680i e6300 temp


Limp Gawd
Dec 5, 2006
I am having some trouble fining out the true temp of my e6300 with my 680i mobo. Everest says my idle temp is around 50, while in the bios it reads around 38. Normally I would just believe the bios but what throws me off is that the cpu fan is set to 100% at anthing about 51c, and even when the bios says the cpu is only 38 the fan is going at 100%.

I tried to use mbm5 but this mobo was not on the list. Anyone know which temp is right or a program that is known to be true with this board?
Google "core-temp". The guys over at XS say it's the most accurate. I usually check core-temp and Intel's TAT program. (can also be found by googling "Intel TAT")
Speedfan is another program that reads off the motherboard sensors much like MBM5 did.