5870 OC

Jul 23, 2007
Okay, so I assume that everyone that REALLY wanted a 5870 has one by now, since they stopped selling out on Newegg. I've been playing stock and it is great but still struggles on some heavier load games. I am going to start doin the dirty, and OC tonight. What is everyone's OC experience so far? What are you using?
I haven't OCed mine yet, probably won't for awhile. Just curious- What resolution are you playing at and what games are having the issues?

I'm @ 1920X1200 and my card doesn't break a sweat, granted, I haven't tried Crysis yet!
Just curious- What resolution are you playing at and what games are having the issues?
1600x1200 Maximum Settings with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky seems to lag a bit when I run, gonna try an OC to cut it out.

980 core with fans on 100% and a voltage bump. Needs better cooling for 1Ghz
How much of a voltage bump did you do? What MHz are you running your PCI-E 16 at?
I can't imagine it at 100% all the time... It runs max 31% fan speed at stock speeds during Crysis for me.

I heard a preview of 100% fan speed when I installed the newest catalyst drivers and it tested the fan... it was like a wind tunnel.
I can't imagine it at 100% all the time... It runs max 31% fan speed at stock speeds during Crysis for me.

I heard a preview of 100% fan speed when I installed the newest catalyst drivers and it tested the fan... it was like a wind tunnel.

My CM Stacker 830 has 8 high speed fans so it doesn't really bother me :)
Fair enough. I had a XFX 8800GT with a bugged fan that was on 100% all the time and it was like having a turbine in my room.

My 2nd bedroom is my computer room so i don't hear it unless i go in there. When i'm gaming all you can really hear is Headshot, Ultra kill, Godlike :D

My neighbors hate me
Okay I'm at home just quick used CCC to max OC to 900 core 1300 memory with 65% fan, let you know when crysis finishes installing
My second one just came in today!!! running crossfire at 890/1290. Running at 35% fan, doesn't seem to get too hot in games and is stable in furmark although pretty warm (max 86C). Tried setting fans to 50% and it was deafeningly loud, nothing but respect for anyone runing at higher fan speeds. Is everyone just using ATI overdrive as of now? Can't wait for rivatuner.

Need to update my sig...
My second one just came in today!!! running crossfire at 890/1290. Running at 35% fan, doesn't seem to get too hot in games and is stable in furmark although pretty warm (max 86C). Tried setting fans to 50% and it was deafeningly loud, nothing but respect for anyone runing at higher fan speeds. Is everyone just using ATI overdrive as of now? Can't wait for rivatuner.

Need to update my sig...
so you are running TWO 5870 cards at 1920x1200 and you really are worrying about overclocking them as high as they can go? thats already like have two 4870x2 cards so aside from Crysis and Clear Sky why would you care about going from 115fps to 120fps in a games?
so you are running TWO 5870 cards at 1920x1200 and you really are worrying about overclocking them as high as they can go? thats already like have two 4870x2 cards so aside from Crysis and Clear Sky why would you care about going from 110fps to 120fps in a games?

lol no im not trying to OC any higher than this, I just don't really like the utility in CCC. I guess it works fine though, you're right.
just for kicks does anyone know how to get the HDMI to scale and fit screen with the 5870? It seems they took that out of this CCC.
Crysis still hitches when you put it on Maximum, but I haven't tried Warhead yet. Benchmark at 1280x720 with maximum settings give an AVG FPS of 59. Want to try in DX9 mode next.
I use ATI Overdrive, since AMD GPU Clock Tool crashes my system (probably driver related). Therefore, I'm stuck at 900/1300 until Rivatuner comes out.
so you are running TWO 5870 cards at 1920x1200 and you really are worrying about overclocking them as high as they can go? thats already like have two 4870x2 cards so aside from Crysis and Clear Sky why would you care about going from 115fps to 120fps in a games?

Exactly :)
Crysis still hitches when you put it on Maximum, but I haven't tried Warhead yet. Benchmark at 1280x720 with maximum settings give an AVG FPS of 59. Want to try in DX9 mode next.
if you are averaging 59fps but still hitching then its likely not the power of your video card thats the issue. its either the game itself, driver, or something else on your pc is taking up cpu cycles or hitting the hd.
I've gotten mine up to 950/1250, haven't even tried to go higher. Wasn't able to OC at all using ATI Overdrive, had to use AMD clock tool.
hmm I am running crysis very high at 1920x1200 at 40 fps and it doesn't break a sweat, the card is running at 920/1300, that is at very high so high I haven't tested yet I am sure I would get pretty high fps,

update: just ran the benchmark at high at the same core and memory speed, I get 65fps, that is over twice as fast as my hd 4870 512mb totally awesome.
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hmm I am running crysis very high at 1920x1200 at 40 fps and it doesn't break a sweat, the card is running at 920/1300, that is at very high so high I haven't tested yet I am sure I would get pretty high fps,

update: just ran the benchmark at high at the same core and memory speed, I get 65fps, that is over twice as fast as my hd 4870 512mb totally awesome.

Cool. That's just with a single 5870 right?
I've gotten my Asus up to 950/1300 on stock voltage. Other than E-Peen, I can't really see a reason to go higher. As, I'm not a fan of Crysis/Warhead/Stalker:CS, so there's not really any game that I run that I can't max out, even at stock speeds. Here's to hoping some new engines get released that will make me have to take this card to the max.

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Maybe I will have to go back to normal monitor, but I just noticed that my windows experience went from a 7.1 for graphics on my CRT to a 6.0 through HDMI... Gonna plug it back into CRT and see if it takes...
Plugged it into CRT.. still rates a 6.0! Go into CCC set Overdrive back to defaults, then turn fan back up... 7.1! Apparently the CCC Overdrive tool isn't quite stable yet.
If your loosing fps on benchmarks with higher speeds it means you need to disapate heat better. The heat is killing the scores. Not the clocks
If your loosing fps on benchmarks with higher speeds it means you need to disapate heat better. The heat is killing the scores. Not the clocks
No, the clocks do too, especially on the memory once error correction kicks in.
I maxed mine in CCC which was 900/1300 and I can run Crysis with everything turned all the way up at 1920 x 1080 with no issues.. It's beautiful..
i have the same issue trying to overclock with msi after burner tool and giving it more voltage and leaving the memory untouched, my score actually goes down at 1000core, actually the same score as stock clocks. and no it is not the heat I have the fan controlled in a way that the temps stay in the sixties.
i have the same issue trying to overclock with msi after burner tool and giving it more voltage and leaving the memory untouched, my score actually goes down at 1000core, actually the same score as stock clocks. and no it is not the heat I have the fan controlled in a way that the temps stay in the sixties.
Probably isn't stable then. If you haven't hit 1.35V yet, try it. Just make sure your temps are fine (GPU and voltage regulators).
i have the same issue trying to overclock with msi after burner tool and giving it more voltage and leaving the memory untouched, my score actually goes down at 1000core, actually the same score as stock clocks. and no it is not the heat I have the fan controlled in a way that the temps stay in the sixties.

ati has a error correction code, if to hot, error as frequency to high, it downclocks automatically, its hardware based.
This is why you see numbers so low.

This was done to fix the furmark test that ruined new cards.
nope I have tried 1.35v core and memory at stock clocks, and fan speed adjusted where the temps don't even go in the 70's they hover around 65 and I can bench at those speed fine, no freezing or nothing, everthing runs nice and cool, but still I get no gains in performance.