easily) and none of my CPUs get anywhere near mid 70s for temps. Right now it's 74F in the room and my [email protected] is 59C with a very dirty heatsink.

And don't worry all, I'm gonna grab my buddies small air compressor soon so I can blow out the heatsinks in all my systems as I'm very overdue. That will drop my temps by at least a few degrees.

Sorry, guess I should clarify - Core Temp says my cores are running at 74-76C with PC Wizard reporting the actual CPU temp as 58C - with Prime and F@H, I learned to watch the actual core temp, because the CPU could report 55C, but Core Temp would give me 80C+ on the cores, and Prime wouldn't stabilize... I replaced the stock heatsink/fan with an Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro, and have been happy as hell with it! All I have to do to drop the temps is drop the OC from 3.2 to 3.0, which will reset my memory ratio to 1:1 on a 333 FSB, but I'm really hoping I can kill this chip to justify getting a q6600 or q6700...

Price to points the 88gs is still the best bang. No doubts there. I picked up the akimbo (and my other dual-slot 88gt) because they were dual slot.

As to the 96gso... Everything I've seen says it is a the 88gs rebadged, and I have seen at least one person folding on it (on OCAU I think)... Don't remember the PPD though.

Since everything I've read also says the 96gso = 88gs, the question in my mind really became Asus + bigger heatsink (96gso) vs eVGA + reputation & lifetime warranty... Never had anything evga, but never heard a complaint on here, either, so that's all I need to know. Had two Asus boards, both bulletproof... Oh, well, I have until Friday to decide! :D

Thanks everyone for all your feedback!

I have to clean fans and stuff every few months, I also remove all heat sinks, on Video card,motherboard everywhere there is one and use AS5 on them!

If you look around I got 8800GT's for $69 bucks, a while back!
Since everything I've read also says the 96gso = 88gs, the question in my mind really became Asus + bigger heatsink (96gso) vs eVGA + reputation & lifetime warranty... Never had anything evga, but never heard a complaint on here, either, so that's all I need to know. Had two Asus boards, both bulletproof... Oh, well, I have until Friday to decide! :D

I don't think you can go wrong with either board. They're basically the same. Between these two cards, the Asus is clocked a bit higher (but my EVGA 8800GS clocks right up so no issue there on the shaders) on the shaders and the RAM and looks to have a decent heatsink. I didn't see what their warranty is but EVGA is lifetime so I give the nod for that. Mainly because it'll probably be a 7x24 folder since there's WAYYY better cards for gaming so personally I take that into consideration. But you've already had good juju with previous Asus boards so that counts for something too.

Wake up Friday and flip a coin... :D

To make you choice easier
enter "EMCAJCGBG" for $18 off the GS.
I think I'm going to bite.
To make you choice easier
enter "EMCAJCGBG" for $18 off the GS.
I think I'm going to bite.

You just had to do that didn't ya..... ;)

Guess I'm going to have to get another too.

To make you choice easier
enter "EMCAJCGBG" for $18 off the GS.
I think I'm going to bite.

Yeah, just saw that one - damn work got in my way! I never get to check my email until lunch west coast time, and now it's long gone...

Here's hoping for the newegg back in stock notification email! Otherwise, I may partially take Highyield's advice above, and go for the $89AR 96GSO with the dual slot cooler...