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I don't think you need to list teams specifically, maybe just put folding communities around the net or something to that affect. Honestly, everyone is tired of his shit.
I don't think you need to list teams specifically, maybe just put folding communities around the net or something to that affect. Honestly, everyone is tired of his shit.

I will take specific names out, you're right, I'm sure everyone from 1 down to 1Million agrees. Has anyone ever come out in defense of him? :D
also see if you can get oc.com and maxpc on board too. Be nice to list them also.

I’m still having a big issue with a private forum speaking on behalf of what is purported to be a team of professionals supported by a major University.

Add to that VJ hiding behind his blog, Kasson being surprised how badly the SMP core scaled on a quad then publicly reporting their own ineptitude.

Maybe it’s just me of course, but the whole project at this point needs some explanation along with a bit of accountability on the part of Stanford.
I’m still having a big issue with a private forum speaking on behalf of what is purported to be a team of professionals supported by a major University.

Add to that VJ hiding behind his blog, Kasson being surprised how badly the SMP core scaled on a quad then publicly reporting their own ineptitude.

Maybe it’s just me of course, but the whole project at this point needs some explanation along with a bit of accountability on the part of Stanford.

Yea, maybe this can be the topic of petition #2.
You're too modest Xilikon. IIRC, the client was expiring in 24-48 hours and you asked the question because normally new beta clients were released a week early. The jackass still talked down to you.

Oh, right... I asked because it's expiring in 1-2 days, not 1 week :D I also asked on the basis that Stanford promised they will make a effort to release it 1 week early to let everyone switch clients in time.

Yes, I also hated when he is hunting me here after I made some posts expressing my opinion in our own forum :mad:

alan2308, the writeup is great (just leave the team names out since it's not really a issue between teams and FCF, mostly between individuals no matter what team and 7im). marty9876 is right, we should concentrate about professionality of the petition and explaining facts, not emotions.

Maybe it’s just me of course, but the whole project at this point needs some explanation along with a bit of accountability on the part of Stanford.

I'm actually taking a long [H]ard look at WCG.

The petition has been submitted, I'm now waiting for the email confirmation.
I’m still having a big issue with a private forum speaking on behalf of what is purported to be a team of professionals supported by a major University.

Add to that VJ hiding behind his blog, Kasson being surprised how badly the SMP core scaled on a quad then publicly reporting their own ineptitude.

Maybe it’s just me of course, but the whole project at this point needs some explanation along with a bit of accountability on the part of Stanford.

Why has no official forums been setup, I can't answer.

Why did VJ start his blog to begin with, the old foldingforums.org was so unstable VJ wanted a method to communicate outside that forum platform is my take on it. Also reported to increase communication w/ donors (a long standing issue).

RE last sentence- you and relic have the same issues w/ Stanford and VJ as you had 6+ years ago. Love ya but shit or get off the pot here. Standford/VJ have the same issues they had back then, take it or leave it is my best guess.

It's simple to me: if a private business was running the FAH program as Stanford does they would be out of business long ago. Universities and such get an endless amount of "do overs" or what every you want to call it. It's crap, always has been always will be. Universities are not held to the same standards a private company would be.

Anyways, start a new thread to complain about all that Bill! ;)
Ah, now I see what this is all about. I saw relic's thread on OCF sometime last night but it was deleted quite hastily before he or anyone else could really explain what the issue was.

BTW, hello [H]ardApes. :)
Ah, now I see what this is all about. I saw relic's thread on OCF sometime last night but it was deleted quite hastily before he or anyone else could really explain what the issue was.

BTW, hello [H]ardApes. :)

Welcome baked. This is the first time that I have seen you not talking in the third person. :D
Well, its not at the the big site, but whatever. They said a simple reply there could take days so theres no telling how long it will take to go up there.

