6-Core Nehalem Coming to LGA 1366 This Year

Originally Posted by unclewebb View Post
It takes the best water cooling setup money can buy to cool 4 cores. What are people going to need to cool 6 cores?

I apologize. I thought I was on XtremeSystems. Air cooling a Core i7-920 is fine at 4GHz. Once you start going up to the 4.5GHz and beyond level, then it's time for some water.
Most people are not trying to push a 2.66GHz CPU to 4.5GHz.

Also the 6 core will probably have the similar power requirements to the i7 because the core will run at a much lower voltage than the current i7 920.
Most people are not trying to push a 2.66GHz CPU to 4.5GHz.

Also the 6 core will probably have the similar power requirements to the i7 because the core will run at a much lower voltage than the current i7 920.

I got my 920 to 4Ghz (200x20) easy with turbo mode disabled. But it seemed too hot for anything above that.... I was on good Air, didnt want to go the water route seeing as a 4GHz i7 is more than plenty lol :D
About people complaining about the price, hasnt intel doen this since the days of p4s?

1: Release XE(EE) which is very expensive, at the same time release some Xeons with the new architecture. They are hard to get for everyone except apple who can brag about how they have the fastest CPU in a desktop with a geforce 440fx for a couple of weeks.

2: release cheaper versions once they can make enough xeons to keep the big boys happy.
(and sometimes there's a xeon branded version of the lower priced one available before the desktop version comes out)
You do realize, DeFex, that bloomfield (i7 9xx) was available for like 6 months before the first bloomfield xeon was released, right?
how does Turbo work exactly?

a) Increases by a set amount( 2.66 -> 3.2 = 540mhz)
b) increases by a percentage( 2.66 -> 3.2 = 20%)
c) increases to a certain mhz(2.66 always -> 3.2)

just wondering because if people OC with Turbo enabled, what's the point if its c :p?
how does Turbo work exactly?

a) Increases by a set amount( 2.66 -> 3.2 = 540mhz)
b) increases by a percentage( 2.66 -> 3.2 = 20%)
c) increases to a certain mhz(2.66 always -> 3.2)

just wondering because if people OC with Turbo enabled, what's the point if its c :p?

I think it just bumps the multiplier up a notch or two, but i could be wrong.
It's used for Single threaded apps, the i7 920 has 133mhz increase (which I believe is the same for all 1366 cpu's?). So effectively my cpu is running 3.8ghz when more then 1 thread/core is in use. However, when I'm running Word or another single threaded app, I'm at 4ghz.

The 1156 i7 cpu's is 266mhz I think. Not sure about this because I've never bought/used one ;)
This post makes me sad :(

I'll use the extra cores fully and enjoy it. I already max out my quad core a good portion of the day. Do not tell me what is necessary for computing. This processor is clearly marketed at people who are enthusiasts and/or people who enjoy progress in technology. While increasing speed of the processor is good, most of what I need my quad core benefits more from more cores. The pricing and the naming should be the first indication of that. It takes time and hardware before software take full advantage of the existing hardware.

I'm sorry, where did I say anywhere in my post that you, I, or anyone else shouldn't get a 6 core processor. I merely said that the vast majority of programs won't single handedly take advantage of all cores, so as in my original post, if you multitask, or happen to run one of the few programs that actually takes advantage of multiple cores, then this cpu would be great. You should probably calm down and read the post fully before trying to write something that makes you look foolish.
I'm sorry, where did I say anywhere in my post that you, I, or anyone else shouldn't get a 6 core processor. I merely said that the vast majority of programs won't single handedly take advantage of all cores, so as in my original post, if you multitask, or happen to run one of the few programs that actually takes advantage of multiple cores, then this cpu would be great. You should probably calm down and read the post fully before trying to write something that makes you look foolish.

Encoding would love 6C/12T...that is reason enough for me to get a "gulftown".
Derp, derp. I apologize.

Weren't you leaving? We're well aware this is [H], where common knowledge of things like process refinements and shrinks, don't cause flippant retards to comment "ZOMG I HAVE AN I7 AT 4.6GHZ THAT'S HOT!! HOW'S MORE POSSIBLE??"
Gulftown in 2 months....ICH11R + USB 3.0 in 8 months?

Ugh...I wish the future would get here sooner so I can just upgrade once.