7900 GTX reliability


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2005
I had a XFX 7900 GTX 675/1700 before but it artifacted in bf2. So now im back to my lame 7800 gtx 256mb which performs like crap in bf2. I really want a 7900 GTX and they are in stock again. I want to get the XFX 690/1700 but im afraid that it wil artifact. I heard that there are alot of problems with these oced 7900 GTX. Its just that i don't want to waste money shipping the damn thing back if it is defective
Read the article on the front page of [H]ardOCP. Nvidia speaks of these very issues.


Here's the main beef of the topic straight from Nvidia:

"In working with our board partners we discovered the cause of the random slowdown and temporary lockup problems experienced by various users of certain overclocked 7900 GTX graphics boards. Essentially, it was a case where the core and/or memory clocks were driven a bit too high, and the overclocking margins weren't available on those specific boards. For users who experience the problems, the graphics card vendors will work with those individual users to fix the problem. We have learned from our board partners that the situation is now under control."

So it seems the chips released around launch time were affected but now the problem is "under control".
i just bit the bullet and ordered a XFX 7900 gtx 690/1750. Should i cancle it? Im afraid that it will artifact in battlefield 2
kingdomwinds said:
So now im back to my lame 7800 gtx 256mb which performs like crap in bf2.

Erm. My old 7800GTX performed like a champ in BF2. 1600x1200 all high settings, no lag, and I'm still the first person in.
Nicksterr said:
Erm. My old 7800GTX performed like a champ in BF2. 1600x1200 all high settings, no lag, and I'm still the first person in.

LOL - I was gonna say the same thing. I've got a 7800GT and it rocks @ 1280x1024 in BF2. Different strokes for different folks I guess. ;)
well i get 29-30 when there are ton of players on the screen on 64 player maps. I really hate that. I only get 70-90 when there are not many ppl running around. I think my pc is up to spec because i get like 7900 in 3dmark05 and 152 fps in CS:S stress test at 1280x1024 all high 8xAA.

I play BF2 at 1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF all high and get mediocre 40-50 on avg, 30 during heavy action, 80-90 when there is nothing going on. My pc is not oced at all.

I just hope this new XFX 7900 GTX i ordered does not artifact but im pretty sure it will. I will hope for the best
Hey man, it bassically says that some of the cards that came per overclocked were clocked to high for that particular chip....meaning some will be fine and others wont. Buy a regular 7900GTX and overclock it yourself. No problems so far with standard clocks and the performance gain from a "extreme" 7900GTX is like 3%........I sold my X1900XTX cause it was too loud and i love my eVGA 7900GTX, it overclocks to 700/900. Cant go wrong buddy boy!
No problems with my BFG 7900GTX so far. This is after few hours of 3d Mark loops and playing a few games.
I have an XFX 690/1750, overclocked it to 705/1800, played HL2, BF2, Doom 3 for hours, no problems or artifacting whatsoever.
I might be affected by the overclock problem. I have a BFG 7900GTX that was probably from the initial batch (got it from RMA'ing my 7800GTX 512mb near the 7900 launch). It seems to happen randomly when playing CoD2 (only game I'm playing at the moment) where it would freeze (looped sound) but my computer is still running fine (second monitor with my other programs still running ok). If I kill CoD while it's frozen my computer is fine and I can restart the game. But if I leave it frozen for 10-20 seconds and the game resumes, it becomes very choppy and seconds later I get a BSOD with a full system crash. This process happens every time. However, the game only freezes sometimes. I've gone through couple hour sessions with no issues. My temps are consistent, around 45 idle 55 load on the stock cooler.

I've downclocked my card to stock 3d speeds (650/800) with coolbits, so far CoD2 hasn't froze... but again it's random. I've never gotten artifacts btw.
No no you guys got it all wrong, it's Asus' fault!!!!

Good luck with your card, and I'm sure the vendors got it all figured out.
i just got the XFX 7900 GTX 690/1760 and so far no artifacts. I think my min framerate went up in bf2. Im going to have to do more gaming to make sure