600 pointers


Limp Gawd
Jan 13, 2005
Has any one else been getting a lot of 600 pointers? I have gotten three in the last week finished one and I am working on the second two.

Yup they are back.. and this is a good thing

- Fold [H]ard - - Or go [H]ome -
Finally got another one earlier today. Of course I got it on my slowest machine. AMD 1800+
some how one of my p3 733's got one... errr :)

it still has like 100 hours left to go...
i haven't got any in a while. All my Xeon is picking up are the QMD core (damn 2gig ram). My P4 2.8 picked up a pidly 78 pointer last night, and the 1800+ picked up some pidly junk too.

How are you getting the 600 pointers?>
Just luck of the draw...

my p4 3ghz work machine keeps getting small stuff too.. only 512mb
It's seemingly real random, but it's like a floodgate, you get one, and they start coming your way. I've gotten 3 the entire time the 600 pointers have been around, but have been watching everyone around me get these monsters. Enjoy them!

I hope I keep getting them on my main computer, dont want em on my 866's. That would just suck
Got one on my A64 a couple days ago, then when it finished, I got a 302 pointer, and when it finished up yesterday morning, I got another 600 pointer!!! :) doesn't take that much longer to fold the 600 pointer than it does those 251 point gromacs! the A64 is the only boxen set to use -advmethods and large packets :)
I've had a handfull of them over the last 2 weeks or so.
My 3.2G P4 is chewing on one about to spit it out right now and my 2.8G P4 just got one.
The 600pt gods must like me.
same here the only box that i have set up for large packets is my main work computer and my home computer when it is actually turned on. the others are just set for small packets, its a good thing to cause i have a 200+ pointer on both and it is gonna take forever for them to finish.
KodiakStar said:
some how one of my p3 733's got one... errr :)

it still has like 100 hours left to go...
I had a few athlon 900s until I broke them all... they lived on 600 pointers. Usually took 3 or 4 days. But at least they were decent PPD compared to other proteins.
broke them all???

I want my 600 pointers back!! I haven't gotten any yet...... though, my P4 2.66 here at work loves these 450 pointers... I'm getting like 11 pph from them!

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
broke them all???
Yep, I tried to put some duron 1.2s in them (all at the same time, /me is an idiot) and they all went down... I only managed to get one of them going again, and that's my fold-server development machine. I have a celeron 400 fanless machine in my room as a fold-server client test box and geexbox for movies etc.

But no more minifarm for me :( $200 a month is apparently too much to pay for electricity, so even if I got them going again I wouldn't be allowed to use them.
PPatBoyd said:
i've got a 600 pointer, EMIII shows 1:12 PER FRAME :(

What kind of system do you have. I was running two 600 pointers on my 3.2 p4 at the same time, and they were taking about 45-50 minutes a frame.
I want some more 600 pointers. I've only been getting about 2-3 a week at most and I have 3 machines ready to take them. Hopefully the rig in my sig got one recently. My work box got one and spit it out last week. Tomorrow, the 1 Ghz Duron should spit one out.

I think I may switch over my friend's XP 2400+ @ 2.2 to bigpackets also. I was doing it so it wouldn't take up much RAM (he has 512) but he hasn't been using the system much in the past few weeks.

...I had a 2400-2500 pointer..either it was a mistake or idk. It didnt keep going though, It eventually changed to a 400 pointer.
I've had 3 on my main machine in the past week.
2 were submitted today, one from my main rig and another from a borg.
1745 points in a day looks awsome, though I'm sure some are used to it, but I only have 5 machines, and I had 0 yesterday.

I like the 364 point Gromacs the best personally, which I think are betas since they're not listed on stanford's site.
maybe there is some place i can just see.. but what is a 600 pointer? is that a W/U that is worth 600 pts? i have one right now that is ...1400/2500 so is it a 2500 pointer? or do i need a program other than just my f@h graphical client to see?
scottatwittenberg said:
maybe there is some place i can just see.. but what is a 600 pointer? is that a W/U that is worth 600 pts? i have one right now that is ...1400/2500 so is it a 2500 pointer? or do i need a program other than just my f@h graphical client to see?

600 pointers are indeed worth 600 points. The one you have right now is not a 2500 pointer--that is the number of steps required to finish. To find the point value, you can either use some kind of monitoring program like EM3, or look up the point value here. You'll have to look in your FAHLog.txt for the type of protein you're crunching (or the graphical client might have it...but I've never really used the graphical client).

I was getting them on my main rig constantly, now I keep getting a bunch of low pointers. :mad:
It really is just the luck of the draw.

rottweiler said:
I like the 364 point Gromacs the best personally, which I think are betas since they're not listed on stanford's site.

Oh, you're not the only one. My XP mobile and P4 at work just tear through those things in no time. I can pull more than 300 PPD on the XP mobile and around 350 PPD on the work P4 from those things. I would love a steady stream of them to both these systems. Hell, I'll take 'em on all of my currently running systems and borgs that run 24/7. Talk about a huge PPD increase.
