8 Core Dell Sever $729

Too bad I don't use software that can take advantage of all of that power.

ie: could actually achieve near 8 x 1.6Ghz = 12.8Ghz of power.

Most things I'd use it for, it would feel slower than a cheap dual core e6320 box. :(
Nope. An overclocked Q6600 rig would beat it and cost less without the hassle of two CPUs. Only have to go to 3.2+ to achieve this.

Would beat it doing what? It's going to go different ways depending on what you're using it for. If you want and will benifit from the cores, this is a great deal. If not, pass it by.

Edit: It's dead for me anyhow.
wow 749 for TB Sata Drives... what a bargain!!!
8 * 1.6 GHz just isn't very impressive.

Nope. An overclocked Q6600 rig would beat it and cost less without the hassle of two CPUs. Only have to go to 3.2+ to achieve this.

Ever heard of the 1066->1333fsb pad mod? ;)
Quick way to OC the 5310s to 2ghz, which starts to make it a little better (16ghz total).
If you upgrade this server to the 5320s (1.86ghz) the pad mod OCs the CPUs to 2.33ghz (18.6ghz total). Getting better :)
Like Holli said, though, deal's dead.
Actually wait. Looks like it might still be alive here?
The 5320s cost $150 total, making the total cost $878 for an 8-core 2.33ghz server. That's pretty darn hot!
Nope. An overclocked Q6600 rig would beat it and cost less without the hassle of two CPUs. Only have to go to 3.2+ to achieve this.

LOL!! Comparing a overclocked desktop processor to a specifically designed stable server processor... that has got to be a new one.

Next you are going to tell me your VTEC Civic with NOS will eat a Z06 Vette anyday.
I'd be tempted on this as a render farm server. Load it up with maybe 4-8GB of memory and probably 4 SATA 2 drives in RAID0 and it would be awesome for 3D rendering, where more CPU's is more important than the individual power of those CPU's.
IBM servers are ridiculously overpriced,

Overpriced? Relative to what? They are only overpriced if you don't need what they offer.

propriety masses of crap.

(The word propriety does not suit the tone of your response so I believe you mistyped. I am basing my response on the assumption that you meant proprietary. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I don't want to misconstrue what you meant.)

Proprietary? Sure. Masses of crap? No.
Overpriced? Relative to what? They are only overpriced if you don't need what they offer.
Relative to any other PC-based server I can buy.

I have both. And I can buy PC servers with power power all day long, for a fraction of the cost.

(The word propriety does not suit the tone of your response so I believe you mistyped. I am basing my response on the assumption that you meant proprietary. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I don't want to misconstrue what you meant.)

Proprietary? Sure. Masses of crap? No.

Yea, auto spell check thing mis-corrected my mis-spelling ;)
LOL!! Comparing a overclocked desktop processor to a specifically designed stable server processor... that has got to be a new one.

Next you are going to tell me your VTEC Civic with NOS will eat a Z06 Vette anyday.

My DeLorean has 1.21 JIGGAWATTS of power. Single-core, baby.
If I actually had a use for 8 cores and FB-DIMMS were not 2x the price of normal memory.
this would've been cool as a new server and and extra 8 cores for rendering...too bad I missed out =\
Ever heard of the 1066->1333fsb pad mod? ;)

Indeed. Touche. But that would undermine the invincible stability of this Dell server and threaten the warranty you see. :p

LOL!! Comparing a overclocked desktop processor to a specifically designed stable server processor... that has got to be a new one.

Next you are going to tell me your VTEC Civic with NOS will eat a Z06 Vette anyday.

Instead of trying to explain why 8 Clovertown cores at 1.6 is better than 4 overclocked Kentsfield cores, you just attack me. Nice. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of people overclock stably here. There is nothing special about Clovertown or the server designation of this system. It's underpowered by multiple CPUs that are older than Kentsfield, comes with a tiny hard drive, hardly any extras, and only 1 GB of expensive RAM. It's bottom of the barrel. But I guess it's a Dell. Big whoop.

And here is some other discussion on the matter:


There is not much more because Clovertown is so damn old. I'm glad someone see value here. I don't. Enjoy.

Instead of trying to explain why 8 Clovertown cores at 1.6 is better than 4 overclocked Kentsfield cores, you just attack me. Nice. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of people overclock stably here. There is nothing special about Clovertown or the server designation of this system. It's underpowered by multiple CPUs that are older than Kentsfield, comes with a tiny hard drive, hardly any extras, and only 1 GB of expensive RAM. It's bottom of the barrel. But I guess it's a Dell. Big whoop.

Just by what you said here makes your entire argument invalid.

Next time, you try and run your business on overclocked desktop processors in enthusiast motherboards and then we'll talk again.
Ya I do agree that just because IBM has some expensive gear - that doesn't make it overpriced. Buying a 20core cpu at 4.4ghz per core for 1million will be peanuts for those that buy it. They will also use all that power and will not even care about how much they spend on it.

If you need something, you never notice the price. Since it usually offers you something that money can't. Or generates more money than what you paid for it.
Indeed. Touche. But that would undermine the invincible stability of this Dell server and threaten the warranty you see. :p

Instead of trying to explain why 8 Clovertown cores at 1.6 is better than 4 overclocked Kentsfield cores, you just attack me. Nice. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of people overclock stably here. There is nothing special about Clovertown or the server designation of this system. It's underpowered by multiple CPUs that are older than Kentsfield, comes with a tiny hard drive, hardly any extras, and only 1 GB of expensive RAM. It's bottom of the barrel. But I guess it's a Dell. Big whoop.

And here is some other discussion on the matter:


There is not much more because Clovertown is so damn old. I'm glad someone see value here. I don't. Enjoy.

People don't JUST buy these for 8 cores.

They buy pre-built servers (that are-built in mass) for:
16->32G ram support
real I/O (meaning PCI-X)
extra features such as DRAC support