5xxx cards who's NOT having problem.

For anyone with a similar setup as mine, what kind of speeds are you getting with your 5870? Just seeing if mine are correct, or could be higher.
Running at 900/1200 with no issues. Small bump on the core just for kicks. Going to keep this one I think, so not going to OC it like crazy. This card is as good as gold as the 8800 ultra was back in it's day IMO. Might change my tune after Fermi but we'll see.
No problems at 1.00v on the GPU (lowest MSI Afterburner will go :(). Probably even have headroom to overclock a teensy bit.. :D
5770 using 9.12 hotfix drivers. Still can't get it to clock it itself correctly even after using the xml fix. Flickers like crazy when I play games in windowed mode with a browser in background. Got a few grey screens, a black screen, and even a white screen. Using vista 64 bit.
Good and bad news...

So as I said earlier, I went to frys today and picked up another 5870 to test this. Here they are side by side. They look exactly the same. Anyways, I'm happy to report the XFX 5870 does not exhibit the same issue as the Asus, even while following the same steps that created the issue with Asus meticulously. :cool:

Bad news is, of course, I need to return this defective Asus. And because I bought it from Central Computers, that means I get to eat a 15% restocking fee. Oh well. And no i'm not going to even bother putting the asus as a secondary, not even to test. Why? Because technically, in my current financial situation, I shouldn't even be considering the purchase of one 5870, never mind two! :eek: LOL! And something tells me once I see my favorite games with two 5870s, I'll some how make the rational to only exchange the asus to keep both. I gotta protect myself, from myself, lol.

Woohoo - Lady luck was on my side tonight. I just got back from Central and was able to return it without any restocking fee. :cool: Either the guy behind the counter was just being cool or was too new and forgot. So now I just have the better warrantied and correctly working XFX 5870 for another 30 days and can return it for a full refund on the 29th day if I so desire. And it was cheaper at 409 vs 435 (god i love frys). :p
Woohoo - Lady luck was on my side tonight. I just got back from Central and was able to return it without any restocking fee. :cool: Either the guy behind the counter was just being cool or was too new and forgot. So now I just have the better warrantied and correctly working XFX 5870 for another 30 days and can return it for a full refund on the 29th day if I so desire. And it was cheaper at 409 vs 435 (god i love frys). :p

Score dude!

I hope you get a good card this time around. :D

I too take back my no issues. I've been getting the random grey screen of death once in a blue moon. It's annoying because my raid 5 storage array needs to initialize/error correct every time, when I reboot.

Also, I've got the screen hdmi output as a second monitor flickering if I OC issue.

Strangely enough, I can game for hours and have no issues, but randomly, I get the GSODs.
I got my XFX 5870 XXX this past Monday and haven't run into any issues yet. *knock on wood* Running the 9.12 hot fix drivers.
I bought my XFX 5870 on launch day. Besides having a driver issue at first install (probably user error due to my not properly uninstalling previous drivers), I haven't had a single issue with the card. It's been overclocked to 900/1250 with the default fan profile since day one.
lol a lot of people don't seem to be understanding the thread title.

XFX 5850 purchased on launch day here, no problems to speak of.
Put this system together about a month ago and zero problems - all stock, win 7 64 bit home premium and the ATI 9.12's with the hotfix.

I play WoW, A lot of Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect, Call of Duty World at War, MW and MW2, Sims3, Company of Heroes, Battlestations Pacific and Borderlands all with everything maxxed at 1920x1080.

I guess I could add the problem is that I sit my ass in front of the pc all night after work and on weekends and I've gotten fatter since I've neglected the gym and my friends that I don't play with online are getting pissed because I never answer the phone. :D
bought my first 5850 sapphire back when they were first released,just got a second a Asus for crossfire .it flys ,no problems at all. I was concerned about microstuuter none yet .Games smooth as butter
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Been using multiple 5870s, 5850s, and 5970s without any issue.
A friend of mine from work and I both got one when they first came out. Neither of us are having any issues with the cards.

I love my 5870. It's quiet and fast.
My Sapphire 5850 is great no problems as stated earlier,however I ordered an XFX 5870 to try out and it too has no problems so far,I am very happy with both cards...
Diamond 5970, stock, on 3xDell 2209WAs with Accell adaptor... smooth as butta'- not issues yet, knock on wood! :cool:
sapphire vapor-x 5770
O'C @ 975/1350 1.2V

had to flash the bios but its been running great, mostly playing mass effect @ 1280x1024 right now, once in awhile theres frame drop but nothing too bad.
With all the reports of these cards locking with strips, gray screens Im just curious as to how many are working properly. Are you OC'ed and what brand/drivers?

Havent had it yet running XFX 5870 9.12 w/hotfix not OC'ed

Mine has been running since day 1 with zero problems. Smooth as budda
PowerColor HD5770 here. It's the one with the low-profile version of the Arctic Cooling L2. No problems since installing it.
My ASUS 5870 has been running great for 2 weeks now.
I am very happy so far!!!
My XFX 5870 runs great except that since I installed it WinTV and Windows Media Player no longer operate correctly. If I resize or move the window, or open/scroll through another app while WinTV or WMP is running, the audio breaks up, skips in/out or totally stops. My games play beautifully with the 5870, but these audio problems are annoying. I tried using the VLC, QuickTime and Real Media players and there were no audio problems at all. Only with WinTV and Windows Media Player. I also tried uninstalling the full CCC driver package and only installing the 8.681 display driver. Nope. XFX thought it was a codec problem. I updated all my codec files. No luck. I never had these problems with my GTX 285.
Only problem I have it that stupid 400/900 clocks after watching any shows on media center. Should be a driver fix for it eventually.

