7900gs 149.99 No MIR!

Good price on a good low/mid-range card. 150$ is about what you can normally find it online for, after MIR. With the instant rebate, and no shipping, I'd say Best Buy got one right for a change.
I picked one of these up the last time around and its a good card. I played through Dark Messiah and it handled it just fine. I turned my old gaming rig into a HTPC and added this, the only thing I changed was my graphic card and case. I score about 2k less on 3dmark06 with this card at stock, my old card was a 7900GT CO 720/2.2. Stock fan is a little loud but I havent seen it break 60 C in an Antec NSK2400. As far as performance its a great card for the price.

Oh yeah, its not a reference design either. Its bigger, has less then an inch clearance with the power cable in my case. The normal 7900 volt mod doesnt work either and Ive got to hunt for aftermarket cooling compatability when I get a chance. Just a heads up on a few things I didnt realize when I bought it, might not of if I had.
It's also 189.99 @ Fry's right now Before Rebate (There is a $20.00 MIR I believe)
tax kills this deal a bit. also, it's pny, not evga. we've been through this already ;)
and yeah the 7900gs is loud :( great card though
vbrtrmn said:
EVGA (256-P2-N541-T2) GeForce 7900GS 256MB

Standard Ground shipping is $7.32 for me, also be sure to de-select "rush shipping", on the order page.

Reseller Rating: http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Computer_Brain

Wow the newegg side of me saying this might be bad news, but the price is most definitely right.

Only 378 reseller reviews, no image, and not much of a description. Think these are refurbished? Will eVGA honor a warranty if it's purchased through a Joe Schmoe?
mdameron said:
Wow the newegg side of me saying this might be bad news, but the price is most definitely right.

Only 378 reseller reviews, no image, and not much of a description. Think these are refurbished? Will eVGA honor a warranty if it's purchased through a Joe Schmoe?

evga has "Other" for the place of purchase... Email them and ask
mdameron said:
Wow the newegg side of me saying this might be bad news, but the price is most definitely right.

Only 378 reseller reviews, no image, and not much of a description. Think these are refurbished? Will eVGA honor a warranty if it's purchased through a Joe Schmoe?
you should be fine. evga is one of the best companies to deal with
mdameron said:
did YOU buy one?

misery loves company :D
I didn't buy it from them but I got one from newegg a week ago. In fact, I just got back from autozone to get a rear defroster repair kit but they closed early :(

As someone mentioned, it seems 256-P2-N541-T2 is actually for 7600gs so this deal might be no good :(
arrgh...bought the computerbrain 7900GS before reading about the part#.....lame. I just called them to cxl the order and sent an email requesting cancel...guess I'll find out how good their cust service is. It IS a 7600GS - says 128bit further down in small print in the description even thought it says 7900GS all over the page/description (and on my receipt!).
Here's a coupon for 12% off for Reward Zone members at Best Buy that ends today. I purchased one of the 7900gs videocards with this coupon and used an old gift card that still seven bucks. The card comes to $132 with Reward zone coupon. If your not a member sign up and still get to use the coupon at checkout. The barcode did not scan but he was able to maunully enter the number.

You can use this coupon for a number of items or even the Radeon X1950 which is on sale too for $199.

h ttp://emailinfo.bestbuy.com/pp/editor_NET/v3/CampaignWrapper.aspx?E=6297;752429;849745015;1;02&R=T1_CMP_6276&A=1007&ci=6276

Cut and paste and remove the space after the h in http.

Found this at Slickdeals.net

Your Welcome
stock is 450/1320. On stock cooling I can get the to 550 with easy, high 50s under load. I didnt mess with the memory, I read about alot of people having issues raising it more then 50 above stock.
practal said:
stock is 450/1320. On stock cooling I can get the to 550 with easy, high 50s under load. I didnt mess with the memory, I read about alot of people having issues raising it more then 50 above stock.
Stock spec for 7900gs is 450/660 (1320) as you mentioned. The evga ko version is specced at 500/690. Then, with my evga, I'm able to maintain stable speeds at 580/800 (although this may be a bit better than most in terms of memory). There are simple voltmods to enable both higher memory and gpu, although better cooling is advised, especially for the memory mod since there's no throttling for mem and it'll burn if they get too hot. Clocks into the 600's-700's aren't unusual at all after the voltmod :)
DolphinAMD said:
how is this card compared to the $200 X1950 Pro also on sale at bestbuy?
id like to know as well. im in the market for an upgrade and the price is right at ~150 bucks. Anyone with this card please chime in :)
Miami_Fly_Guy said:
id like to know as well. im in the market for an upgrade and the price is right at ~150 bucks. Anyone with this card please chime in :)
It depends how into overclocking you are and what games you play. For the most part, I think people would say the the x1950pro is a better card. The price of the x1950pro is starting to finally fall below 200 for more than a few cards. They have VIVO. Stock for stock, the 1950pro ranges from onpar/slightly better to quite a bit better depending on the benchmark/game. That said, current catalysts don't allow that well of overclocking and it is rumored that in the next version, it will be able to allow for voltage changes to the gpu, which may help it some in that field. Image quality is also said to be better with the ati's.