So, without further ado, here's the petition:


Where it asks for name, you can put in your folding name and team name rather than first and last.
And for the record, it would probably be better to allow someone from each forum to post this at their forum so it doesn't look like its all about the [H]. Thats not the point of it.
Well, I don't know what the hell happened, I signed and for some reason it's not showing up....

And for the record, it would probably be better to allow someone from each forum to post this at their forum so it doesn't look like its all about the [H]. Thats not the point of it.

And for the record, it would probably be better to allow someone from each forum to post this at their forum so it doesn't look like its all about the [H]. Thats not the point of it.

That's okay alan. I posted on both overclockers.com and maximumpc.com for you. Didn't want to leave any of the top teams out of the fun. ;)
That's okay alan. I posted on both overclockers.com and maximumpc.com for you. Didn't want to leave any of the top teams out of the fun. ;)

always said you were helpful in some ways.
I'm in, where to sign etc, PM or post here or in our forums.

Dread@MPC Team 11108

Never mind, 7im actually posted this thread and the link to the petition on our forums already.
First things first.

1) I hate this. Call me a hippy but I'd love it if we could all just get along and work together. It's a good cause and the only times I want to be posting harsh words are when I'm talking smack about how OCF are going to outfold [H] because they are a bunch of wussies with pink heatsinks and who don't really know how to fold.*

2) I tried to stay out of this. I used to mod FCF but I haven't hung about there for ages. However, when this shitstorm gets brought onto my forum I have to take notice.

3) I don't think this petition will do much, which is why I've personally gone a different route. I would like very much for relic to get in contact with me via Email (davidnelson AT gmail DOT com) so I can discuss this with him.

4) Posting threads about 7im does nothing. He's the typical power-mad egotistic teenager, so posting threads about how crap he is inevitably will appear to be to him about how awesome and fantastic and powerful he supposedly is.

5) I don't want this to spread onto OCF. I try to run a nice clean folding section and I am currently tolerating one 7im thread that he himself started. The second it goes south the thread is gone and I don't want it spilling onto OCF.

David Nelson
Folding@Home Team 32 Leader (Overclockers.com)
Folding@Home OCF Super Moderator

* First person to point out you're beating us in general as well as at OUR Chimp Challenge gets a smack! :eek: :p
* First person to point out you're beating us in general as well as at OUR Chimp Challenge gets a smack!

We are beating you daily and in the challenge on the latest update :D

/me run off

We are beating you daily and in the challenge on the latest update :D

/me run off

You'll be sorry when I win the lottery, buy a couple hundred quadcore systems and fold under the nick "Xilikon can suck David's hairy balls" :D

Until that day however you may be correct :F
[OCF]David;1032493175 said:
First things first.

1) I hate this. Call me a hippy but I'd love it if we could all just get along and work together. It's a good cause and the only times I want to be posting harsh words are when I'm talking smack about how OCF are going to outfold [H] because they are a bunch of wussies with pink heatsinks and who don't really know how to fold.*

2) I tried to stay out of this. I used to mod FCF but I haven't hung about there for ages. However, when this shitstorm gets brought onto my forum I have to take notice.

3) I don't think this petition will do much, which is why I've personally gone a different route. I would like very much for relic to get in contact with me via Email (davidnelson AT gmail DOT com) so I can discuss this with him.

4) Posting threads about 7im does nothing. He's the typical power-mad egotistic teenager, so posting threads about how crap he is inevitably will appear to be to him about how awesome and fantastic and powerful he supposedly is.

5) I don't want this to spread onto OCF. I try to run a nice clean folding section and I am currently tolerating one 7im thread that he himself started. The second it goes south the thread is gone and I don't want it spilling onto OCF.

