68xx available on Newegg, $180/$240 get it before they fix the leak

I hope not, because then I would be forced to buy 2 GTX 460s and SLI them. I'm just waiting for Newegg to get the Gigabyte 6850s back in stock so I can buy two.
So looks like my question was skipped back on page 2.

Would either of these be a good upgrade for a GTX260?
My 6850 said it shipped Friday but it didn't actually ship till Saturday at 7 am. Anyone else get that from newegg?
So looks like my question was skipped back on page 2.

Would either of these be a good upgrade for a GTX260?

short answer is yes, esp with the MLAA showing its stuff right now. a 6870 would probably be the more noticeable upgrade but even a 6850 (esp if you OC it, these things are being reported to clock pretty damn good) would be an upgrade.
So looks like my question was skipped back on page 2.

Would either of these be a good upgrade for a GTX260?

6850 isn't much of an upgrade. Maybe 10-20%. 6870 about 50%.

I would wait until more games you can't enjoy with your GTX260.. GTX 260 is still plenty for any game out there.
GTX 260 is a little bit faster than 5770. GTX 260 sits more at the 5830 performance levels.

Could you show me any reviews regarding this?

I owned a 5830 and its benchmark was closer (and sometime above) the GTX 275, not 260.
GTX 260 is a little bit faster than 5770.

No, it's not. I own both. In real-world gameplay, I've found them to be indistinguishable. If anything the 5770 seems slightly better. Granted I have a 192-core GTX 260, but the difference isn't that much.
if you all think xfx overpriced their cards you should see retail prices on amazon for 6850 6870
if you all think xfx overpriced their cards you should see retail prices on amazon for 6850 6870

This is the time to get XFX though, won't be long before they come out with a turd of a PCB and their own design.
The 6850 is hardly an upgrade from 260. 6870 is more so.

Anything above ~$100 with DX11 will be an upgrade over anything without DX11.

Maybe not in absolute framerate in older pre-DX11 titles or in "converted from console" titles (except Metro 2033) but who cares about those :p

so tempting to press the button on 6870 ... currently rocking x6 @ 3.9 and only a 9800gtx holding it all back. will any of the 69xx series run $250-$300?
(2) 6870s is so tempting ... 1 now and 1 a month from now (if i remain financially responsible :).
I have a feeling 6950 going to be 350
6970 going to be 450
6970 going to be 600
give a take a dollar or two
My XFX 6870 came in, it's nice looking next to my R3E! Feels nice! The sticker even grew on me in person quite a bit.