Now in the field of the nvidia, it overclocks like mad out of the box. Stock is 450/660. Evga's ko comes stock at 500/690. I was able to take mine to 580/800 without artifacting. Then, there are voltmods to the gpu and ram that are extremely easy to perform, and I will soon as well. With those, gpu core speeds go into the 650-700 range pretty easily. Note that the 7900gtx has a 650clock if I recall correctly, although it does have the extra pipelines and shader so it'll be faster at those clocks (and gtx has 2x the ram, but that's no big deal).
practal said:
stock is 450/1320. On stock cooling I can get the to 550 with easy, high 50s under load. I didnt mess with the memory, I read about alot of people having issues raising it more then 50 above stock.

guess i'll stick to buying the 600/1600 version :p
sold out online just as i was adding it guess ill stop by the store tomorrow.
Wanted to update. I took off the hsf for my evga 7900gs. It was pretty well applied grease on there. The copper heatsink was kind of rough though. I smeared as5 all over the copper and wiped off most of it. Put some on the core. Alcohol wiped everything on the board. Put it back on.

Then went to the back and used rear window defroster repair kit and freehanded a 1.5v voltmod. The +0.1v line looked pretty weak, but I was immensely impressed by the freehand with the big brush it came with that I figured what the heck, if it's only 1.4v, that's fine for now, since I'm on stock cooling. And well, so it was. I measured 1.394V with my dmm, so the +0.1v didn't work. Still 1.394 is more than the 1.192 that stock measurements were. Also, I alcohol wiped the entire back. Didn't do any voltmod to the mem since I'm not all too comfortable with the stock cooling.

So now onto new overclocking. Core gets to 650 stable vs 580 before, but no higher :(. 660 gives artifacts. Ram more or less is the same.

GPU temps showing 68-69'c under atitool artifact scanning, which is the same as it was before I did the mod's.

Was kind of hoping for 700+ in core. Maybe with better cooling and voltmod to 1.5 or 1.55 eventually. Hoping to get 900 on the ram with voltmod to that (although I don't know how likely since the chips are hynix 1.4ns which is rated 1000/1.4=714 and I'm already pushing 800 on 2.00v stock).

So far, 9:46 minutes of artifacting and all good. I'm going to post this in a few different relevant 7900gs threads for those who are interested. All in all, if you wanted to be real quick about it, the gpu voltmod would take you about 20 seconds freehand if that. God speed.
i was debating on getting this card but ended up with a used 7800gt for less. is that a good deal or was the 7900gs worth the extra money vs what I paid?
Miami_Fly_Guy said:
i was debating on getting this card but ended up with a used 7800gt for less. is that a good deal or was the 7900gs worth the extra money vs what I paid?
depends how much you paid for the 7800gt :)
ziddey said:
depends how much you paid for the 7800gt :)

Bought an eVGA 7800GT CO (used) w/ an NV silencer on it for $145 shipped. How'd I do compared to this? With shipping and tax it was going to be over $160ish.
i have a pair of these in sli. 8k 3dmark06 with my system here. is there a voltmod for this board (pny/sparkle/ect) It isnt the reference design.
How far have people been able to OC this PNY? From what I've been reading, they're real stinkers OCing wise for some reason.
3dmark03 scores:
21140 650/800
20014 580/800
17931 500/690
16781 450/660

not very tweaked in terms of anything besides 7900gs clocking. looks like 1.4v and 650mhz is quite a bit hotter. saw max of 77'c. yikes!

as for the 7800gt, not a bad deal, but the 7900gs overclocks a lot and can get into 7900gt zone easily. still, not a bad buy
k00lance said:
Does this support HDCP?
It would be great to know.
only higher end ones support it. it'd list it as a feature if it did. i think i saw hdcp evga's on newegg for 200+

just ran a 3dm2k6 @ 650/800:

(You) (5537)

haha obviously i'm not the fastest out of all 7900gs, but compared to the submitted results, it's topping them currently. i saw someone list his results for a 7900gt that could be good to use as comparison with these gs cards:

stock 450/660 4695
oc 532/784 5411
volt mod oc 685/885 6559

looks like the 7900gs isn't doing too poorly at all!!! :):)

plus, my c2d is bone stock right now at 2.13ghz and ram is at 666 with 5-5-5-15-5 timings only :)
Alright, I tried both of the deals Best Buy had to offer. I chose the 7900GS.
The ATI X1950Pro had all sorts of bugs and slowdowns on my system.
The PNY 7900GS is great at overclocking its Core Clock, but not its memory. I could only raise it ~50MHz above stock before artifacts occurred.
But with a high core clock, it is still pretty fast!