85 in a 50 Results in $290K Fine

If you are caught repeatedly speeding, you will lose your license. Once again, economic situation does not affect speeding.

A lost license is nothing more than another fine as a semi literate lawyer can keep you out of jail for repeat offenses on something minor as moving violations.

Instead of tacking on more legalities, this fine system seems to be the better alternative between the two.
If you are caught repeatedly speeding, you will lose your license. Once again, economic situation does not affect speeding.

With fixed fines like you're advocating, it does indeed affect the likelihood of the individual to speed. The deterrent of losing some fixed amount of money is clearly less meaningful to those who can easily afford to pay it several times over, than it is for someone who will struggle to pay it even once. Given that the deterrent is less, it follows that they are more likely to speed. This isn't particularly complex reasoning.

I'm also speaking from personal experience; I'm much less hesitant to speed now that my income is significantly higher than it was a couple years ago, and this is purely as a result of my economic situation.

If you have some reason to believe that a fixed fine is of equal deterrence for the wealthy as those who are not, then please state it; otherwise you are repeating an obviously untrue fact without any evidence.