8.9 Cat Driver Issues

GPU-Z is well known for showing screwy results with newer drivers, not surprised by Rivatuner not being compatible with it yet either.

The thing that gets me is that on a completely fresh install, the 8.9's atikmdag on me in COD4 at least once every two minutes, even though I'm not overclocking. Will they EVER fix this?
GPU-Z is well known for showing screwy results with newer drivers, not surprised by Rivatuner not being compatible with it yet either.

The thing that gets me is that on a completely fresh install, the 8.9's atikmdag on me in COD4 at least once every two minutes, even though I'm not overclocking. Will they EVER fix this?

just before the 5800 X2 is released.
8.9 didn't fix my issue of one card running 500/750 and the other @ normal with 160/500 @ idle.

if i run the cards alone they will run 160/500

Well, tonight I'm going to try my hand at Rivatuner and see if it works as good as it did for Nvidia for me, keep the clocks the same at all times, and make sure that fan speed is locked as well (probably at 45 for a gaming profile). I think I might roll back to 8.7 as well, I think those were the most stable drivers for me.
8.9 performs very well for me but I get the same GPU-Z glitch as the OP. I think I'll just stick with them personally.
GPU-Z reports some serious overclocking for me too!

OTOH, 3DMark Vantage reports 18MHz, so I may be seriously underclocking.

RivaTuner v2.11 reports core at 500MHz and memory at 900MHz, which again is off.

Hopefully, this all gets updated before my next upgrade. The fun of living with new products...
Can't run any games on my 4870 under Vista32. I can choose between "Driver stopped and has been recovered" or a system hang (if I disable VPU recover) :mad:
Vantage and Furmark are fine, for what that's worth. Crysis, Bioshock, GRID and COD4 all run for a short while then the rendering just stops. I wait a while before pressing Ctr-Alt-Delete just in case, then about 90 seconds later the task manager finally appears. Something is wrong here, as this happens with 8.6 through 8.9 (tried modified DNA drivers too). A fresh install has made no difference, as does the application of SP1 and other hotfixes. XP drivers have been rock solid thus far (just as good as I remember them being when I used an X1900XT), but this Vista issue is seriously annoying. Very tempted to get a GTX260 (my Fuzion came with the GT200 adapter plate) and sell this on to someone who uses XP exclusively.
Vantage and Furmark are fine, for what that's worth. Crysis, Bioshock, GRID and COD4 all run for a short while then the rendering just stops.

This sounds like what I experienced while testing different aftermarket coolers on my 4870 and caused the VRMs to overheat due to insufficient cooling. You could download a trial of Everest and have it log the temperature of the VRMs while you run some benches/games. Anything above 90c generally makes my card do exactly what you are describing. However the stock cooler never got above 75c on the VRMs so this might not be the issue at all. Good luck!
can the 8.9 work well with modified bio's? since 8.8 black screened.
This sounds like what I experienced while testing different aftermarket coolers on my 4870 and caused the VRMs to overheat due to insufficient cooling. You could download a trial of Everest and have it log the temperature of the VRMs while you run some benches/games. Anything above 90c generally makes my card do exactly what you are describing. However the stock cooler never got above 75c on the VRMs so this might not be the issue at all. Good luck!

Highest VRM temps I've seen playing GRID at 1680x1050/8xAA/16xAF are 86c. Furmark has been to 110c and remained stable (I kept expecting it to die when that happened, it was after renaming the exe). These are figures for 860/900 clocks, yet Vista gaming craps out at stock speeds. This is my second attempt at a reply as the card just decided to transform my desktop into a snowscape (fine after a reboot). Maybe I have damaged something running Furmark, although it was Crysis crashing (had to try DX10 Very High for giggles) which first prompted me to give that and other tests a whirl :confused:
Bioshock crashed with the stock cooler, but at the time I assumed something else caused the fault since Vantage was fine and the GTS320 was crashing too (total lockup on the nV card).
The time I've spent looking at this already is worth the price of a GTX260 - I hear they actually OC worth a damn too.
No bluray playback on powerdvd using extended desktop mode. and reverting to 8.8 does NOT restore the playback: not only 8.9 added a new issue that didnt exist on the previous version, but this new issue is not easyly reverted by changing the drivers back to 8.8.

There is less flicker with 8.9 but it is still a major issue with the 4870X2, at least on windows xp 32bits
Damn TS!!!! What bios and cooler are you using? I can only hit 850mhz OC on my 4870....:p