I once had mine lock to 400/900, but I hadn't used MC...

Every time UVD is used for > 5 minutes my clocks on the video card get stuck at 400/900 unless you reset clocks with AMD GPU tool or reset the PC. So if I use Media center and they get stuck 400/900, I will have to reset the clocks for them to be at normal speeds including while using games. Several other have noted this glitch, specifically in the HTPC forums.
I had to replace one of my first 3 5870s (it was an XFX) because It would not operate properly in 2d mode (artifacts, green lines and dots, 3dmark 06 cpu test would crash with d3d rendercreate failure) and once I exchanged it for a good 5870, I haven't had any problems since, setup is brutally fast.
I am running an XFX 5850 and the 9.12 drivers on Windows 7 64-bit. My mouse cursor goes corrupt on the 2nd monitor screen as well. As suggested in another post, magnifier seems to correct the issue but that's far from an ideal solution.

I have a Logitech G9 mouse, wonder if using Logitech's drivers (I don't currently) would resolve it?
No problems unless I try to overclock beyond 1030|1300. Then the driver will stop responding at some point when gaming.

I'm on Vista HP x64 SP 2 with the platform update so I may use DX11. I've got Cat 9.12 currently installed.
Installed 9.12 and now I appear to have problems.

When playing Alpha Prime and the GPU usage pegged at 100%, well, first thing I noticed is the fan speed (set on auto) never went about 26%, although the GPU temp was roasting... After about a min of this, lots of glitches on the screen, then finally (I believe) vertical lines, thought I had hardlocked as the sound started looping, but then Windows came back with the message about that the driver had crashed and Windows had saved itself or whatever, and at that time I was able to adjust the fan to 100%, and actually return to the game! (earlier times in the game a few days ago a hard-lock was just a hard-lock, turn off, reboot...)

Strange thing I did notice was that when I came back after playing my internet was down, but rebooting my cable modem fixed that, but that still seemed a strange thing to have to do...

But I keep having intermittent hard-lock issues with this computer, but now I am wondering if it is driver or video card related... If so, the problem existed with my 4870x2 as well, but not with my Nvidia 9800GTX+...
Installed 9.12 and now I appear to have problems.

When playing Alpha Prime and the GPU usage pegged at 100%, well, first thing I noticed is the fan speed (set on auto) never went about 26%, although the GPU temp was roasting... After about a min of this, lots of glitches on the screen, then finally (I believe) vertical lines, thought I had hardlocked as the sound started looping, but then Windows came back with the message about that the driver had crashed and Windows had saved itself or whatever, and at that time I was able to adjust the fan to 100%, and actually return to the game! (earlier times in the game a few days ago a hard-lock was just a hard-lock, turn off, reboot...)

Strange thing I did notice was that when I came back after playing my internet was down, but rebooting my cable modem fixed that, but that still seemed a strange thing to have to do...

But I keep having intermittent hard-lock issues with this computer, but now I am wondering if it is driver or video card related... If so, the problem existed with my 4870x2 as well, but not with my Nvidia 9800GTX+...
Are you overclocked (even factory overclocked)? If you are, take it back to stock and try again.
No problems

Diamond 5870 flashed with asus unlocked bios.
System overclocked, 9.12 hotfix drivers, W7 32 and 64bit
No problems with my 5850, may overclock it a bit as well, see what we get and I'll report back.
Have an XFX HD 5770 (v 1.2 I think, orb cooler) that's been running great for nearly a month.

Cat 9.12
Windows 7-64
i5 750
MSI P55-GD80

To be fair I haven't stressed it too hard yet, nor have I worked on seriously overclocking the thing. To be fair, nothing that we've been running or doing really calls for an OC, but I'll get around to doing an OC once some other projects settle down.
As I said in the title, I would have artifacts in some games, cold boot problems, with Vista complaining about the driver daily in System Event, watching MP4 video would sometimes crash the driver, some games like Dirt would crash on long races

I replaced my power supply, and all those problems went away

The 58XX cards use a fair amount of power under load. If your 12v rails are flaky, you will get strange problems. It took a fair amount of time and trying with other components and computers, to find out that the problem was with the power supply

My power supply was a suppossedly top-notch P&C Silencer 750 watt Quad PSU. It was 2 years old already. Replacing it with a new Seasonic M12 750watts PSU, the problems went away
The 58XX cards use a fair amount of power under load. If your 12v rails are flaky, you will get strange problems. It took a fair amount of time and trying with other components and computers, to find out that the problem was with the power supply

My power supply was a suppossedly top-notch P&C Silencer 750 watt Quad PSU. It was 2 years old already. Replacing it with a new Seasonic M12 750watts PSU, the problems went away

Does not bode well for my future.. :(
Mine is running fine on water but doesn't oc very much without getting unstable. Not really anyones fault though.
Are you overclocked (even factory overclocked)? If you are, take it back to stock and try again.

It's an XXX card. I'd hope it could handle it, but maybe not.

But I'm having possibly the same issue at the desktop as well, when it underclocks down to 400. Any suggestions there? (seriously)