David Nelson
Folding@Home Team 32 Leader (Overclockers.com)
Folding@Home OCF Super Moderator

* First person to point out you're beating us in general as well as at OUR Chimp Challenge gets a smack! :eek: :p

1. I agree it would be better if we could all get along and not have it come to this, but it has.
2. This is why I chose not to take it to your forum and asked here for everyone else not to. If OCF wanted to get involved, I would have preferred for one of you to do so.
3. Point taken, and is noted in the body of the petition. Relic started a thread here and at OCAU and enough people feel strongly enough that they should have at least a vehicle to be heard.
4. I agree again, but sitting back and taking the abuse has done nothing but lose participation in the project.
5. See my reply to point 2. Again, that was not our intention or doing.

And welcome to the [H] David, sorry it had to be like this.
[OCF]David;1032493223 said:
You'll be sorry when I win the lottery, buy a couple hundred quadcore systems and fold under the nick "Xilikon can suck David's hairy balls" :D

Until that day however you may be correct :F

Wow, that would be a great tribute to me :D

What about if I win ? That would be "David love to get teabagged by Xilikon" :d:p:):eek:
1. I agree it would be better if we could all get along and not have it come to this, but it has.
2. This is why I chose not to take it to your forum and asked here for everyone else not to. If OCF wanted to get involved, I would have preferred for one of you to do so.
3. Point taken, and is noted in the body of the petition. Relic started a thread here and at OCAU and enough people feel strongly enough that they should have at least a vehicle to be heard.
4. I agree again, but sitting back and taking the abuse has done nothing but lose participation in the project.
5. See my reply to point 2. Again, that was not our intention or doing.

And welcome to the [H] David, sorry it had to be like this.

I apologise if my post sounded like I was blaming [H] for this spilling onto OCF... I wasn't.

Also sodding firefox says apologise is spelt apologize (which it most definitely isn't over here).

Thank you for the warm welcome. You have a good DC section here, I admit I have lurked before but only just signed up :). This account will of course enable some smalk talking to be had in the long term, as well as perhaps organising some more competitions at a later date.
@ David- perhaps it would be best if you contact some of the existing FCF mods/admins directly regarding this issue. I know a few mods there who would not mind seeing a change in 7im status there.

I think involving relic, a self proclaimed VJ hater, would only cloud the issue at hand.
[OCF]David;1032493223 said:
You'll be sorry when I win the lottery

*Wins Lottery*
*Gets copy of all forum information*
*Fly's to Xilikon's house*
*Rings doorbell*
"Are you Xilikon?"
"And did you post on hardforum.com that you were beating the OCF team at the Chimp Challenge?"
*Beats up Xilikon*
[OCF]David;1032493271 said:
I apologise if my post sounded like I was blaming [H] for this spilling onto OCF... I wasn't.

Also sodding firefox says apologise is spelt apologize (which it most definitely isn't over here).

Thank you for the warm welcome. You have a good DC section here, I admit I have lurked before but only just signed up :). This account will of course enable some smalk talking to be had in the long term, as well as perhaps organising some more competitions at a later date.

Bring it on! Theres still so much of the pot yet to be stirred.
wtf is up with all this drama lately?

seriously, wtf is going on?
I think this all started about the science (points) ranging from 1.45k to 4.7k between WU's comparing a 2665 to a 2653 and 7im's not so elloquent responses... ok well maybe it didnt' start there but it became enraged with it...

wtf is up with all this drama lately?

seriously, wtf is going on?

7im has been a meany for years

relic went and made a no-no thread at FCF (? I assume) last night

Got deleted

relic went and complained all over

being there was a 4 way team race going on at the same time, other members from other teams happened to agree with jist of things

petition was made

7im was helpful enough to post at other forums too

That's about it. Just odd timing is all. It's nice to see teams come together!
*Wins Lottery*
*Gets copy of all forum information*
*Fly's to Xilikon's house*
*Rings doorbell*
"Are you Xilikon?"
"And did you post on hardforum.com that you were beating the OCF team at the Chimp Challenge?"
*Beats up Xilikon*

Sounds like something that Crazy Larry would do! :D

I think relic isn't getting any these days, myself...:rolleyes:;):D

Relic... you need some mojo? You wanna wash the Viagra down with some mojo? :p
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