7900gs 149.99 No MIR!

Has anyone picked this up in store? I dropped by my local Best Buy and didn't see one in the video card section. There was no tag for it either. When I asked an employee, they just looked through the section and said that it was probably an online-only sale when they didn't find one.
Disconnect said:
Has anyone picked this up in store? I dropped by my local Best Buy and didn't see one in the video card section. There was no tag for it either. When I asked an employee, they just looked through the section and said that it was probably an online-only sale when they didn't find one.

Yea, my best buy didn't have the 7900GS on the shelves. I asked an employee working in the department, and he found 5 in the back warehouse area. Sometimes they forget to restock the cards on display.
ziddey said:
For those interested in voltmods for the sparkle/pny nonreference designs: http://forums.vr-zone.com/showthread.php?t=92948 might help
it's a little crude at the moment but it seems like it could possibly get somewhere with more attention

Many thanks for that link! I haven't been able to find anything on vmods for these cards. Hopefully we can drum up the attention it needs. I put a pair of these in SLI and can't get beyond 540/710. :(
So i pick this card up and install it on my system. There were no signals comming to my lcd monitor. I can hear all the fans spinning and the HD spinning. Could it be that my PSU is too weak for it? Currently I haved a Antec TP2 430 I think. Should i get something more power?
yujie said:
So i pick this card up and install it on my system. There were no signals comming to my lcd monitor. I can hear all the fans spinning and the HD spinning. Could it be that my PSU is too weak for it? Currently I haved a Antec TP2 430 I think. Should i get something more power?

Depending on what else you're powering, first guess would be that that's not the issue. If you're on the edge you could try disconnecting unneccessary drives, cards, fans etc and see if that makes a difference. I would rule out faulty video card before plonking down cash for a new power supply. Don't take offense to this question but did you plug in the auxiliary power connector? It won't work without it.
Yes the aux is plug in. I currently have 4 HDs, 1 DVD rewritabe, Gigabyte ds3, e6300, tuniq tower, SB live and 4 fans including the cpu. So is the Antec TP2 430 enough?
Id try disconnecting some things first but it could be the PSU. Im not certain on the GS but the GTs required 20a on the 12v. I had an Antec 550w TP2 that gave me hell last summer. The system was an AMD 3800x2, 7900GT KO, 2 HDs, NIC, and like 13 fans.

I had the system running for months and added the 7900 and Antec at the same time. I started having major issues so...

I RMAd the psu, problem conitnued..
RMAd the 7900GT, problem continued..
RMAd the Antec RMA, problem continued..
Sold the Antec RMA and bought an OCZ..
Worked flawless...then I upgraded a week later. :cool:
Ah 6 months of headache and no gaming, thank you Antec!!

I would say I hate them but the Antec Fusion in my living room is just so damn sexy.
which is better, the seasonic s12 or the corsair HX? Which one have a long enough 12V to reach the cpu all the way up top on the P180? its almost impossible the way where its place.